14 Mart 2025 Cuma English Abone Ol Giriş Yap


24 HAZİRAN 1996 PAZARTESİ SAYFA Öğrenci Yerleştirme Sınavı Soru ve Yanıtları [43 45 soı asagdakı psrcaya gori Des fappartıon des vıJes lesrtommesont oontarutt dss tourı II y a oes c-urs ce ebras » n M ıl y a de» hcmnM c M t t ı Quı n > pe> enMndu pârier öa la Tour penen** dm Ptsa ou ds la Tajr E*t eTT Catte deoıere es! ca**b«s poyr ptosnaurs a&ons Consirufe s la f>n du X1X« sıec» (1663 ators gue partoul on conslrutaaal da bslec maaorıs an p*rre btanct* la "our EHal eef cammc ut ponl f*ie avsre deux stacles Da torro* pomtue en i«r «le annoncaıt *ss rnmensas. tours du XX* s*6cle que fcn appri* *çıaBe-cıer Auıourd"h» dars pteagu* to-utos c«6 tours ©n ne vü F&S ofı iravaSe ce sonl des &\r*aux Cas touts occupent p«u de piace au &c( mats beaueoup en raar Cas! nlertssanl pour I M ÇF*AO*s veles ^OTiroa P«n» Ne* Yoffc ou Montreal oc « y a da Tieıns an mona da piac* pour ConsVuır* et »J t* pra da* larrana devaanf de pfjs er> piyj cner La consUuct>on des tourı — A, s m l»ie #n meme lempt qua les l B) prend Deaucoup da temps Q • corrvnenc* AL XXe uecle 0) a ccmmence cfaOort aux Etats-Unrs E) » ta1 o&naralemenl e-> ç **-• btanche 4 4 La Tour-EilfaH e*i d*«ijim celebre C M ~ A) ••* « ! pencn*» B) u consirbctıon * *jre deux sıedef C) eee ser da bureau 0) ea» a cojıe " « che £) on a ccns fJ 1 Oes grg-te-cıel sut son node« 4 5 Les graftdes vıllas preferent conatruır* des grattte-crel A) car kes genf »ma«! vıvre an hautaur B) p«r manqua de pac» st a C « J M de* tarrams C) «fi aiaı >i> co-üianf bıan '*XM^* char qu» p*j**j-s maıscns D) ahn I^J* Tcn vo« tou da mıta rrrportanca d» bv<l« E) parce gj eftes oi Leaucoup da lerrauns ttrac [44 4fl eorulavı **agıdafci parçaya go*e] cavaplayın ı _ ] Premsa: haM* en Potogne pays tjı*. d a u f% annees 8C s comu Oes changemants potısoues Majs pour luı c eat de rhoıora anc«ef<ne "Oana ia *•*> O H jBunes Dotoraaı d* 1 M£ ia pofcKju* nou« nous panon» de mv&tjue de 'eccie bee, Mtos on M rtoque du eshj Prnznvk esf bc\ •*§*• İ raconie 'A 'entree au tycee ;aı CKMII tei maths phys>ques et ceıle ı ^ « « j * p t i M • bac Pour mon m*tı*r fh*M* maıs aıme le< ordinaieurs p veux iravaıHer da/'S I «ıtorr'ialçue Ceet un maber quı • u" avenr ntareuant e la nn* ute eianee auı a mornem, Praımek **J pa»wwıi d# ! *Moı jo »un ji- v a» rochır | essaı* de '* tous les avanefnemı dL monde aa la > Uet an»* acoutam surioui du dsco mac p irouve que kn niunes som trop ftluences par k v» a roccıdantai*' 48 Les reunas Polonats lacs a la polrt qut par les »vcreırT^nla recents ; •> pr**erern ı* spon* at la Tecoie C' alhres par la v>* a roccıdeNftt* E k daçııs par ia ıtuaion acmeHe 4 7 Ptu* tard le j*un* Praımek v*ut ~ A l aH'e parbe tfun grix.ce de 'oc* B aeven* .n horvmt polftoue #npo«anl Cı gsgner beaueoup tfa/gent D' f>tre ınformehc an E wre proİMieur 41 Preımek aime la mu*ıque pou» ul — Aı e roc* esı jn* vematMe. pa*so f " B Mui* la T U M ) J * occ«Jenta*j esl bonn* O ıe datco «st v qoe ta» ttudas (40 53 «orutento. r « n l « r eumlara I 49 Laa pvyeagca axtraordınatr«a d lılanda ofll altira pluaiaura cinaaatva quı l«a onl trfıUaaa comm* dacor a kaur film B L tfLarKJe a iou>ours st« ur pay» v potı* iaı c n»asl(» an iHande an f««o" da la baauM öm paysages D) L lr and» pottac« d»s paysagas avraordt- nari t}ua p>^ıx*urs f*-ra <yM aıd« a 1ara ccrtnaıt e a itavars te monda E CT»w en Mande <tu« certauıs raansatftur» om tou'na leurs ptu* haauı tams 50 C*tl« *nr>e« İa Portuçal a * t a l« a«ul p»¥» d Europe a refuter t« passag« i I heuıa d el« A C<Mi¥ne tous tea ans es pa>* europeans y cof*çns te Pcriuga son passas de l*h«ure ıfH'ver a Pı«ure <S aı» M Pom^a a 3ccap4ef te pas&ag* a I tıeure eurcp««"3 essaen ^ena ain«e de t» PortugaJ da pastar a rbaore Dt TOUE le$ pays JEı-roc# s a j « Portuga* ot* de rouveau acc«p>4 c«iie *rr»*« llıofaı*e Ei PO«T la pf*n*ta fow c»n» annaa le D or)ugai a re*usf le ctı*xj«nent snrua* ifhoraır» a reıenple oe lous tes autres p«ys »urop««ns 51 Laa ant«ntt r«elsnwnl an prıorrte i leura paranla lea produHe doni la publlcltc a la latevıaıon İ«ur a piu S) t « oaranls *«utenf QD* «urı e^la conaommert i*s produn» dont on * b«aucoup de pjbicne d La pvjbtert» ıat*vı»aa (ta cartar-s p p*a<t a lafaaaux paraıvfı •( a «ur D) Le» pvtNs «vıt»rt d"ach«tar a l«uıs en'antj tas maR3u«s do"! a te»*vTsıon FaH U pob trte E) La ıetevı»ıon iaıt la pub Ki\t d« c«fa>rs pro- dLrts prtof taifamam [»«' un puO*c defJam» $2 L »fdfn«t««r mem« l« ptu* pu'asant, n« pourra jamait r*fnplac*r la cervaau humaın B) On a tabogue r^amataur DCKJT qu un joor le cafv«au da rhomma pussa M repo»er ur pau ordmaleur scrt Cwn p.