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Öğrenci Yerleştirme Sınavı Soru ve Yanıtları
[43 45 soı asagdakı psrcaya gori
Des fappartıon des vıJes lesrtommesont
oontarutt dss tourı II y a oes c-urs ce ebras
» n M ıl y a de» hcmnM c M t t ı Quı n > pe>
enMndu pârier öa la Tour penen** dm Ptsa ou ds
la Tajr E*t
Catte deoıere es! ca**b«s poyr
ptosnaurs a&ons Consirufe s la f>n du X1X«
sıec» (1663 ators gue partoul on conslrutaaal da
bslec maaorıs an p*rre btanct* la "our EHal
eef cammc ut ponl f*ie avsre deux stacles Da
torro* pomtue en i«r «le annoncaıt *ss rnmensas.
tours du XX* s*6cle que fcn appri* *çıaBe-cıer
Auıourd"h» dars pteagu* to-utos c«6 tours ©n ne
vü F&S ofı iravaSe ce sonl des &\r*aux Cas
touts occupent p«u de piace au &c( mats
beaueoup en raar Cas! nlertssanl pour I M
ÇF*AO*s veles ^OTiroa P«n» Ne* Yoffc ou
Montreal oc « y a da Tieıns an mona da piac*
pour ConsVuır* et »J t* pra da* larrana devaanf
de pfjs er> piyj cner
La consUuct>on des tourı —
A, s m l»ie #n meme lempt qua les
B) prend Deaucoup da temps
Q • corrvnenc* AL XXe uecle
0) a ccmmence cfaOort aux Etats-Unrs
E) » ta1 o&naralemenl e-> ç **-• btanche
4 4 La Tour-EilfaH e*i d*«ijim celebre C M ~
A) ••* « ! pencn*»
B) u consirbctıon * *jre deux sıedef
C) eee ser da bureau
0) ea» a cojıe " « che
£) on a ccns fJ 1 Oes grg-te-cıel sut son node«
4 5 Les graftdes vıllas preferent conatruır*
des grattte-crel
A) car kes genf »ma«! vıvre an hautaur
B) p«r manqua de pac» st a C « J M de* tarrams
C) «fi aiaı >i> co-üianf bıan '*XM^* char qu»
p*j**j-s maıscns
D) ahn I^J* Tcn vo« tou da mıta rrrportanca d»
E) parce gj eftes oi Leaucoup da lerrauns ttrac
[44 4fl eorulavı **agıdafci parçaya go*e]
cavaplayın ı _ ]
Premsa: haM* en Potogne pays tjı*. d a u f%
annees 8C s comu Oes changemants potısoues
Majs pour luı c eat de rhoıora anc«ef<ne "Oana ia
*•*> O H jBunes Dotoraaı d* 1 M£ ia pofcKju*
nou« nous panon» de mv&tjue de 'eccie bee,
Mtos on M rtoque du eshj Prnznvk esf bc\
•*§*• İ raconie 'A 'entree au tycee ;aı CKMII tei
maths phys>ques et ceıle ı ^ « « j * p t i M • bac
Pour mon m*tı*r fh*M* maıs aıme le<
ordinaieurs p veux iravaıHer da/'S I «ıtorr'ialçue
Ceet un maber quı • u" avenr ntareuant e la
nn* ute eianee auı
a mornem, Praımek **J pa»wwıi d#
! *Moı jo »un ji- v a» rochır | essaı* de
'* tous les avanefnemı dL monde aa la
> Uet an»* acoutam surioui du dsco mac
p irouve que kn niunes som trop ftluences par k
v» a roccıdantai*'
48 Les reunas Polonats lacs a la polrt qut
par les »vcreırT^nla recents
; •> pr**erern ı* spon* at la
C' alhres par la v>* a roccıdeNftt*
daçııs par ia ıtuaion acmeHe
4 7 Ptu* tard le j*un* Praımek v*ut ~
aH'e parbe tfun grix.ce de 'oc*
B aeven* .n horvmt polftoue #npo«anl
Cı gsgner beaueoup tfa/gent
D' f>tre ınformehc an
E wre proİMieur
41 Preımek aime la mu*ıque pou» ul —
Aı e roc* esı jn* vematMe. pa*so
B Mui* la T U M ) J * occ«Jenta*j esl bonn*
O ıe datco «st v
qoe ta» ttudas
(40 53 «orutento. r « n l « r eumlara I
49 Laa pvyeagca axtraordınatr«a d lılanda
ofll altira pluaiaura cinaaatva quı l«a onl
trfıUaaa comm* dacor a kaur film
B L tfLarKJe a iou>ours st« ur pay» v
potı* iaı c n»asl(»
an iHande an f««o" da la baauM öm
D) L lr and» pottac« d»s paysagas avraordt-
nari t}ua p>^ıx*urs f*-ra <yM aıd« a 1ara
ccrtnaıt e a itavars te monda
E CT»w en Mande <tu« certauıs raansatftur» om
tou'na leurs ptu* haauı tams
50 C*tl« *nr>e« İa Portuçal a * t a l« a«ul
p»¥» d Europe a refuter t« passag« i
I heuıa d el«
A C<Mi¥ne tous tea ans es pa>* europeans y
