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7MAYIS 1990 EKONOMİ CUMHURİYET/15 ELEMAN MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT TMIIS LOOKİNG FOR MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS For the past year Time Manager Intemational (TMI) has successfuily operated in the Turkısh market with Time Manager Seminars with intematıonal consultants, but we now feel the need for havıng consultants to/un the courses in Turkish. 2 CONSULTANCY 3 SAIES 4 CUSTOUER RElAtlONS 5 INTERNAL REIATIONS 6 7 8 9 \ \ \ \ \ TMI consultants have an extensive traıning based upon the newest research vvıthin management psychology. quality and relations. TMI consultants work in an excıtıng and developing envıronment and have a very good earnıng. If you would like to be a member of the TMI family as management consultant and if you meet the above mentioned requırements, then call or write tp: PDR Training & Consultancy Ltd. Oya Sk. Tumer Han No.1/9 80300 Gayrettepe/İSTANBUL Tel No : 166 67 28 Fax No : 166 20 26 All inquiries will be treated strictly confidential. The TMI Gıoup has öwng me iast 15 years aevenptO mto Eınpe s largest suppfcer ol tranng. consutancy and ptıyscaı Droducts *ıltnn management. pefsm* eflectocness. reiaftons ana qua«iy Time Manager İntematıonal A/S has been sopomıed nmnber 1 m an ESIf lEuıopean Setvct IndusSnes Fonsm) reoon to Bw EC COMMISSION Sınce the ItMjnomg m DENMARK ın 1975 more ffian 1 500 000 peopie nave parHapaUd m TMI s traıning prognnuras and TMI has ırude cnange pracesses uı smral thousand companJts Sottı tn Ihe pnvate and ttM publıc sector TMI s repsesmted itvoıght subsıdıanes and agents m 36 covntnes and POft e the «clusve actnce of T M m TlffîKEV As a management consultant in TMI you will: • Create better results • Create higher motivation • Increase quality • Coordınate better • Develop company culture TMI has some high demands to its consultants: • Extremely good communı cation skills • University degree • Management experience • Empathy, vvarmth and a good sence of humour İMANİ MAN Truck & Bus Turkey * Avcdar'da kurulu işyerimizde çahştırılmak üzere, aşağıda nitelikleri belirtilen; PC-ANALİST PROGRAMCI ARANIYOR. • Almanca yada Ingüizce bilen, • Universite mezunu, • En az iki yü deneyimli. Adaylann, şahsen ya da fotografb öz geçmişlerini içeren bir mektupla, adresimize başvunnalan rica olunur. MAN KAMVON ve OTOBÜS TİCARET LTD.ŞTİ' Firuzköy Yolu No: 32 Avcüar 34840 Istanbul Telefon: 59119 49 - 591 07 84 LARGEST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF THE NETHERLANDS IS LOOKİNG FOR A SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER REQUIREMENTS OF THE JOB ARE - FLUENCY IN ENGLISH - B.A. OR M.B.A. DEGREE FROM A WELL KNOWN UNİVERSİTY - MIN. 3 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN MARKETING BANKING PRODUCTS - PRESENTABILITY - EFFICIENCY. CANDIDATES WHO LIKE TO CONTINUE THEIR PROFESSIONAL CAREER IN AN INTERNATIONAL SETTING ARE INVITED TO APPLY IN WRITING BEFORE MAY 21ST WITH A FULL CURRICULUM VITAE IN ENGLISH AND PHOTOGRAPH TO: PERSONNEL DEPT. P.O.BOX 624 BEYOĞLU-ÎSTANBUL HBU Bank A subsıdıar> of wıth over 1000 olYices uorldwıde İnönu Cad. 15. Gümuşsuyu. 80075 Beyoğlu-İstanbul Tel • (9-1) 1448802 (8Lınes).Fax:(9-l) 1492008. LARGEST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF THE NETHERLANDS IS LOOKİNG FOR A SENIOR FEVANCIAL ANALYST REQUIREMENTS OF THE JOB ARE - FLUENCY IN ENGLISH - UNİVERSİTY DEGREE IN FINANCE - MIN. 2 YEARS EXPERIENCE CANDIDATES ARE REQUESTED TO APPLY IN WRITING BEFORE MAY 21ST WITH A FULL CURRICULUM V1TAE IN ENGLISH AND PHOTOGRAPH TO: PERSONNEL DEPT. P.O.BOX 624 BEYOĞLU/İSTANBUL HBÜ Bank A subsıdıary of wılh over 10O0 ofTices world*ıde İnönu Cad 15, Gûmüşsuyu, 80075 Beyoğlu-İstanbul.Tel.: (9-1) 1448802 (8 Lınes).Fav(9-l) 1492008. Roche is seeking for PRODUCT MANAGERS reporting directly to the Diagnostics Marketing Manager Applicants should *have university degree from the school of administration, pharmacy or equivalent *have past experience in marketing and sales of diagnostic instruments and test kits *have good knovvledge of English language, both vvritten and spoken *have no obligation in military service (for male applicants) *not be over 30 years of age Those interested in joining our company are required to send a written CV with a recent photo to R0CHE-D1AGN0ST1CA P.K.16LEVENT/İSTANBUL ITBA istanbul Turco - British Associalion EXECUTIVE OFFICER / SECRETARY with initiative and good organisational skills required for ITBA. Applicants must have: Good English / Turkish language skills Experience of the follovving is an advantage; English ' Turkish typing and word processing Administrative responsibility in previous posts. Please apply in English enclosüıg a cv to: P.K. 520 Şişli 80224 İstanbul \ Closing date for applicatıons: 18Mav 1990 YÖNETİM GELİŞTİPME MERKEZİ MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT CENTEP Glaxo Danışmanlığını yapmakta olduğumuz, sektörünün önde gelen, A.B.D. bağlantılı hi-tech, dinamik bir kuruluşunun iç piyasadaki tüm satış faaliyetlerinden Genel Müdür'e karşı sorumlu olarak görevlendirilmek üzere; ÜST DÜZEY SATIŞ YÖNETİCİSİ 1 aramaktayız. - Modern pazarlama ve satış bilgisine sahip, - Satış Yöneticiliği, miişteri ve bayi ilişkilerinde en az 5 yıl deneyimli - Çok iyi Ingilizce bilen, - Tecrübeli ve dinamik bir takıma liderlik edecek. - Kararlı, azimli ve yaratıcı adayların tanışmak üzere aşağıdaki telefonlarımızdan randevu almalarını rica ediyoruz. Barbaros Bulvarı No. 20/2 Balmumcu-İstanbul Tel: 174 88 48 (2 hat) TIBBI SATIŞ MÛMESSİLLERİ İstanbul, Ankara, Izmır, Adana, Samsun, Diyarbakır, Konya, Edirne, Tekirdağ, Kocaeli, Adapazan, Zonguldak, Bursa, Balıkesir, Isparta, Denizli, Aydın, Sivas, Kayseri. Antalya, Mersin, İskenderun, Gaziantep, Malatya, Trabzon, Erzurum ve Van İllerinde görevlendirilecek; HJniversite-Yüksek Okul Mezunu, (Tercihan Eczacı-Bıolog-Kimyager-Ekonomist) '30yaşınıgeçmemiş, • Askerlik görevini tamamlamış, »Seyahat etmesine engel bulunmayan, 'En az lyıllık oto ehliyetine sahip, •Dinamik, çalışkan, prezentabl BAY-BAYAN Elemanlar aranmaktadır. isteklilerin aşağıda belirtilen adrese kendi elyazılan ile birtikte yazılmış geniş Ozgeçmişleri, Fotoğraf, Diploma-Bonservis, Oto Ehliyetnamesi Fotokopileh ile birlikte, 18 Mayıs 1990 tahhine kadar müracaat etmeleri rica olunur. Ingilizce bilmek tercih nedenidir. Bûtün müracaatlar gizli tutulacaktır. Personel Müdürlüğü Posta Kutusu 138 80700 Levent/İSTANBUL Pamukbank Human Resource Management A challenging opportunity for a Job Analyst Trainee at Pamukbank's Head Office in Gayrettepe. Essentîal Qualifıcations: • University graduation in the social or administrative sciences, or any other related discipline; • Excellent analytical skills; • Excellent oral and written communication skills, in both, Turkish and English. Desirable Qualification: • Experience in the field of personnel management, public relations or any other related administrative field is desirable, but not mandatory. Consideration will be given to the • enthusiastic individuals who have a desire to learn and to work with a dynamic Project Team. This team is involved in the development and implementation of Human Resource Management Systems such as Job Analysis, Recruitment Process Systems and Performance Revievv Systems. This trainee position is an excellent opportunity to acquire expert training and development in the above mentioned areas of expertise. Please reply in writing and in English no later than May 18, 1990 enclosing a complete CV. and return to: Attention: Rachel Boucher P.K. 45 Mecidiyeköy 80312 İstanbul PAMUKBANK iyi ban ka d ı r KARRIERECHANCE IN OTOMARSAN "Unsere Hauptabteilung "Unternehmensplanung und Controlling" sucht talentierte Nachwuchskraefte für folgende Aufgabenschvverpunkte: • Ausbau und Pflege des ınternen Benchtwesens • Planung und Überwachung von Gemeinkosten- budgets • Erstellung von Investitıons- und Wırtschaftlıchkeits- rechungen • Planung und Übervvachung von Investıtıonen • Erslellung von betnebswırtschaftlıch/technıschen Analysen • Verfolgung von Projekten Neben analytischem Denkvermögen und hohem persönlıchen Engagement erwartenwır folgende Ûualıfıkatıonen: • abgeschlossenes technısches und/oder betnebsvvırtschaftliches Hochschulstudıum • gute Deutschkenntnısse • PC-Kenntnısse Wenn Sıe diese Herausforderung annehmen wollen, rufen Sıe in unserer Personalabteılung an oder schicken Sıe aussagekraeftıge Bevverbungsunter- lagen mıt handgeschrıebenem Lebenslauf. Lıchtbild und Zeugnıskopıen an: OTOMARSAN A.Ş. Burmalı Çeşme Sok. Askerı Fırın Yolu No:2 DAVUTPAŞA/İSTANBUL Tel: 567 04 09 MERCEDES-BENZ OTOMARSANGenerateıveleı da MEHCEDES-eENZ AG n der Tırte Roche We are looking for CHEM1STS and CHEM1CAL ENGINEERS Applicants who * are vvilling to work in quality control and production units * have good knovvledge of English and/or German * have completed military service Please send a precise CV. vvritten in English to P.K. 16 80622 Levent All applicatıons will be treated as confidential.
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