<_s gua c**« du carvaai. da n D) L ordJnaUHH i #™*t» taman â E) L mieüçerce de rhomms n« poorra |ana« *t-e rernpiaeae par r n 53 Prrtonn» n e ı l eOr qua >•• aaaais nuclasirca <rançala dana )• PacHtqwa aoi«fll «ana dang«r pour I «ıvifon- nemcnt trar>cart dans le Pac*<lue ne c*«*en(em aucun fesqu« acoto^apua Bl La« assan noc'a»*'»* da la Franc« na derangemi parso^^e dars le Pacfigue e» n* menacem pas 'e"vıron->emoni Q La Fra«ce a anr»wv:e cı»e sas assatt nuct*aırfts dans le Pacihj.je ne m«nacera»ni pas dy isjt Tefiviforınameni D) Uaıntftnant e Paci^ı.6 est 9" oanger a cause de» essae nyciaafes (rançaa E) Les F anças fw son pas persuades de la nacessae das essas nuctea r«» oans te 5 4 Grâce a I ımprtpnefrc l« mondt da Tecnt e a«t ouvart a un plua gtmnd rvombra da lecteurt — Uaıe aaıl on qıis itnventlon du pftp'c de Tencre dea cafacteres mobıtca aont dee inwar>Ilona plu» ar»cıennes venant dea Chrrvoıa? A) Car or ng pouval ropr«lrre «e "<VT«» gu« p v B) Pourant les pr<?!»ueurs sa platgnant ds U pa*es» das et«ves de^ ast la fcedtra Ü) C»si a ûutenberg que fiıe modeme en 1462 55 D e f u l * plua d"un aıvcta la tampa de travatl dımınua ra^ulieremenl La pert da tempe coneacraa aux loıaira ıugm»ntf donc — Au cııtema an theatre et ÜaJi» l«a expo«HkMiı de peınture on ranconi™ de plua en ptu» da monda A1 Cesı pourpuo « s «d^eurs S4sa**i* da dm^iıef le pra du HT« B) Dam les arfia*s 8C sar eıempl» on a ass«!« a un versable châr^anvnt culur« Maa le budget du ırm-sı«<» d» u Cuirura a D( Car « M paMı F leurs parerHs SS - Cette annee c eat le lıim 'Brave- heart' da M*l Gıbson quı a oblenu a !uı • tu( cınq Oacar* MBIS !•» Arr>«f»caJn» n oublıent pa« lea fiime le« p4ua rnauvaıa Un jury apaoal •• reunlt pour donner un prl* aux acteura lea plua nult de I annee A Le ctrwr!a frartçaıs est en crı&e tes Mrns ne l* vandeni plua a f et anger B) ~as Ffanç** aıment baa jcotıp le Ai« Elats-Orac la caremon* öes Oscavs I M meaiaura lims D) L M p*ys aurop««ns ort propots d» lan ant |oum6« mcr^diale du Onefna tou* !•» acteurs morts cstte ann*a 5 7 Le premler »upermafche a ele ouvert en France en 1957 at le premtar hypar marche aix ana plua lard - Ce deveJoppemafit raptd» a, b*en »uı cfıanga l«a habıluöea dea conaom- rnataura Lse Françaıa echetent da molna en tna na dana taa p*IK« c o m m v r c e e A Car les grancts magastns parmens da« soki«* qua!ro mo s par an B Le gouvefrıemeni veu" essaye rfaıdc les grandvt su^âcas touch«es pa/ la Cf se C) De*oma»s la cfente'a esi p4us exıgeart(e «/ la quatıta das produııs traıs D) Afm tfeviter le vot das camsras ont «1» «ıSlaMes darts les grandes fuHaces E) Au|twrrfhuı on irouve a pa^. pfes 7 00C de ces graiis rnagasiı a ffaverı ta pays 51 O t t e annee la Morvag* reprend * chaeae a a» b*t>«« phoquea Ptndant 2 moıa *n vHet le* chaaaeura vont tuaı 2İ 000 anırTMuı — Et comme la peche 99i la prıncipafa aetıvıta 4* pay* l a * pecheura ncrvesena ne veulani paa que i*ur pfodtfctton baiaae i ca«*« dea phoquea A) Parfnı lovs lea mammHeres m»r ns b phoque r arn da r 81 Aıj cır^ua las anlanls anrvnt regarder tas phoçues |ouer avec deı bators CI Le* pecheu'S emme^ont *• lâor»l«t aorw«r las phoquas vıvanl en kberte Dl La» phçnjues »onı deve*x*» irop oofT*r«nı M mangant une pjanda qu«fHıta d» po*ıons E) Les phoqu*s *ont d** mer*ux proleças car Is sont deveous rares İS9 -64 eoruierda verilen dufumfarda j 5B Aprea une eıpo»i!ıon pendani laqu*lte i\ a vandu loua aa« lableauı un peıntra eıp'irne t a aattafactkon A j e T>atıendaıı a une mettaura compranansıon da La par du puofec Bj Je suıs tres heureuı da voır qua la pubta: apprecM mcn travad cala mancoofaga a C Je me demarda commarf ieı 9*^1 p*Lva<ıl acneter des labtoauı s crt«rs 0 Mon •JtpouVnr n s ma s je »u s a D«U p'M S £ Je fuıs t ' « 'ontent car d personr>as ont vııie rnoo s encore lermnee SU' oe ICKJI vendre 10 Un ciudtani veui aa rendr» tfl France pour le* vecanccs ıl dcnande dea A) V a M de* condttıoos «paoate* et * M paptars a r*rrp*r pour obtenır un *na Bl Peut on poset sa candtdsturs pour profnet d* bour&*3 a*eiudes ar> France'' O Pouv*ı VOUE •n* donnsr ta htia des •ntnaprset Vançasaı * ı Tunjua? D\ Je voudrat* »avo» quenes sont len possâMktas a apprandr* le f'ancan an France potv un etran^er €1 Un tounate >nsatı*la<t monire aon meconteniemem aprea un voyage organise A Je ne ragref]» p » getr» par «r> £g>p*« toul *au c«4a m a pemı* d* vtMar le pays autrement B) Jamaa j * ne ma tu<s auUn arrx,M) que pendan' ce» vacances |e vous conseılkt •^•arrnert cetie agence C] Nc^f n avans C**qu« nen ^u du ?ayt al on r>out a c*r\ı louı taı pur» ^ mcmes repas quer r ance 1 Cr) Jal un pfcfai genıal pou leı proch»n*s vacances un voyage o"jn n c * an Cîme »vac un groupe ctama £} Je ne r»toun>*.a« ptus dans cet hoisi car las chan-txts sont &£*es at (e personnel n a * pas Un chanieut t r n ccMbra donn* laa raıaon* pour teequeltea II a dectda d arretef da ehamer — B} /aıme î>eajccup rrçp pubhc rnas oöi«9« de te Quh#f pour de* raıson 0) Ce »onl des rasons s«n(>m»ntales qu TI on4 pooesa a choagır le metıeı de chanieu' E) l n y a aucune r«son gue [ arrüe ma tarr#ra nnanianant ;e «agne owr irop <Targent poor 6 3 Un aoetolague Maaıe d aıpüqtter la vkslence eheı l«« jeunaa — A La vto ence est pour certains pu"*» uf moyerı o*axpnTn«r leur =o*re « da 3| Les leunea (HJI on< oes probtemM famılıauı ont aouvant da* dtfhcu^es scotaıres C) La vıoterc* das jetınes a aflart dara certaav pays des dHTtensnnt cataslroprııque> D| O rtmarçue ?u# t» nofnbre da reunes an pnson r augmenle paa depuıs des annees E Le gouvemetnent a propose des mesur*s pojr aıder las r»urtsı »r dfıcuNa 6 4 Un lyceen eıp!