cof*çns te Pcriuga son passas de l*h«ure
ıfH'ver a Pı«ure <S aı»
M Pom^a a 3ccap4ef te pas&ag* a I tıeure
eurcp««"3 essaen ^ena ain«e de
t» PortugaJ da pastar a rbaore
Dt TOUE le$ pays JEı-roc# s a j « Portuga* ot*
de rouveau acc«p>4 c«iie *rr»*« llıofaı*e
Ei PO«T la pf*n*ta fow c»n» annaa le
a re*usf le ctı*xj«nent snrua* ifhoraır» a
reıenple oe lous tes autres p«ys »urop««ns
51 Laa ant«ntt r«elsnwnl an prıorrte i leura
paranla lea produHe doni la publlcltc a
la latevıaıon İ«ur a piu
S) t « oaranls *«utenf QD* «urı e^la
conaommert i*s produn» dont on *
b«aucoup de pjbicne
d La pvjbtert» ıat*vı»aa (ta cartar-s p
p*a<t a lafaaaux paraıvfı •( a «ur
D) Le» pvtNs «vıt»rt d"ach«tar a l«uıs en'antj
tas maR3u«s do"! a te»*vTsıon FaH U pob trte
E) La ıetevı»ıon iaıt la pub Ki\t d« c«fa>rs pro-
dLrts prtof taifamam [»«' un puO*c defJam»
$2 L »fdfn«t««r mem« l« ptu* pu'asant, n«
pourra jamait r*fnplac*r la cervaau
B) On a tabogue r^amataur DCKJT qu un joor le
cafv«au da rhomma pussa M repo»er ur
ordmaleur scrt Cwn p.<_s
gua c**« du carvaai. da n
D) L ordJnaUHH i #™*t» taman â
E) L mieüçerce de rhomms n« poorra |ana«
*t-e rernpiaeae par r
53 Prrtonn» n e ı l eOr qua >•• aaaais
nuclasirca <rançala dana )• PacHtqwa
aoi«fll «ana dang«r pour I «ıvifon-
trar>cart dans le Pac*<lue ne c*«*en(em
aucun fesqu« acoto^apua
Bl La« assan noc'a»*'»* da la Franc« na
derangemi parso^^e dars le Pacfigue e» n*
menacem pas 'e"vıron->emoni
Q La Fra«ce a anr»wv:e cı»e sas assatt
nuct*aırfts dans le ne m«nacera»ni
pas dy isjt Tefiviforınameni
D) Uaıntftnant e Paci^ı.6 est 9" oanger a
cause de» essae nyciaafes (rançaa
E) Les F anças fw son pas persuades de la
nacessae das essas nuctea r«» oans te
5 4 Grâce a I ımprtpnefrc l« mondt da Tecnt
e a«t ouvart a un plua gtmnd rvombra da
lecteurt — Uaıe aaıl on qıis
itnventlon du pftp'c de Tencre dea
cafacteres mobıtca aont dee inwar>Ilona
plu» ar»cıennes venant dea Chrrvoıa?
A) Car or ng pouval ropr«lrre «e "<VT«» gu« p v
B) Pourant les pr<?!»ueurs sa platgnant ds U
pa*es» das et«ves de^ ast la fcedtra
Ü) C»si a ûutenberg que
fiıe modeme en 1462
55 D e f u l * plua d"un aıvcta la tampa de
travatl dımınua ra^ulieremenl La pert da
tempe coneacraa aux loıaira ıugm»ntf
donc — Au cııtema an theatre et
ÜaJi» l«a expo«HkMiı de peınture on
ranconi™ de plua en ptu» da monda
A1 Cesı pourpuo « s «d^eurs S4sa**i* da
dm^iıef le pra du HT«
B) Dam les arfia*s 8C sar eıempl» on a
ass«!« a un versable châr^anvnt culur«
Maa le budget du ırm-sı«<» d» u Cuirura a
D( Car « M paMı F
leurs parerHs
SS - Cette annee c eat le lıim 'Brave-
heart' da M*l Gıbson quı a oblenu a !uı
• tu( cınq Oacar* MBIS !•» Arr>«f»caJn»
n oublıent pa« lea fiime le« p4ua
rnauvaıa Un jury apaoal •• reunlt pour
donner un prl* aux acteura lea plua nult
de I annee
A Le ctrwr!a frartçaıs est en crı&e tes Mrns ne
l* vandeni plua a f
et anger
B) ~as Ffanç** aıment baa jcotıp le
Ai« Elats-Orac la caremon* öes Oscavs
I M meaiaura lims
D) L M p*ys aurop««ns ort propots d» lan ant
|oum6« mcr^diale du Onefna
tou* !•» acteurs morts cstte ann*a
5 7 Le premler »upermafche a ele ouvert en
France en 1957 at le premtar hypar
marche aix ana plua lard - Ce
deveJoppemafit raptd» a, b*en »uı
cfıanga l«a habıluöea dea conaom-
rnataura Lse Françaıa echetent da
molna en tna na dana taa p*IK«
c o m m v r c e e
A Car les grancts magastns parmens
da« soki«* qua!ro mo s par an
B Le gouvefrıemeni veu" essaye rfaıdc les
grandvt su^âcas touch«es pa/ la Cf se
C) De*oma»s la cfente'a esi p4us exıgeart(e «/
