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CUMHURÎYET/14 12 AĞUSTOS 1991 ELEMAN FourTopPosîtîons ForERe Managers One of Turkey's largest food concerns is looking for four unusual "t>pes" who could and would help in moving the company upward. shake the foods industry by its roots and contribute inrealizinga bigger share in the raarket. Assistant General Manager, Marketing Assistant General Manager, Saks Thesc two positions are open for those who could tneet the follovring criteria: • degree ın business, management or marketing • fluency in English • vvisdom to differentiate what raarketing is not and \*hat sales is • minimum fi\e years of experience in marketing/sales in branded consumer goods and another 3 years at managenal level • proven track record in motivating and leading people and performing mırades against all odds • capacıty, courage and personality to perform as a leader with active participation as a team player • vision, competency and style to dream the "ımpossible" and guts, innovation and will povver to make it possible • ability to meet and fullfil responsibiliy, \ullingness to delegate authority and sense of efficiencN to follo* up until the very end • under 40 years of age Two Product Managers The candidates for these positions should have the follo*ing qualifıcaüons: • degree in business, management or marketing • fluency in English • minimum 5 years of experience in consumer goods and involment in product development at managerial level • keen, curious and daring to explore the market, the competition and the needs and expactations of the consumeı and courage to propose improvements for existing products and ideas for ne» ones • under 35 years of age. This company beüeves in equality of sexes and requires only the male applicants to have completed their military obligations. If you are the ones we are looking for, please send your detailed CV. to: 187/4 Cumhuriyet Cad., Elmadağ - Istanbul İstanbul ve Adana'da görevlendirilmek üzere: • Yükseköğrenimıni tamamlamış • İyi derecede İngilizce bilen • Sistem Uzmanı (S/3X konusunda bilgisi olanlar tercih edi- lecektir.) İstanbul'da görevlendirilmek üzere: • Elektronik konusunda bilgisi olan • Tercihan yükseköğrenimini tamamlamış • Yeterli dere- cede İngilizce bilen •TeknikUzman • Yükseköğrenimini tamamlamış • İyi derecede İngilizce bilen •Mali İşler Memuru olarak yetiştirilecek elemanlar alınacaktır. Erkek adayların askerliklerini tamamlamış olmalan gerekmektedir. İsteklilerin, bir fotoğraflanyla birlikte, 16 Ağustos Cuma akşamına kadar, Büyükdere Caddesi. Levent, 80613 İstanbul adresine yazılı olarak başvur- malannı rica ederiz. ~ " T 3 " ^ ~ ~ (International Business Machines) ^•E^âfh Türk LimitedŞirketi | F O S CHALLENGMGCAREERPROSPÇCTS M THEHEART OFTHEREMCTION" SALES DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS We are a )oınt venture company between KOÇ Group and Botısh Oxygen Company (BOC) set up tor the producton of Induslnal Gases. We plan to make sıgnıficant corrtnbutıons to ındustnal processes by ottormg vanous advanced gas technologıes - i As an SOE you wıll be responsıble for ınıtıal enrjuiry. complete proposais, . system ınstallatton commıssıonıngand ongoıng customef care The chanenge ot CBEAOMG SALES WITH NEW CUSTOMERS wtli Fequire 'the' totkMnng attrıbutes. • Abılıty to pursue hands-on development work at customer sıte. • Developed vmtten and verbal presentatıon skills •, • Commeraal awareness «nth results onentatıon _ • , Requtred rjualıfıcattons tor < n e foHovnng responsıbdıtıes are: • CHEMICAL & PflOCESS INOUSTRY APPUCATrONS (Ret SO&Chem) Unıversıty degree ırı Chemıcal Scıences (BScor B.A) • SPEC1AL 6ASES iRei SDE/SG) .-'- •/ Unrversrty degree ın Chemıcal Engıneenng. All applicants are expecteo lo have < ' • Drrvıng Lıcence • '-• l • No military obtıgatıon (tor male candidates) . - '• • Good command of English • -' ı t Please send your CV attached wıth a recent photo to . . . . BİRLEŞİK OKSİJEN SANAYİ A.Ş. Satış Geliştirme Bölümü .. | Gebze Organıre Sanayı Bölgesı a PK 80 41400 Gebze Izmıt ' . betore 26.081991 | All applıcalıons wıll be ırealed >n stnct conhoence ELEMAN ARANIYOR İÇ MİMAR GRAFİKER HALK1A İÜŞKİLER SORUMLUSÛ SEKRETER SOFÖR • istasyon sanat evi • Tel. 140 56 50-130 66 17 3854131 (3 Hat) Not a manager who does his things right but an executive who does the right things IOBEY Ctient Consultant FD's Job : The Turkish subsidiary of a multinational leader on global and local markets in certain consumer products. :OBEY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS assigned by client for t , organizational restructuring and management developmentf I ( „'*!?'