ıque pourquoı II vaut devenir medvcın A; L H eiJdeı 0e meoactna som trof dıtfıcies et durent trop h>nguTpı B) Depuıs que je &nn frrlart j * env« tfaıder Kmt •** je~s qui souftreni Cı a vue rfjn pe« de sang rne end nıalaOe D^ Jame beauccup voya^er votia p<3urquoı | * c*o*sı ce meiıe £ V c grar^-pe e «la« rr*oec n mon pefe esl ı ft veiB 'aıre aure choae' b o ı bırsbıia» hıaımnda *O] olafatl*c*k *O2U bulunut. «S Laurant Papa j *l I I ana au,ourd*huı slor* f» voudraıs apprendre a conduıre Son peıe - Laurant Je le promeU da coMİutre • eulemeflt auprea da loı Son p*ra i e «a'« retlaehır apr«a tout lu ae peut-e<re ra.aon r* poutraı* ml*>ux I * A HOJS aios t acn«le jne louveie bıcydelle pour te-r annıwer»a»e Bt J« Tınte * * ce rerttrer apres 22 h*ıre* lu n as que 18 ans C) Pas a-eslıon m es beaucoup trop eune e« \ p ss jamaıs prudenl D} Je prefere cue lu 9 ertrea « irasi poar parir an vacances E) Tu pratıgues d«fa troa sporıs d bmn s t f 6 C Le reporter Lee faun«a aont lr*a s«fi«ıbl«* a Tanviron nement commenl explıqiieı vou* £•(»"' Un pohitcnn lla »onl ptu* conacıenta dee probtontea parca qu d* *ont nea dan* un monde pollu* Le reponer El voua le« hommea polMtquea qu en panaaz U*i polılıctatı — A| Nous aHons aıdaf tcutes laa aclrV#« en lavaur d* la pf«ecion de la Naturg B( C'sst nofmai qL e »es |«unes a>eN peur CR, cHomage ıls s-30 «a p'Bfmers I ^ J hes Q D> E' 6 7 Co S«j Co Nous 7^ons cre* de Jeunes LM 9*^s on: pMn« nalj. • Lea conftas e rm sont pas ı b*sor Tr» les m*r* Tu * n c r l n n * Ouı ma «fl onl norrtf ds faı 0 onnaı rqw* ejses> vsrsois Oe •« du epoi en s et t • 1* tr*« Is toule* ftu S saffrnlS prix c esl me* amte* S« mere Ecouie c* n **t pa* la marque quı (*H la qualrte du v*l*m«nt )e n* veuı paa p*y*r «eulefnent pour la A) Maman gue penses ı. i e la nouvefte voflüra B M»rnan ^ /oudraıs aüar er veefc-arıd au bord M*man pou"3)s-iu T7ache(er deî unel e Pay Ban' E Maman BJ b«so<n cfur |«an Lev > 501 68 Pıerre II me faut un petrt travaıl pour cal ete Mıhe II y a le chonr. laver le* voMurea »endre dee journau» lıvrer dee p u ı a * Plerre Mlka Voua lea Françata vouc etee trea d'ftıcifa* ALJZ Elets Unlı ceal loujoura une fterte da Iravadler el on accept* n ımporte quol A] /ador* abr au bora de la mer pondant lee vacances c*eıe C Mats *e 'aa des etudes de dnxt * ma taut un trava I Oara ce dcmane D Mes carents rr^e dcr«ni bea*xoup rfargenl de poch« je n af pas besan de travaıner E Oud^d 30 (aı! des etudes c esi dıtiıcıle de iravanter en merrw lemps €9 S(il«nr Je c/ıerche bn bor, (nrre potır les vacances Tu n m rien a me con*e>llef'' Aslı Ça lomba bl*n (a *ui* en Iraifi de hre un tr** beau roman 'L Amanl' de Uarguerıte Duras Aslı Ne tınqutete pae •> a ata traduıt en turc A Vaıs u sas bmn que fe ne connaıs pas le 'rançats Bj Ah £HM | a «< un Imrn adapte de ca (*** Q W*s |« Ta> defa kj' Tu n an as pas un aulıe? Dı Ari non J"s dea »ss«ye oe le »re maıs ıl ny a pas ass*z rfacf or poa mo E; Mâ'^^e ıte Duras7 ecnvaın ( aoçaıs qu es. ncrte I y a ÇK4ques rno»1 7 0 Uarc Je vouoraıs changer dapparta- menl Marc J« ••!• bi«n ma4« f% n« peuK plu* monter * ı ı etaga* a ptad plusıeurs 'ot* par |our Suzy Moı je te coneeılle de reflechır car on trouve drffteilem*n1 des Immcubiea avec a»can»aut A) Tu *«u* un iogemenl plus grand cu mo«w chet'' Bı Cest una borrw Klee1 Ton »udo a va^ianl besom dur bon C(H<F de pem1u>e O T ens rnats (• Oyaıs au contraıre que lon prop"eta»rfl »oulatl rsp'endre fappar er»w D) Je »uıs contenle qu« lu pu«ses parsg*' ton loye/ avec Paul E Ah' Le b n ne ta pLa>l pkj**» H esJ pourlanl Ires aoteafc'a 11 T**t* have •hovrn thal Ihıs product laats — three time* longer than any cther simılar product A) auch as B) al once C) as many D) so tnuch E) at least 12 Mosl ol the speclatore ***m*d to en)oy ine match - A) and neıther o>d I 5 so I havent C) * ı do too D but i dıdnl £) as am doıng 13 The chıld w»e nadurally very upeet «rhen h* *••* hr* tuw batl — out to aea. A) hsvrvg carr ed B) ıo have :vrted Q betngcarned D) to t» c*T*d Et carryaıa 14 H they lei u* kr>cw «vhtch flighi they ar* coming on then ot caurte we thern •t the airport A) havfl met 8| «nH maai C) ıtould hava mei 0) Ud mta 1S When I - ınto the eate sh« — by herseH al one o( Iha tables n«M the A) * a * e d / was ı«t ng 8) am •raSurg uâ C) was wakıo9 has sai 0) have wrfıed / woutd s* E) wa* nas D«en tnng 16 Aa aoon aa I — pafd I — you rtl oul tor a trmmi A| have got noukl lata 8 ) gol r-ava taken C) « i ! pei wil Taka 0 ) get «"I laka E am flettıng tvat latong I 7 By t h « Itme w * - nearly all the food A} arnved hac b«er> aatan 8) aınve rta* be*n aatan C) ar* arrvmg haa \o b« aalan O) would arnu* / rtad ealen E) h«ve amvtd / >s bo og ealen I 1 H* *aid h* - me today but mo lar h« A) wı« prtona domtn I 3) Kadphon«d hadni C) wou*d p^ona h*»n1 D) 0hon«s sn t E} ph<7n«d cfcdn E 19 24 sorularda verılen cumteyı uygu< ;ekı<d* ı*n>«ml*yan ifadeyı bulunut 71 (I) Mapolaon avart rave d an lunnel s«ua la «#n«h* pour mıtvmhır rAnglvierrc (II) Lea guerre* tranco anglai*** onl longt*mpa Irlluene* les relailona entre lea deux pays (IU) Par İa suıt* de nombfiuı ptojets av*4*ni ete ımagın** (IV> Ha ont touıours ete sbandonnea |usqu en 1M« dat* du lancemsnt d* I *Eurolunn*l" {V) Le* Iravsuv du plua grand chaniter du morvde ont commatnca en 1911 *1 a* »ont t*rm<n«* en 1M4 A) I B) I C) 'II D) IV E V 72 (I) Laa j«ur>a« paaaant da moıne *n mo>ni d* temp* devant la talevtsıon car • nnuyauı (II) tı* *oni pluioi atiın»* p* les jeuı vıdeo et I ordınaıeur (lll) lls veuteltt «Ua actifs |ouer et apprendr* en mama ıemp* (IV) La televiston permet de savoır lout c« quı se paase darts te moode (V) Dans I avenır ıl f*udr* donc cre«r d*s l*levnıon* q«ıi pourronl etre utılısees commt d** ordinalcur* A| I Bl I C) I D)IV 6}V 7 3 II) Troı* conetructeur* •momotıı!