la quatıta das produııs traıs
D) Afm tfeviter le vot das camsras ont «1»
«ıSlaMes darts les grandes fuHaces
E) Au|twrrfhuı on irouve a pa^. pfes 7 00C de
ces graiis rnagasiı a ffaverı ta pays
51 O t t e annee la Morvag* reprend *
chaeae a a» b*t>«« phoquea Ptndant 2
moıa *n vHet le* chaaaeura vont tuaı
2İ 000 anırTMuı — Et comme la peche
99i la prıncipafa aetıvıta 4* pay* l a *
pecheura ncrvesena ne veulani paa que
i*ur pfodtfctton baiaae i ca«*« dea
A) Parfnı lovs lea mammHeres m»r ns b phoque
r arn da r
81 Aıj cır^ua las anlanls anrvnt regarder tas
phoçues |ouer avec deı bators
CI Le* pecheu'S emme^ont *• lâor»l«t aorw«r
las phoquas vıvanl en kberte
Dl La» phçnjues »onı deve*x*» irop oofT*r«nı M
mangant une pjanda qu«fHıta d» po*ıons
E) Les phoqu*s *ont d** mer*ux proleças car
Is sont deveous rares
İS9 -64 eoruierda verilen dufumfarda j
5B Aprea une eıpo»i!ıon pendani laqu*lte i\
a vandu loua aa« lableauı un peıntra
eıp'irne t a aattafactkon
A j e T>atıendaıı a une mettaura compranansıon
da La par du puofec
Bj Je suıs tres heureuı da voır qua la pubta:
apprecM mcn travad cala mancoofaga a
C Je me demarda commarf ieı 9*^1 p*Lva<ıl
acneter des labtoauı s crt«rs
0 Mon •JtpouVnr n s
ma s je »u s a D«U p'M S
£ Je fuıs t ' « 'ontent car d
personr>as ont vııie rnoo
s encore lermnee
SU' oe ICKJI vendre
10 Un ciudtani veui aa rendr» tfl France
pour le* vecanccs ıl dcnande dea
A) V a M de* condttıoos «paoate* et * M
paptars a r*rrp*r pour obtenır un *na
Bl Peut on poset sa candtdsturs pour profnet d*
bour&*3 a*eiudes ar> France''
O Pouv*ı VOUE •n* donnsr ta htia des
•ntnaprset Vançasaı * ı Tunjua?
D\ Je voudrat* »avo» quenes sont len
possâMktas a apprandr* le f'ancan an France
potv un etran^er
€1 Un tounate >nsatı*la<t monire aon
meconteniemem aprea un voyage
A Je ne ragref]» p » getr» par «r> £g>p*« toul
*au c«4a m a pemı* d* vtMar le pays
B) Jamaa j * ne ma tu<s auUn arrx,M) que
pendan' ce» vacances |e vous conseılkt
•^•arrnert cetie agence
C] Nc^f n avans C**qu« nen ^u du ?ayt al on
r>out a c*r\ı louı taı pur» ^ mcmes repas
quer r ance
Cr) Jal un pfcfai genıal pou leı proch»n*s
vacances un voyage o"jn n c * an Cîme
»vac un groupe ctama
£} Je ne r»toun>*.a« ptus dans cet hoisi car las
chan-txts sont &£*es at (e personnel n a * pas
Un chanieut t r n ccMbra donn* laa
raıaon* pour teequeltea II a dectda
d arretef da ehamer —
B} /aıme î>eajccup rrçp pubhc rnas
oöi«9« de te Quh#f pour de* raıson
0) Ce »onl des rasons s«n(>m»ntales qu TI on4
pooesa a choagır le metıeı de chanieu'
E) l n y a aucune r«son gue [ arrüe ma tarr#ra
nnanianant ;e «agne owr irop <Targent poor
6 3 Un aoetolague Maaıe d aıpüqtter la
vkslence eheı l«« jeunaa —
A La vto ence est pour certains pu"*» uf
moyerı o*axpnTn«r leur =o*re « da
3| Les leunea (HJI on< oes probtemM famılıauı
ont aouvant da* dtfhcu^es scotaıres
C) La vıoterc* das jetınes a aflart dara certaav
pays des dHTtensnnt cataslroprııque>
D| O rtmarçue ?u# t» nofnbre da reunes an
pnson r augmenle paa depuıs des annees
E Le gouvemetnent a propose des mesur*s
pojr aıder las r»urtsı »r dfıcuNa
6 4 Un lyceen eıp!ıque pourquoı II vaut
devenir medvcın
A; L H eiJdeı 0e meoactna som trof dıtfıcies et
durent trop h>nguTpı
B) Depuıs que je &nn frrlart j * env« tfaıder
Kmt •** je~s qui souftreni
Cı a vue rfjn pe« de sang rne end nıalaOe
D^ Jame beauccup voya^er votia p<3urquoı | *
c*o*sı ce meiıe
£ V c grar^-pe e «la« rr*oec n mon pefe esl
ı ft veiB 'aıre aure choae'
b o ı bırsbıia» hıaımnda *O]
olafatl*c*k *O2U bulunut.