„'*'*' : FİNANCE DIREaOR (FD) : To develop and implement financial control systems for a growing organization and to run the existing treasury and accounting functions. Orgarûzation : FD reports directly to the Managing Director (an expatriate) on lateral standing wirh the Technical, Sales and Administrative directors. Budgeting, Finance and Accounting managers report to FD. FD's Profile : Holds at least a university degree in finance; has a corporate experience of minimum 8 years in finance/accounting and 4 years in management; demonstrates communicative skills of professional caliber both in Turkish and English; displays an extrovert personality marked with the traits of a team-playing leader, a motivated motivator, a gogetter and a self-starter; operates as an executive (who does the right things} and not like a manager (who simply does his things right). Those able and willing to take the challenge, please write to us until August 21, 1991 Wednesday enclosing a resume, a photo and telephone number(s)for immediate access specifying your career objectives. All applications will be treated in confidence and will be individually answered. _. _. ^ ^ ^ OBEY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED /^yQ_J^^ Spor Caddesi, 129 AAaçlca İstanbul Fax; 179 24 75 D D GENEL MUHASEBE MUÜURU Yabancı bir Bankamn İstanbuFdaki Gaıel Merkezinde görev ve sorumluluk almak üzere Genel Muhasebe Müdürü aranmaktadır. n ; ^r ı -'• ~-«. : \ ' ki Banka Genel Muhasebe Depanmanmda yönetici durumunda çalışmış veya uluslararası bir denetim şirketinde en az 5 yıl süreyle ve banka denettmi konusunda uzmanlaşmış, Bilanço ve kâr/zarar hesaplarının hazırlanması ve analizı konusunda deneyimli, Resmi kuruluşlara ve yurt dışına gönderilen raporların hazırlanması. ilgilı kanun ve mevzuatların uygulanması ve takibi konusunda bilgi sahibi. Bütçe hazırlanması, mukayesesi ve revizyonu konularında lecrübeli. Yeterli derecede İngilizce bilgisine sahip. 30-40 yaşlan arasında, olmalan gerekmektedir. İlgilenen adayların en geç 21 Ağustos 1991 tarihine kadar detaylı bir özgeçmiş (varsa telefon numaraları) ve bir fotoğraflarını "PERSONEL" P.K. 9 80620 YENİ LEVENT/İSTANBUL adresine gondermeleri rica olunur. Tüm başvurular özen ve gizlilik içinde değerlendirilecektir. D [> Af 08 Vı •î ',* D Satış Mühendisleri İnşaat, maden ve sanayi makinelerinin satış ve pazarla- masında çalışacak; • İyi derecede İngilizce bilen • En az 3 yıl deneyimli • Maden ve makine mühendisleri... Sekreter • İyi derecede İngilizce bilen • Bilgisayar, daktilo vb. büro makinelerini seri kullanabilen • En az lise mezunu • İş takibini titizlikle gerçekleştirebilen sekreter arıyoruz. Adayların aşağıdaki adrese basvurmalan rica olunur. Z E Y T I N O Ğ L U P A Z A R L A M A V E D I S T I C A R E T A S Buvukdere Caddes' 107 Bengun Han Kat 4 80300 Gayrettepe-lstanbul Tel 175 07 50 ZEYTiNOĞLU HOLD'NG A Ş This is an opportunity for persons who have gained solid experience with big accounts h a well-known advertising agency. Qur ideal candidates should look to excel in their career within a strongly team oriented culture, to achieve consistently superior thinking that leads to advertising ideas, advertising campaigns, and advertising executions. She/He shall have both U L T R A pleasant interpersonal and organisatıan skills. Fluency in English is a must, computer literacy and additional languages are plus. Thank you for applyıng to us latest till August 20, 1991 Ajans Ultra Reklam Hizmetleri A.Ş. Kore Şehıtleri Cad. Kaya Aldoğan Sok. 7/2, Zincirlıkuyu 80300 İstanbul All applications wıll be treated ın a confıdentıal manner. A fast growing, prestigious, international advertising agency is searching for dynamic, motivated people to fill the following positions. CREATIVE DİRECTOR Creaü\e Director with fluent English and excellent presentation skilh. You must be innovative, marketing oriented, organized, able to inspire people and be thoroughly versed in all cycles offilra,\ideo and print producüon. MEDIAPUNNER There is an immediate opportunity for an English and Turkish speaİdng Media Planner with presentation skills and at least two years' experience. Responsibilities indude developing media strategies, plans, and schedules, checking producüon requirements, traffıc and competitive analysis. BI-LINGUALSECRETARY/RECEFnONIST Experienced, confıdent. Turkish and English speaking secretary. Good typing, word processing, telephone ansvvering, filing. Excellent growth potential. Qualifıed candidates may send their resume in strictest confidence to: PK186-Teşvikiye 80200 Teşvikiye istanbul
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