** europeene oni decıde de pfodu re un rnoteur quı ne pollu* pae (H) II • agdl oTun doubla moteu' tn*rmlque «t electnqu* fHt) Le molcur ıh«rm<que plu* pı*ı**ant **ıa utıtı*e sur rout* «t l*tactnqu* *ar* uülıaa en vılle (IV) II faut faıre verflter deuı k>ts ^t an le mouur de *an »utomobtl* (V) G* ımttvr a auaai ravanlage de faıra moina de bruıt et d* comommtr p«u d"energle 1 S She haa alarsys ertjoyed «rotking ın e bank A) »s i « « s so rear \c her ofl'c* B) ıl onty sr>* w*r* b*lt*r patd O trtal wa* a ch>ldtsh d'ctm ot h*rs 0) unU she rr^rne-O two years ago E) aıthough iho nvorktrtg hcurs •(• very tong 2 0 — tt a Importajnf l o repfece I h * water you losa through *wealİ*iB- A) When sales of bottJed wateı had n a a a a « d B) Even ıl you doni t**J tharsty after asercmng C) AJTt-ough motm thar haB the we*ghı ol the 0} No4 cnhf do •*• get som* (vster Irom the Io->ds <ve «at E; & n c * ıap wal«f ı% rh« moct rrtabi* sourc* 2 1 « e need to flnd <*ays lo cope wt«h İt A} U rertanatac^ »a* *s&»ntıa <or a healhy rrvnd andbcdy B) An*r «»• had aamad in* Innng coruMnn* A| i ^ II C) H E] V 74 (I) L ecout* d une mu*>qt>* ırea forte rend le* jvunee de plue en plu* sourtis (II) O** teaia ont «1* fart* lur de* amateurs de walk mmr de dıscotheque et de concerts de rock (Hl) Ce aont d'etltoure cea dernıers quı cavseni le* degftt* le* plu* tmpO'Mani* «t k * plu* defınitit* (IV) L ore lle p«rd en etfet 44% d* »a cepeette deeoufe tors d un •eul concert (V) Le* p>acea d* rancart •ont devenuc* *i che*es qu i\ e*t d (llcll* pour les |«une* dy sller Ol vVhetfte' he Ha* ccnihd»nca »1 our plana or E) A« ın* dtte A) the pMr 'vaturally slops ae soon as you amve k>r your acpomiment B) 1*^3 loolh couia nol rıav* baen ıave<t Ci yco c * ı neı hn numbet from lt>a i*t*phon* V B> II C) »I D) IV E V 75 (I) Dea qo <(* eav*n! »e t»ntf o«boul >*• bebes veulent fnarcner (U) Le* «dult** quant i euı marchari da mofns an fnoına (M) Le tral«ı «1 I »vlon pe«mettent d * ae d*pfac«r rafHdement (IV) II lauctrart pourtant rdrouver te plaisır d atra pMtotı (V) D ailleuf* la march» esl le m*tti*vt moya 0* rttttr ea torme E) l can recommertd mana w«h graaı con'tdanc 2 3 - who croaeed the Aılantlc alone In • m*>ll ••'! ng crafi A) That ınısl ba tfı* rnan Bt The n«w* ı* ir>at Cj I cani belıeve tnaf anyoe Dı I dıdnl real^a how f*v» peopt* E Pr«sumably he *>as iy*ıç 2 4 Sınc* ı h * poor und«r*lartd poverty — A n e o*»' m*3W have been lurned down ndednıtety Bt ı^e kaveleıs «>er* ovaoaınelmed by 1h« B) II C\ Wl E) V FflANSJZCA TESTI BITI1 CEVAPLAniNIZI KONTROL EDINtZ r»jch money on 1**» <rwn Ol t*t« ruOÖS avalaMe nave be*n f v una gentrovsty rtıan rhs nch YABANCI DİL TESTI İNGILIZCE YABANCI WL TESTLERINIH CEVAP ANAHTAHLARI BiaBİRINDEN FARKLICMfl YASANCt DiLINİZ) CEVAP KÂGIOINOA AYRILAN YER£ IŞARETLEyEYl UNUTMAYIHIZ 7 3 t. 3u1«sfl«n he&apianrn Bu lesi-e 7 Cflvaoia^ıa CevapUrn asTda 3 >a •sle^ 2i C*V«D e/udak, t •urcisflp kat&avıs d. ,»5( d,=a wş ye>le ı van Yabancı D* Ag.Hetl. OYS p w w ı^aoanc D' Te» >ç*i aynUn kıstna şanMfcıyvHZ mjvvedo* i;" 1 'ıi'lanabtlv^nu 1 18 sorularda cumlede bof bırakılan yerlere uygur duıen aozcuk yı d ı İfadey bulunuz 10ıularda v*r len Ingıltıc* Turhc» dengını faulunm Youv* kep! ua w*ıîmg hmrm far tmo houTS Nezi ııme make aure you ar« — At suıtabla B miı.emai C) pi-nctua D) varıabM E) Oetaied In ordef lo — t h u theory w carned ojt â numbtr ot exper ment* 2S rl you v a n l 10 speod ttıa w*ekend here, you arlll hev* to lel me kn>« In mdrmnee B) DersuadeA) conlesi O mfrttt 3 The ~ about the date ol the g n ı trw result of a typırg trrot Aı rjepenoeice B} appfcva C| confusKin 0 eıpfessıoo 6) cc* •bu'ıo'1 4 Th(s report teem* Irtleresiıng in part* bu1 Jhe iaat sectıon ıs — unrealıstıc E$e* ^alta sonuiü bur g »lıyarsar ben< 6nc«d«n hab«(dar avnen gervkı Eğef Duray* g*4ac»>nt onceoan bıtMycSm, Kafta sonuru sanınıe gaçraberdm S Few young p«opie can stan up a butıaetı — Uıtt havmg to borro* rroney A| ndeed B hfcug^ Cj aoout D) *W>out E) cver Ma«ıe euf* you turn the (eJ«vıswn bttof* you 90 out but f«*v* <m« of the lıghts - A) down oul B of( I üt\ C up n DI ^.ul over 7 Th« vıew — our wındow must b* on« of the besi any«rhere — the town AJ tr ovftf B) fhrough / 01 C) from n D) totm ouSsıde El by above B — he »aa leeltng very tıred, h« Bgre«d to walk wıth me a* f*f aa Ihe n«xt vltlıge Af Smze 8 So far OUntl 01 As* E) Ev-i thoogn 9 Take yout credıi card wıth you — you •re expected to pay for the dtnner A; r case Bj uness Cl 50 1iat Dl bu! Ef wn«ıher 10 l v « brought iwo naw*pap»r* You can have one you lıke A) whflr*v»r Bj «hıchev»' d 0 «tıoever E) wna(ev«f E Hatta sonuru o ^ i f n e k ıç n t>urada oUuğunu oûremnce her^e1 ^ o^ldtm. 26 Sinc* he « M * I h * onty doctot In t h * lovm thcy tıad no oth#r choıc* but to A Eğer kasabadakı tsk dotdof o oluydı. hd lteo başka ç Kasab*is ^tvendıtdefl ı u dotnor o C> Kasabadata lek dDUor o »Imesına rağm»n htç kımse ona ouvennryor E Kasabadato tek ctokiar 3 oUcğu ^ m «endtsr* guvenm&rter başna çareaen voktu. On* ol t h * aım* o( 1M> ınlervmv •• to ••*••• «rhelher o« not you ara t h * rıght percor for the job A Bu oc-rjşmwwn !