«S Laurant Papa j *l I I ana
au,ourd*huı slor* f»
voudraıs apprendre a
Son peıe -
Laurant Je le promeU da coMİutre
• eulemeflt auprea da loı
Son p*ra i e «a'« retlaehır apr«a
tout lu ae peut-e<re ra.aon
r* poutraı* ml*>ux I *
A HOJS aios t acn«le jne louveie bıcydelle
pour te-r annıwer»a»e
Bt J« Tınte * * ce rerttrer apres 22 h*ıre* lu
n as que 18 ans
C) Pas a-eslıon m es beaucoup trop eune e« \
p ss jamaıs prudenl
D} Je prefere cue lu 9 ertrea « irasi poar parir
an vacances
E) Tu pratıgues d«fa troa sporıs d
bmn s t f
6 C Le reporter Lee faun«a aont lr*a
s«fi«ıbl«* a Tanviron
nement commenl
explıqiieı vou* £•(»"'
Un pohitcnn lla »onl ptu* conacıenta
dee probtontea parca
qu d* *ont nea dan* un
monde pollu*
Le reponer El voua le« hommea
polMtquea qu en panaaz
U*i polılıctatı —
A| Nous aHons aıdaf tcutes laa aclrV#« en
lavaur d* la pf«ecion de la Naturg
B( C'sst nofmai qL e »es |«unes a>eN peur CR,
cHomage ıls s-30 «a p'Bfmers I ^ J hes
6 7 Co
Nous 7^ons cre* de
LM 9*^s on:
pMn« nalj. •
Lea conftas e
rm sont pas ı
Tr» les
m*r* Tu * n c
r l n n * Ouı ma
«fl onl
ds faı
ejses> vsrsois Oe
•« du epoi en
s et t
• 1*
Is toule*
ftu S saffrnlS
prix c esl
me* amte*
S« mere Ecouie c* n **t pa* la
marque quı (*H la qualrte du
v*l*m«nt )e n* veuı paa
p*y*r «eulefnent pour la
A) Maman gue penses ı. i e la nouvefte voflüra
B M»rnan ^ /oudraıs aüar er veefc-arıd au bord
M*man pou"3)s-iu T7ache(er deî unel e
Pay Ban'
E Maman BJ b«so<n cfur |«an
Lev > 501
68 Pıerre II me faut un petrt travaıl pour
cal ete
Mıhe II y a le chonr. laver le*
voMurea »endre dee journau»
lıvrer dee p u ı a *
Mlka Voua lea Françata vouc etee
trea d'ftıcifa* ALJZ Elets Unlı
ceal loujoura une fterte da
Iravadler el on accept*
n ımporte quol
A] /ador* abr au bora de la mer pondant lee
vacances c*eıe
C Mats *e 'aa des etudes de dnxt * ma taut un
trava I Oara ce dcmane
D Mes carents rr^e dcr«ni bea*xoup rfargenl
de poch« je n af pas besan de travaıner
E Oud^d 30 (aı! des etudes c esi dıtiıcıle de
iravanter en merrw lemps
€9 S(il«nr Je c/ıerche bn bor, (nrre
potır les vacances Tu n m
rien a me con*e>llef''
Aslı Ça lomba bl*n (a *ui* en
Iraifi de hre un tr** beau
roman 'L Amanl' de
Uarguerıte Duras
Aslı Ne tınqutete pae •> a ata
traduıt en turc
A Vaıs u sas bmn que fe ne connaıs pas le
Bj Ah £HM | a «< un Imrn adapte de ca (***
Q W*s |« Ta> defa kj' Tu n an as pas un aulıe?