«k amacı if «;ın n* oenKe uygyn oidu§unuzii b«+rlamek)» 9) iş ı^n dc-^u kışüerden bo 0*43 o*rrad gınıza doğru kıs ofup oknadığınız Ol Bu s «;i" do^nj ktşıy buiup bulamafnah. yapı acak 9orusr>e<ere baglıdır E Göruşm&er eş ıçn (togru lcşı oJup o t m d ^ d*5»'l#nıirm«fc ^ m yaprtryo» 28 Someiimes you can t know eaactly wh*re tKe dan9er «rıll come trom A) Bazen i«httkonın lam otarak nereden geleceğı™ Memeztıoa Bl S-azen nefet»n tehvkeh otduöumu onceden b4 * C) Baıan lehikenın nereyo yoneüc oldu tam ola/ak soyleyemezsın D) Bazı lehrkeleno nereden jeieceŞ-n zaman tntemeyebılirsın E) TeWAe»er fcaien beklenmeı** the dıflerence between akılled and unakdled worker* » ı d e n * A» G(*hr*fdeki estls^lık artt kca vasıft vasılsü «sçder arasındakı larV 6) Vasrtt! ve vasrtsıl tş^rfer arasındatn lart buyü*)Şu >Çin getır esAsjzlıden arttyor C) Vas'fl* ve vası'sız <9çıW arasındaiu gehr es/itszl»^ gıH*çe anmakiadtr O) VasıfU ve vasrta z >»ç*'er arasındak 'ark aç> dtkça gerv eşrtsı^Fıkter) anabafır E) Vasrrk we vasıfsız $cde< a.ralanndakı gelr iü artl &<nı odıyof at 30 No one know* eısctly how peopr* learn a language although a greai deal ol research has been carried out on the aubject A) Insanlann nas4 dtl oğrend»gı koousunöa araştiTna yapaniafin hçtxn konuyii îam otarak btfmemekied* B) Ksarlann <& oğrenme becerrian korKtsunda pek çok a#a;t<rma yaptlmışıif ancak hıç brmenm konuyla Ag* kacm bır yargısı bulunmamaMadır Q Insantan^ naaıi di oj^endi^ lam olarak Mmmeo>gı ıç<n arasiırmalann ;ogu bv koou uzerırıde yapıfc-nafctadtr 0) Hıç kvnsemn «nsanların nas I dri oğrendt^ı konusunda yapılan ara^'u-malaraan haben yok E> Konuyla ig& t»rqok arafl rma yaptimasına ragraan bt; kımsa ınsanların nas 1 * ogrendıj^nı kasn otarak t t j 31 36 sorulards vef'len Turkçe | cumlenın Ingılızce dengıni buıunuz | 31 Geyık mg-açimrdakl b'fkaç m\m» difindm bahçemiıdekı her seyt yennJf Aj Eıcepı I c a ltw appies cr> ıha Irees the deer Kas eaten everyitı ng m our garden B) The deer n our garden IMI eat anytlmg thal grows excapt apples Q The apfta Iraes m our garden are the orHy on«s tha deer hasnt ealen D) Everyihmg m oor garden «Kluding the «pp*e» on Ih* trmv* has b«*n ealen by tne deer E) Excapl lor ine applee of the traes »1 our garden ina oe«r lound rv^lhng wodh aalıng 3 2 Onun 1990 dan bu yana yeni pezerfar yaraimada sagladıgı ilarleme Inanılmaz Aj B*t*«en 1 »90 and the presem she has be«n responsfcie (or the openıng ol an amaftng nonber o> n m marfcets B; She can 1 befceve tnaı ıo many naw rnarkets hav» aclually b*«n op*n«d *«TC* 1990 O The p'oçre&s sne has made m creatvıg n«w markets »nce 1990 M rctedfcle D) New> marketa have come mto bemg ın quıck tycc*«H0fi smc« 1990 due lo her efloris E) Her succeu n eıtend>nç the markat snca 1990 deserves ıc be recognı/ed 33 Defnokratlk bır toplum oluslurmak İcİn onu*n ne Raoar ••»uc aoe*a et inis oidvgun u ilk kez lafkaıtım A) I was ıhe t<t-& 10 Ljnderstand how Kard ha had louçri! m creaıe a democratK: socwry B) M tnu port 1 fnaJy reahtad thal h« sfruggla (o buid up a damocratic sooety vroutd b* a hard one Q H9 fınrfy r«a*ı*d th»t trıa tVuggte 10 buıid up a democranc socıefy *ou« ba a h*rd ona D> I teahjend (or ıhe f rsl 1*na how hard h« had slruggled fo buıW up a democratıc sDCtety tl Al (>rs( h>s Struggle lo c^eaıe a democralıc socieiy was not appreoaled 34 tfİMİ bır»kma> konusunda kararlt ancak latHasının yaratacegı *Ofiuçlard*m emın degıl A) He nas ^van r hn rasıgnatKm bu 1 he nni sure that I M I I M accapced B) He ts deıefmjned to taave hu po<s<ıon but ı*nt ıııre aboui the ootcome cı hıs Q Ha wan» 10 stop «roriong bul • about Mttat wil happeA ' he aciuaıJy re»9n« 0) The ouKome ol rus re*>gnaAor w*\ oory be appareni after he Ka* sıopped wwturg E) He s*l >snt j^re abou* wh«tber or nct ne oughı to leave ha post on b u cenamty n« wa»ts to 35 Kifi kmrmmşık v« <o< bır durumta karfılafttgında h*p bir keçty yolıl ara* 4 3 A s t h e p a s s a g e p o ı n t s o u l t h e p o p m i M k c t ı n g e r P h r l C o l l t n s — A ) o n ç p n a t y o a n i e d l o w o r k a l o n ç s t d e h s a î h e r B ) w a s r l o d u c e d e a r t y m t m H a 1 0 t h t t w o r * d o * Q gol trttle efKouragemenı l'sm h« (am*, D) nas the lırsi tn hıs tamey tc go or stage E) condnued *MS schootıng even after he look a part tı the mjsıcal Orvflf1 44 Accordıng to t h * paeaage although Phıl Coil na began hıs care«r m I h e theatre A) Ms real rtsresı tay m muSK B) ha a*ways drsamed o' baang a successKll bus*>essrnan hke h s famer O ha d«] so ^»ry unonlrgly E) he has 3>*eys dbhfced beng rrı the publc 46 The passaoe tell* us Ihat the year 1*75 Al was mrfı*>r P* C&l^ıs fı sl had a sonç accepted by Ggnes« Bı was tSe f**r m wrncfı Pt,J Coilıns Wt the G*n*su group Q «ns a turnır-g p c M «ı PhJ Co4ns s Ha D) tvas one ol ^ a a t dısapp^tntments lor Ph4 El saw The e*xl ol Phıl CoHvu > caretM as a sınger « 4 « e o r u l e n a a a ğ ı d . k ı p . r ç a y