Dı Ari non J"s dea »ss«ye oe le »re maıs ıl ny
a pas ass*z rfacf or poa mo
E; Mâ'^^e ıte Duras7
ecnvaın ( aoçaıs qu es.
ncrte I y a ÇK4ques rno»1
7 0 Uarc Je vouoraıs changer dapparta-
Marc J« ••!• bi«n ma4« f% n« peuK plu*
monter * ı ı etaga* a ptad
plusıeurs 'ot* par |our
Suzy Moı je te coneeılle de reflechır
car on trouve drffteilem*n1 des
Immcubiea avec a»can»aut
A) Tu *«u* un iogemenl plus grand cu mo«w
Bı Cest una borrw Klee1
Ton »udo a va^ianl
besom dur bon C(H<F de pem1u>e
O T ens rnats (• Oyaıs au contraıre que lon
prop"eta»rfl »oulatl rsp'endre fappar er»w
D) Je »uıs contenle qu« lu pu«ses parsg*' ton
loye/ avec Paul
E Ah' Le b n ne ta pLa>l pkj**» H esJ pourlanl
Ires aoteafc'a
11 T**t* have •hovrn thal Ihıs product
laats — three time* longer than any
cther simılar product
A) auch as B) al once C) as many
D) so tnuch E) at least
12 Mosl ol the speclatore ***m*d to en)oy
ine match -
A) and neıther o>d I 5 so I havent
C) * ı do too D but i dıdnl
£) as am doıng
13 The chıld w»e nadurally very upeet «rhen
h* *••* hr* tuw batl — out to aea.
A) hsvrvg carr ed
B) ıo have :vrted
Q betngcarned
D) to t» c*T*d
Et carryaıa
14 H they lei u* kr>cw «vhtch flighi they ar*
coming on then ot caurte we thern
•t the airport
A) havfl met 8| «nH maai
C) ıtould hava mei 0) Ud mta
1S When I - ınto the eate sh« — by
herseH al one o( Iha tables n«M the
A) * a * e d / was ı«t ng
8) am •raSurg uâ
C) was wakıo9 has sai
0) have wrfıed / woutd s*
E) wa* nas D«en tnng
16 Aa aoon aa I — pafd I — you rtl oul
tor a trmmi
A| have got noukl lata 8 ) gol r-ava taken
C) « i ! pei wil Taka 0 ) get «"I laka
E am flettıng tvat latong
I 7 By t h « Itme w * - nearly all the food
A} arnved hac b«er> aatan
8) aınve rta* be*n aatan
C) ar* arrvmg haa \o b« aalan
O) would arnu* / rtad ealen
E) h«ve amvtd / >s bo og ealen
I 1 H* *aid h* - me today but mo lar h«
A) wı« prtona domtn I
3) Kadphon«d hadni
C) wou*d p^ona h*»n1
D) 0hon«s sn t
E} ph<7n«d cfcdn E
19 24 sorularda verılen cumteyı uygu<
;ekı<d* ı*n>«ml*yan ifadeyı bulunut
71 (I) Mapolaon avart rave d an lunnel s«ua
la «#n«h* pour mıtvmhır rAnglvierrc
(II) Lea guerre* tranco anglai*** onl
longt*mpa Irlluene* les relailona entre
lea deux pays (IU) Par İa suıt* de
nombfiuı ptojets av*4*ni ete ımagın**
(IV> Ha ont touıours ete sbandonnea
|usqu en 1M« dat* du lancemsnt d*
I *Eurolunn*l" {V) Le* Iravsuv du plua
grand chaniter du morvde ont commatnca
en 1911 *1 a* »ont t*rm<n«* en 1M4
A) I B) I C) 'II D) IV E V
72 (I) Laa j«ur>a« paaaant da moıne *n
mo>ni d* temp* devant la talevtsıon car
• nnuyauı (II) tı* *oni pluioi atiın»* p*
les jeuı vıdeo et I ordınaıeur (lll) lls
veuteltt «Ua actifs |ouer et apprendr*
en mama ıemp* (IV) La televiston
permet de savoır lout c« quı se paase
darts te moode (V) Dans I avenır ıl
f*udr* donc cre«r d*s l*levnıon* q«ıi
pourronl etre utılısees commt d**
A| I Bl I C) I D)IV 6}V
7 3 II) Troı* conetructeur* •momotıı!**
europeene oni decıde de pfodu re un
rnoteur quı ne pollu* pae (H) II • agdl
oTun doubla moteu' tn*rmlque «t
electnqu* fHt) Le molcur ıh«rm<que
plu* pı*ı**ant **ıa utıtı*e sur rout* «t
l*tactnqu* *ar* uülıaa en vılle (IV) II
faut faıre verflter deuı k>ts ^t an le
mouur de *an »utomobtl* (V) G* ımttvr
a auaai ravanlage de faıra moina de
bruıt et d* comommtr p«u d"energle
1 S She haa alarsys ertjoyed «rotking ın e
A) »s i « « s so rear \c her ofl'c*
B) ıl onty sr>* w*r* b*lt*r patd
O trtal wa* a ch>ldtsh d'ctm ot h*rs
0) unU she rr^rne-O two years ago
E) aıthough iho nvorktrtg hcurs •(• very tong
2 0 — tt a Importajnf l o repfece I h * water
you losa through *wealİ*iB-
A) When sales of bottJed wateı had n a a a a « d
B) Even ıl you doni t**J tharsty after asercmng
C) AJTt-ough motm thar haB the we*ghı ol the
0} No4 cnhf do •*• get som* (vster Irom the
Io->ds <ve «at
E; & n c * ıap wal«f ı% rh« moct rrtabi* sourc*
2 1 « e need to flnd <*ays lo cope wt«h
A} U rertanatac^ »a* *s&»ntıa <or a healhy rrvnd
B) An*r «»• had aamad in* Innng coruMnn*
A| i ^ II C) H E] V
74 (I) L ecout* d une mu*>qt>* ırea forte
rend le* jvunee de plue en plu* sourtis
(II) O** teaia ont «1* fart* lur de*
amateurs de walk mmr de dıscotheque
et de concerts de rock (Hl) Ce aont
d'etltoure cea dernıers quı cavseni le*
degftt* le* plu* tmpO'Mani* «t k * plu*
defınitit* (IV) L ore lle p«rd en etfet
44% d* »a cepeette deeoufe tors d un
•eul concert (V) Le* p>acea d* rancart
•ont devenuc* *i che*es qu i\ e*t
d (llcll* pour les |«une* dy sller
Ol vVhetfte' he Ha* ccnihd»nca »1 our plana or
E) A« ın* dtte
A) the pMr 'vaturally slops ae soon as you
amve k>r your acpomiment
B) 1*^3 loolh couia nol rıav* baen ıave<t
Ci yco c * ı neı hn numbet from lt>a i*t*phon*
B> II C) »I D) IV E V
75 (I) Dea qo <(* eav*n! »e t»ntf o«boul >*•
bebes veulent fnarcner (U) Le* «dult**
quant i euı marchari da mofns an
fnoına (M) Le tral«ı «1 I »vlon
pe«mettent d * ae d*pfac«r rafHdement
(IV) II lauctrart pourtant rdrouver te
plaisır d atra pMtotı (V) D ailleuf* la
march» esl le m*tti*vt moya 0* rttttr
ea torme
E) l can recommertd mana w«h graaı con'tdanc
2 3 - who croaeed the Aılantlc alone In
• m*>ll ••'! ng crafi
A) That ınısl ba tfı* rnan
Bt The n«w* ı* ir>at
Cj I cani belıeve tnaf anyoe
Dı I dıdnl real^a how f*v» peopt*
E Pr«sumably he *>as iy*ıç
2 4 Sınc* ı h * poor und«r*lartd poverty —
A n e o*»' m*3W have been lurned down
Bt ı^e kaveleıs «>er* ovaoaınelmed by 1h«
B) II C\ Wl E) V
r»jch money on 1**» <rwn
Ol t*t« ruOÖS avalaMe nave be*n f v
una gentrovsty rtıan rhs nch
Bu lesi-e 7
asTda 3
>a •sle^
2i C*V«D
e/udak, t
,»5( d,=a
wş ye>le ı
van Yabancı D* Ag.Hetl. OYS p w w
ı^aoanc D' Te» >ç*i aynUn kıstna şanMfcıyvHZ
mjvvedo* i;"
1 18 sorularda cumlede bof bırakılan
yerlere uygur duıen aozcuk yı d ı
İfadey bulunuz
10ıularda v*r len Ingıltıc*
Turhc» dengını faulunm
Youv* kep! ua w*ıîmg hmrm far tmo
houTS Nezi ııme make aure you ar« —
At suıtabla B miı.emai C) pi-nctua
D) varıabM E) Oetaied
In ordef lo — t h u theory w carned
ojt â numbtr ot exper ment*
2S rl you v a n l 10 speod ttıa w*ekend here,
you arlll hev* to lel me kn>« In
B) DersuadeA) conlesi
O mfrttt
3 The ~ about the date ol the g
n ı trw result of a typırg trrot
Aı rjepenoeice B} appfcva
C| confusKin 0 eıpfessıoo
6) cc* •bu'ıo'1
4 Th(s report teem* Irtleresiıng in part*
bu1 Jhe iaat sectıon ıs — unrealıstıc
E$e* ^alta sonuiü bur g
»lıyarsar ben< 6nc«d«n hab«(dar avnen
Eğef Duray* g*4ac»>nt onceoan bıtMycSm,
Kafta sonuru sanınıe gaçraberdm
S Few young p«opie can stan up a
butıaetı — Uıtt havmg to borro*
A| ndeed B hfcug^ Cj aoout
D) *W>out E) cver
Ma«ıe euf* you turn the (eJ«vıswn
bttof* you 90 out but f«*v* <m« of the
lıghts -
A) down oul B of( I üt\
C up n DI ^.ul over
7 Th« vıew — our wındow must b* on« of
the besi any«rhere — the town
AJ tr ovftf B) fhrough / 01
C) from n D) totm ouSsıde
El by above
B — he »aa leeltng very tıred, h« Bgre«d
to walk wıth me a* f*f aa Ihe n«xt
Af Smze 8 So far
OUntl 01 As*
E) Ev-i thoogn
9 Take yout credıi card wıth you — you
•re expected to pay for the dtnner
A; r case Bj uness Cl 50 1iat
Dl bu! Ef wn«ıher
10 l v « brought iwo naw*pap»r* You can
have one you lıke
A) whflr*v»r Bj «hıchev»' d
0 «tıoever E) wna(ev«f
E Hatta sonuru o ^ i f n e k ıç n t>urada oUuğunu
oûremnce her^e1
^ o^ldtm.