a g o r a j c*vaptay nn j Er1 sh lo«rns sut'er Ifom ıhe js "ne 1r*f( congeılton rtoıse a^d ooilut'rıg fuır*( as a oa^s ın tfı« «estem nortd Mıt as ye on London r^etvcasıl* Gts>gow ana 1» a ırra aıtenl Lıv«rpooi hav* ut#lüt rathva^t çc<p > und*rg/aund ^ r o u g h tha central ar«4i £l*ewrte*e tnere are p ans 'or :mtd n undergrognd 'aitrays bU Ihey have I* -e hope o maJıng «iy progress iMth ıhem u icr^ as ptine aapendaur* v rMlrlctad In gonarai ıh* naih t»a» b*n«< pubtc ira->*pofi tnan | t ^ »DufK «nt 4 0 Aa ıl rs potnted out >n t h * pss*a>ge moat Bıhlsl town* have no undargroıjnd ra<hjray sy*tam - A) a* tha ıy*l*m ıs t*K ıo cajse a gn»at deal ol B) Ther* A 00 wey one can eacape Irom a rvaity comp4ex and oVfcutl utuaiıon O VVhen ona lacaa a cor«4aı and dÜlıcuR utualıorı or>« ahvays tooka loı a w*y o( ascaoe D) Evart a dftculı aod cptrpleı s^uaUon s berte factd than a E) Anyone who hâs (ace<l a dtffcult and comple» Sılualıon rıaa kıok«d IQ( a way ol escape 3 6 Son araaHrmalar daha **k 11 uretım yöntemterine ihtıyac duydugumuzu ortaya koymuştur A) More aflactMe sysier-« ol rasearch ar* essenut i pfoducnofi S I O M d C a ı * * t not *•» to b« a proctıcal «yst outsıde Londan D bacaus* rhers « not »urtc»^l pdtfr avatabis 'w soctı 3*oı*cts E sırnp^y b*c*ıKe *r-e peopie teen no nee A) Ln>*nxMN has ha mos underground Ba n lysiern «1 Brlafı B} rnce oeople * * * nea o*~< can <n itı* n than ^ th* «Hrtrı Q the nonr oi Brıtajn sjlters Ittss o n vat a man ıhe soutn * > « D) th* souıh of Brtam en|oyı cheap and IngMy erhc«nt öus sarvıcM E) Brnuh cıtMi Kave muefı lets a* fX)*uDon lh»n othsr -1.es ın th* w%%t 4 1 The euihor * u g g * * t * !h*t under^round ra (w*y* a r * an eıceffarrt meaıt* of Iraneport «ınce Cl (he buitdng and -na-nt«n*nc« 0' fr*n s C«rvarat-v*ry ch«ac O the nLimb^* " ^ j ü-se them can •«•«, be .•s! ıcted E> the (arvces oHerec an hem ars constontly 6) Acco'dmg lo recsnt ret*arcrı mor* affedtva raethods ot produciıon are bwng ıntrcx*jc»(l C) Uonj ef*ectnr* sysiama ot produdıon can b« •specied ss an ouKocne ot recent r**«*t<tı Dl Recvnt r *saarch aıms to dacover nvre «Hecirv* melhodl ol product»n E} Recvnt resaarch has sHown (h«t we need more aHed#v* rtethods cf producfior 3 7 3 9 a o r u l a n a f a g t d a k ı p a r ç a y a g o r a I c e v a p t a y t n n | T h « b a a u t y a t b r e a d « rts s r T p h c n y O o t * a n d t ı q u r i a r e t h « m a » n ı * v g r « - j i » n f * a l o n g w t h y a a s l a n d s o n > e ı > m e s s a n a n d I r o n ' H e s * b a s c s w e g e t a n o u r s ^ ' n g a n d t a s y F o o d f r a f g ı v e s u s c a f t o e h y d r a t e * p f o t * n a n d 6 rt*nm a n d c o m e * m a * n d s v a r « r y o l s h a p e s I e * t u r e s a n d l l a v o u r s P f a c i c a t t y a v e r y c u l i u ' * h a t « a u w n l y p e o l b f e a d a n d m a n y h a v e m o ı » ! ) w s n e r o r c a n i u n a s ı l w a a t h e w h r t * b r « a d s t f ı a l < v e r * p o p u i a » o u ' n o w a d a y e m o r e a n d r m > t » p « o p * e f N j h ı f y p r a f a r t h e b r a * m v r i l a g e t y p « o * b r a a O w + ı c h c o n l ı ı n ı l a r m o r * v l a r r * f t s a n d > » a l s o m u c r i a s t > e r 3 7 A a İ 1 i * p o f a t l e d o u l ı r t t h a ı n g r * d i « n t * o l b r * a d — 49 D o n i take «ny not c * o( eH h ı * eomplaınta aboul h • haatlih the<* • nolhıng orong mlh him A Try o avuıd 'r>« sut.tec of h«J »>•»*?• as l<rBd of hearatg a l aboul hıs Cl you «ı hım he «rould ah onPy about has il- heatrh Ihouçfı actaaiy ha 1$ quıt» tiaaalhy O> Hıs cxnpia»nı n thal you tkscuss hm haaJth cobiefns ouf do nolhtng to ove«onw them. E Vou can ıgnor* ali hat tatk oi b**nç # he's •cSoa&y t>ert*cily healhy l**w but \h» rt«avy raıaı made th • lmpo**ıbl« K\ 1 1 hartr,' aıo«a so hsavry we «*OL-*C hav* waJkM< ıghs fccro tn* lm« B tn spıte of tf>a hea>> raır m» manage-3 lo •aOt Kılw > y round [h* t*ke u pta>rr#3 C) The rıeavy ra " naarty pr*u-enı*d ut trnr «raiı^g rghl ound th* lakaj D) W« Mouid hav* tvaJked r*gh( round tha ktks even 4 • rıad ram*d heavıiy doni afto* lor rnutri o o f c o o k i n g y m trw manner C) are few and tırrpı* bul t w e « much vanety m İne type ol braad producad 0) ara bw *i lood vakıe E) are now vefy doterent from W+VM they **r« a <9<w cenl^rıes ago 31 Tha pa*sao« etr**se* thal bread I* a uselul ıtem ın Our dıet ~ A] evan tnough most peop»a don 1 re*ty UkM In* taste 0 ) o n a c c o u n l o f o o l h ı t s t t a v o u r a r < l t h e n o u n s h m a n t rt p r o s ı d e s 19 Accordmg ta the pss**g* the present day trend ın lavour o l brown bread — A « understandabte and 10 be ancouraged B) -j not a heaRhy ırand Cl carmol be axpected 10 conbnue D) as 10 ba Jound <wrfy m th* v E) has n<yb<ng lo do «vılh guafcty c but on*y wfıth appea ar«e I 40-42. «oruifffi *şaçfd»ki p v ç a y ı gora I I c t v a p l a j t ı ı n j Many nl us enjcy a vısK lo a zoo and t^r Ihose see*tg »ons and t ge » lcf t*te t rst ime t s Kifery a rnost thrHng «peneoce Buı hp« mgny peopie stop ıo wondsr hcw rhe an ma s are tMİng m thafr otten unsudab* surrou/KİrçJ9 Mos! 100» cannol atford to provids all \t>4 separats spec es vnth the ngM vwwrtnr»rt The anımats. m zoos may be mlMed t M s lwnting arvmai manls 10 hurt lo# *ts owm food 40 11 >s pofnted out m the passage that commg dose to tuctı wiJd •mmılı M tıgers and Irons A) can oniy be posstfe r iarge îoos S) yves sone peopie a s(rong ser^» ot C) can fraifl therr- vefy ag^essıve towards people D) e jnsellbng for yocr^g chıkiran E) « 'h* ofky «ay to un4arst»nd ihetr aatmg 41 The terıtef («als that lew peopte - A) vts* a 100 « tKdar t? see ıhe an mats there 8) ara wvSVentıt tc ıha feeinçs of zco anrma» O are ınteresteo1 »1 any ot Ihe iTHma speoes DJ are sufıoentıy s*nsıtrve Io the r-ondSıons ot anvnab k«pt n ;oos Eı reaty *f»ni h o see a vvıng tco 0* ttger 42 ft 1* «mpha*/x«J m (he pasaage ttıaf the lıvıng condıtıons oi mo»t aniRails m tooa - A ) a r e c a r e ' u l y c e s ı g n e d t o m a k e t h e h a p p y 8 ) f i a v « r e c c r t f t y m - p r o v e d g r e a f l y Q c o u k S a a s ı t y b e ı r r p r o v e d a l S t t % c c s t 0 ) I d u s a b t a f c o u t h e n a t j r a l B n v n i n m e n t E ) a r a v e r y d i f e r e M t r o m i h o s d o f t h e t r n a ^ u r a f a n v r c i m e f i i 4 3 4 S « o r u l a r ı a ş a g ı d a k ı p a r ç a y a g o r * [ c e v a p l a y m > z [ B o f t o n J a r u a r y 3 0 t h 1 9 5 1 P h ı l C o f c u i M i t w ) d e s i n e d l o r a I r l e û n t h e s l a g e W N t o N s f o t h a t • a s ı n c h a r g a a ' a n n s j t a n o s o f l ı c e h n m o t h e r m a f i a g e c a h e * t r e s c h o c l m L o f K i o n A J I t h r * e a l h e r c h l d r * n n a d p a n s 1 ' ı f m s W h a n P r t ı l g o l a p a r ! m t h e L o n d o n p r o o ^ c l > o n 0 ' O l ı v e r h e X I s c n o o l t o r a c a r e e r ı n a r t m ç M o a n w M e h e « r a « a i r e a d y p l a y ı n g d r i i m s a l p a r t w s a r d c t u b s a n d n a d b e g u n I o m r t m h r s o w n s o n ç s s * c / « K y h c ç n n g ( h a t o n a d a y f h s s » t o j S S b e h » s f j l l ı ı m a r & b T r t e n m 1 9 7 C * o r n « 4 h n g h a p c e n « d i n a l c h a n g a d h » l ı t a H e b e c a m e t h e d r u f n m s r o f 1 r « G e n e s s g r o u p 51 I cant ramember whtn I laat aaw h m, but it • eeTtaNMİy a Vonfl tln>* *ff* A) I srıaA r>«v*r *orgw ~n*Mmg hırn even I r » • long WW »90 C) W*V* onry met cnce ar-Ğ thal was too long ago lor me c r«mervbe< hnr E) I d Mı* lo •orget how mary y**rs hav* pas*«d sınca l«sl u w rıtm 0) Stnce th* roaös are full ol trarhc al ras hour Sınc* *he -cad> ars so buvy <«• w o r ı De •&« to gel th«r« n under an hour Tnere are so man> -ars on the oads 9*M * * cani get there for hours 5 3 T h e r * w e r e r t ö p o o r p e r f o r m a n c a * b u t t h a t o f t h e R u * * > a n d a n c e r a w a * e * H i * i n l y I h * b « e t A ) T h e & « & t p e r l o r m a n c t t s • > « * • i h o * w a l ! M R o s a ^ i s s s r r n a o l I h e O l h o r s w * r e p o o r & ) T h e l l a r ı d a / d o l d a n c m g w a s h ı g h p a t K u l a r t y « f n o n g m e R u s s a n s C ) T h e R u s s ı a n c t » n c e < s w « r e w e « w o r m « t r s l c h ı r t g b u t t h e o t f i e r * ı v e r s n i D ) T h e y a J I o a ı v e d w « b u t t h e F * j s s ı a . n d a n c e f S « r e r e l a r b o f l o f t h a n l ^ e o t h e r s y e r e u y g u n d u ş c n i i o d e v b u h ı n u z , . i 5 4 T h e w o r k a ' • c h * c k i n e l * r k * ı • • r * e * ( h l v * T l c k * t * t ı t c r ı a e k c d l u g g a g a 1* • • • j l i t t l • • • ! • a r a a c h a n g * t o r t h * b a t t a r t o r t h * c l * r k n o w h u t o d e a w ı t h a > o t o t a n g r y a n d l r u * t r * t * d p « O ! ) < « e C] T h * c « r t r » ^ « * y - i a * T > - a a p p a r U m ı r y t o tornmm* Th* cmvmttmor k*>v* a clark Tna pa««*n9*r« ara uıuaHy loo • kslen lo mhal the ctm 3 sayng 9TKİ •<l«'*f », t n g ıcıted lo btılu SS J * n * tfthal* th* b*at <rsy ta g*t I PoH.fton? T m Go by U*fn R a c haap «nd J-m A) Oood de* — rm *fr*4d I haven I Wlıy doni you pnone th* ra hvay vlatıon? B) m u n f i M «mdd kfc* lo come too C) Hava you ar\/ KJB* ho« IT»JI* a IEX*I C CT 1 ry derrvagıag *t flrounı •btoluıeiy •*< irt» l l p h l l •»•Intalnrng lıl* Ullr*-vtol*t llght whıch ructva* u* >a nol fıM*r*d In tMa w*y It ean c*ua* aarlous aya trvubtaa •«d akcn canct* »ncrc «ı ıh« * 0 Th*r*lcr« many ıtibıurKM m UM •nvınimsnl may b« •sı«nhoJ tor Vtm r-am coaoc* o' m* »coioçc ty«t«m C| But Iha lerrtjff a t ^ t «I «te ptanoı "as nsan crû-, aboui 3" C unce !h» (ast c* 39* The O U H D EHl'bath II (• th* ıttmt ot * l*>g* ™<t«rn p ı i M n g e r shkp *nd lh«r* art nol many ah p* tık* har no« — Compi'Mİ lo B<r raval ••• travcf an « tuıury 1trt*f b*. very »kt« *nd v*ry •>p«n*h(* bul I h * ll**-day voyag* o>n th* Q a * a n Ef'iabcth II •• r*a<ly a rtoliday 1D 11».» * M ] *n M p « r » ^ c * 10 £) 8»J *>i! vt tnrrüf ciDnıdad al -vsh hourf SS K*r*n Whara enı you gcuıg ın auch a hurry? H*l*n Hom*. 