26 Sinc* he « M * I h * onty doctot In t h *
lovm thcy tıad no oth#r choıc* but to
A Eğer kasabadakı tsk dotdof o oluydı.
hd lteo başka ç
Kasab*is ^tvendıtdefl ı u dotnor o
C> Kasabadata lek dDUor o »Imesına rağm»n
htç kımse ona ouvennryor
E Kasabadato tek ctokiar 3 oUcğu ^ m
«endtsr* guvenm&rter başna çareaen voktu.
On* ol t h * aım* o( 1M> ınlervmv •• to
••*••• «rhelher o« not you ara t h * rıght
percor for the job
A Bu oc-rjşmwwn !«k amacı if «;ın n* oenKe
uygyn oidu§unuzii b«+rlamek)»
9) iş ı^n dc-^u kışüerden bo 0*43 o*rrad gınıza
doğru kıs ofup oknadığınız
Ol Bu s «;i" do^nj ktşıy buiup bulamafnah.
yapı acak 9orusr>e<ere baglıdır
E Göruşm&er eş ıçn (togru lcşı oJup
o t m d ^ d*5»'l#nıirm«fc ^ m yaprtryo»
28 Someiimes you can t know eaactly
wh*re tKe dan9er «rıll come trom
A) Bazen i«httkonın lam otarak nereden
geleceğı™ Memeztıoa
Bl S-azen nefet»n tehvkeh otduöumu onceden
b4 *
C) Baıan lehikenın nereyo yoneüc oldu
tam ola/ak soyleyemezsın
D) Bazı lehrkeleno nereden jeieceŞ-n
zaman tntemeyebılirsın
E) TeWAe»er fcaien beklenmeı**
the dıflerence between akılled and
unakdled worker* » ı d e n *
A» G(*hr*fdeki estls^lık artt kca vasıft
vasılsü «sçder arasındakı larV
6) Vasrtt! ve vasrtsıl tş^rfer arasındatn lart
buyü*)Şu >Çin getır esAsjzlıden arttyor
C) Vas'fl* ve vası'sız <9çıW arasındaiu gehr
es/itszl»^ gıH*çe anmakiadtr
O) VasıfU ve vasrta z >»ç*'er arasındak 'ark
aç> dtkça gerv eşrtsı^Fıkter) anabafır
E) Vasrrk we vasıfsız $cde< a.ralanndakı gelr
iü artl &<nı odıyof at
30 No one know* eısctly how peopr* learn
a language although a greai deal ol
research has been carried out on the
A) Insanlann nas4 dtl oğrend»gı koousunöa
araştiTna yapaniafin hçtxn konuyii îam
otarak btfmemekied*
B) Ksarlann <& oğrenme becerrian korKtsunda
pek çok a#a;t<rma yaptlmışıif ancak hıç
brmenm konuyla Ag* kacm bır yargısı
Q Insantan^ naaıi di oj^endi^ lam olarak
Mmmeo>gı ıç<n arasiırmalann ;ogu bv koou
uzerırıde yapıfc-nafctadtr
0) Hıç kvnsemn «nsanların nas I dri oğrendt^ı
konusunda yapılan ara^'u-malaraan haben
E> Konuyla ig& t»rqok arafl rma yaptimasına
ragraan bt; kımsa ınsanların nas 1 *
ogrendıj^nı kasn otarak t t
j 31 36 sorulards vef'len Turkçe
| cumlenın Ingılızce dengıni buıunuz |
31 Geyık mg-açimrdakl b'fkaç m\m» difindm
bahçemiıdekı her seyt yennJf
Aj Eıcepı I c a ltw appies cr> ıha Irees the
deer Kas eaten everyitı ng m our garden
B) The deer n our garden IMI eat anytlmg thal
grows excapt apples
Q The apfta Iraes m our garden are the orHy
on«s tha deer hasnt ealen
D) Everyihmg m oor garden «Kluding the «pp*e»
on Ih* trmv* has b«*n ealen by tne deer
E) Excapl lor ine applee of the traes »1 our
garden ina oe«r lound rv^lhng wodh aalıng
3 2 Onun 1990 dan bu yana yeni pezerfar
yaraimada sagladıgı ilarleme Inanılmaz
Aj B*t*«en 1 »90 and the presem she has be«n
responsfcie (or the openıng ol an amaftng
nonber o> n m marfcets
B; She can 1 befceve tnaı ıo many naw rnarkets
hav» aclually b*«n op*n«d *«TC* 1990
O The p'oçre&s sne has made m creatvıg n«w
markets »nce 1990 M rctedfcle