1*h*r* a n k>ts of peopla B) I *tt*n I *aü bu* ean g*t uıma c«k*s trom 1h* caka sr><ıp O W*fl pıornt«*o ta ba horm by ITtm and d 1 isariy «our n » th«y ar* grvmg u* chocol«ı* caka El Why rof Wtt«ı »ol c* c*M do vou tha» 87 Kl>k Laf* go oul lo dtnn*f lontghL Yc* | « M wond*rtng aboui Iryırtg (fc*4 n«w Ch(n*a« d b« v*ry ntc* Imov 9ial you *«r* cootung 8 a pıly C Ma** ytn* goı O\ Vrny aonl •* go E I hop* you «art A lot ol p.opl* I k* » « - But a larga gard*"ı m*anB a t ot «rork end a atmmU o«r(**n c*rı t>* *dm lo look •>t'*m*ty Bitıaclıv* On* O3*«i"'ı ae' muc 0ard*n m th* «mllt photograph compalrtıon b*«* and thosa aCvo dont N««(Dnwr« lo Lon<tcn ol1*n eomplaın of th* lack ol pubNc actlvKI*w eapaclalh/ ın t h * avan nga — E**ni»g cl«a*«* for n«t»ne* ar* llourlahlng «t preaanl Th*r* a ı * «ventng chaa**S laadıng 10 praf*«aion*l quatit callon* (hara ara alao c •••*• r*l*l*d lo Aj The Royı Oo«'» HouM a aıluaMd r S . * Dtd M ra*!ty-> Clara • t* H»d**d Tm for him, «t Nc< y * Wa . . M M I U I Uond*y E) > « D^ni you hr-o*? On* ol Frankt phoM* g« Ih* 'WSI prnM Q Mo b u thar* • a rumoıM oMng around Dvaı UartBi ha*Mon I» Mc I hkad (h* on«S U M ı n * » g«rd*r b M E Boo * « ba ivrrtı'y dnvappomtad • h* do**n1 gat • prız* P*l*r WhW* you. aıator dotltg no«? Raalh/T I thovghl aha •antad lo b* • hııvyvr Dh no Sn« a atvaya • n ı l M B) Sh* • at t*ı* urrve D) E SS İ duf< S» T Y «I A) 9) Et Mo« thaı •«•n'on* haa a p*op4* go to «atcr. a bv* *t*v«on ae< l « w loofM» matıch Musca •rtt4rt»'vna>fvs ar* rnyı popul*/ aa lf# lar<9>ı*O* probi«rrı n no) apparanl H4 aorulvd* ••' lan duruma »ygun n rl*d«yi bulunujf * h*adme*l*ı ea<a you ı( you coald On *om* vısto-ra ıraund you> achoot >u at* very ple***d M Ihı* »nd «gr*« onca aaying m af atd nvterv jo< ıtı« ı>m* al <h* 1 o* d*^rn«d ı«<*)w « 1 * aafty »ıa»* ıc IIı aw*u 1 '••"• ' U g r ı c»k* and It * gen* aJI ov ol yvur n*w bto«M* Vou lo tn*l badty aboul ı ao HhccouUdo « r • 0 İ M * ot •r tit* ateeır* doni aranl har voH **y «V sludymg la* »r* roung >** Ml tfi« « iMiri a>ı*rv a iurM Sh* s aı 3a/t* *J Th* baıi •«, t d t>« lo ıry out a taw C) N*v*r ımnd- I I «Uh n *n<( « • • b* kk* f**w n lo4»v ıc rrn raaıly aPıar olm*v*<ı cumlnl bu nı anrtoyed A Irtand wartt* ta borroa • *cl*ool feoofe from fou You don 1 «anl lo l*nû It to h*r *a ah* 1 almaya ato« n ratunung •varyth ng Stta maıata FlnaHy you sgr** bul r*th*r r*ljctanily Tou »ay A) vv«js a rıgriL t*»« 1 6L1 ıni •& 0»* rıght 8) Ho c*dann>y nol Yotj rt*w*r grvs Uingt &ack O) Mny thouM r~ Vou to*ı Vı* l « l booh «m you E) Taks 1 ! doni INnfc 1 tftaH *var nMd K VoU f**l aorry tor yoı*ı motho whtt baa b**n MI «ıth thı and haa lo go beck le arork Htough * h * U n ı »ooklny M all *•<• Ycm »artl lo h*V he* a» r n ı >«y 8) Wh*o you 9*1 « I hav* ta do Ih* nou**a*9rk and haM domg * O Oon 1 aıorry about nta rn ^oır^g lo ^ * * ' İ g ttv* fhj too 10 Hl Way u 6 3 in * d*y Of I B D t »ill b* A ıc* a blrthday Inatead oi *v*ryon« fn I h * group buylng h*r a aapafat* p«*a*M you ıhınh a n * flood p r a u n l Irom «v*ryon* «rould b * HMjeh b«(l*r Yo«ı (I) Oniona harm atmaif» b**n ooputar (II) Irt lacl onloM w* •*•• le««T bı (H) Tk*« *r* Qn« *l manMa.d'a *artt*«t « ay c**um*d kı atıcf«nl E gypt ûr**c« and R o » (IV) Sy lh- ı ı . . n l M « l t t.ntu.y l r a y i n g ıtp « ı y g m •• a ••1*4 ing>adl«nt *ad a bra«kla*l 'haa'lh lood (V) Today o<ıloa«, allhar co«B*d or r«s ar* aaad ın a C H 0 "i (I) $mok»g ia a *•«•>-•• thal la tkıaatv lnk*d to *p«c>el llmca and tpccıal placaa (II) II you br*ah tb*a* HnkB you c«n btaak th* habtt <IR) Ttn b**t •*y of dolng th • la lo av»t d th« •itiMtıon* wh*>« yoa voutd iMtanally aınokt (IV) In ıh>a way yca o n graduaiıy ı ı r o k a !•«• a»d »•• (V) Tn*r*f«r* you dan I atın by *l»ppMiB •'•oklng O in D IV (t) H*r* I ana |O U IM1 my td«*l ol a hettd»* *>llaoe (II) Tft* acanary •*wT •lw« ıa qvıte d*l>gnttıW ••d tha ptopb ar* tn*»dly aı»d bo*prt*bla (Rl) F*f (M bo**v*t tb* n>*İn attrectıoM )• tbM II haa kapı It* orirjinal c<WKHc and r*m*fn*d p**c*lul and qu «l IV) In aonı* coonlflvı tovnam I* cartariaty on* of lh« p(»c pl* tou'ca* af iacoaı* (V) I *•!• ta llod m«**(l •urnuiHtad by In* lourıtl »duatry *md har* I am nal A) i 8 1 C M Dı V t£ V (I) Otch'4* ata boiN a paaaıoa and a bv»M«>* for Anry Ed* (II) $«* r«n* tna Uaad* Orchiçl C*rde> !n Slngapo'a • klcb «•• lounded by h*r IMhar la 1951 (IU) V.t ı n * orcatd •• r««*n»»d a* I b * HK.»I «ttracl v * sf llo.arlng plant* (IV tt h M b*c«iM lantou* lor H* calkKIMn ol otd*r varı«O*a m*ny «f «hıch ara n«« rat* (V) A* s*H aa pr*«*rvıng orchıd hı*lo-y I h * gard*n ia an lanponant pert f S hl •Kport traö* 7S (I) W. a n aB C) a 0 ny E V *wara o< th* dauıtfar* l r o r t {IIJ R b £ 33" 7 *,TOW arflK lo buy tor AAc* Sh* f ı « av*rythıng 84 You ara «vıng a p*rty and ar* Irying lo per»aade oa* o( yout ln««d* to com* to <t You knoN h* do«.nt en>|oy c<owrj*d, no-tay partıe* aa yaıı **y to hjm B| Ev*ryone wat M * a * { J am*Mb*ı that h**lth ınsufaAce |wo».d« mOA*Y altBf Ih* «veM {Mli Bul wrı*n travallıng •broad «a fnor* outa d* our «»ua anvtronmenl and don < krtoa •hal tn* problcırıa »I ıh* n*« *nv)foafn*nt * ( • (IV) fvrtba 1 (ic* ara «r* irtont vpoB cn|«yukg our**t<n+ «« taka l*aa car* ol «u(Ml<*ı than wa abould (V] Th>« bj wtîy tha loraıS n«t | a almaya *l gnatar İNGlLtZCE TESTI BİTT1 CEVAPLARIN1Z KONTROL EDtMlZ doktor, avukat, işletmeci, mühendis. gazeteci olan binlerce öğrencimiz aynı tatlı heyecanı yaşadı... 12. yılımızda yeni kuşaklara bu heyecanı taşıyacağız. ÇAĞDAŞ DERSHANE Hatboyu Cad. Na: 44 BAKIRKÖY Tel: S61 06 46 - 542 90 56
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