D) New> marketa have come mto bemg ın quıck
tycc*«H0fi smc« 1990 due lo her efloris
E) Her succeu n eıtend>nç the markat snca
1990 deserves ıc be recognı/ed
33 Defnokratlk bır toplum oluslurmak İcİn
onu*n ne Raoar ••»uc aoe*a et inis oidvgun u
ilk kez lafkaıtım
A) I was ıhe t<t-& 10 Ljnderstand how Kard ha had
louçri! m creaıe a democratK: socwry
B) M tnu port 1 fnaJy reahtad thal h« sfruggla
(o buid up a damocratic sooety vroutd b* a
hard one
Q H9 fınrfy r«a*ı*d th»t trıa tVuggte 10 buıid
up a democranc socıefy *ou« ba a h*rd ona
D> I teahjend (or ıhe f rsl 1*na how hard h« had
slruggled fo buıW up a democratıc sDCtety
tl Al (>rs( h>s Struggle lo c^eaıe a democralıc
socieiy was not appreoaled
34 tfİMİ bır»kma> konusunda kararlt ancak
latHasının yaratacegı *Ofiuçlard*m emın
A) He nas ^van r hn rasıgnatKm bu
he nni
sure that I M I I M accapced
B) He ts deıefmjned to taave hu po<s<ıon but
ı*nt ıııre aboui the ootcome cı hıs
Q Ha wan» 10 stop «roriong bul •
about Mttat wil happeA ' he aciuaıJy re»9n«
0) The ouKome ol rus re*>gnaAor w*\ oory be
appareni after he Ka* sıopped wwturg
E) He s*l >snt j^re abou* wh«tber or nct ne
oughı to leave ha post on b u cenamty n«
wa»ts to
35 Kifi kmrmmşık v« <o< bır durumta
karfılafttgında h*p bir keçty yolıl ara*
4 3 A s t h e p a s s a g e p o ı n t s o u l t h e p o p
m i M k c t ı n g e r P h r l C o l l t n s —
A ) o n ç p n a t y o a n i e d l o w o r k a l o n ç s t d e h s a î h e r
B ) w a s r l o d u c e d e a r t y m t m H a 1 0 t h t t w o r * d o *
Q gol trttle efKouragemenı l'sm h« (am*,
D) nas the lırsi tn hıs tamey tc go or stage
E) condnued *MS schootıng even after he look a
part tı the mjsıcal Orvflf1
44 Accordıng to t h * paeaage although Phıl
Coil na began hıs care«r m I h e theatre
A) Ms real rtsresı tay m muSK
B) ha a*ways drsamed o' baang a successKll
bus*>essrnan hke h s famer
O ha d«] so ^»ry unonlrgly
E) he has 3>*eys dbhfced beng rrı the publc
46 The passaoe tell* us Ihat the year 1*75
Al was mrfı*>r P* C&l^ıs fı sl had a sonç
accepted by Ggnes«
Bı was tSe f**r m wrncfı Pt,J Coilıns Wt the
G*n*su group
Q «ns a turnır-g p c M «ı PhJ Co4ns s Ha
D) tvas one ol ^ a a t dısapp^tntments lor Ph4
El saw The e*xl ol Phıl CoHvu > caretM as a
« 4 « e o r u l e n a a a ğ ı d . k ı p . r ç a y a g o r a j
c*vaptay nn j
Er1 sh lo«rns sut'er Ifom ıhe js "ne 1r*f(
congeılton rtoıse a^d ooilut'rıg fuır*( as a
oa^s ın tfı« «estem nortd Mıt as ye on
London r^etvcasıl* Gts>gow ana 1» a ırra
aıtenl Lıv«rpooi hav* ut#lüt rathva^t çc<p
und*rg/aund ^ r o u g h tha central ar«4i
£l*ewrte*e tnere are p ans 'or :mtd n
undergrognd 'aitrays bU Ihey have I* -e hope o
maJıng «iy progress iMth ıhem u icr^ as ptine
aapendaur* v rMlrlctad In gonarai ıh* naih
t»a» b*n«< pubtc ira->*pofi tnan | t ^ »DufK «nt
4 0 Aa ıl rs potnted out >n t h * pss*a>ge
moat Bıhlsl town* have no undargroıjnd
ra<hjray sy*tam -
A) a* tha ıy*l*m ıs t*K ıo cajse a gn»at deal ol
B) Ther* A 00 wey one can eacape Irom a rvaity
comp4ex and oVfcutl utuaiıon
O VVhen ona lacaa a cor«4aı and dÜlıcuR
utualıorı or>« ahvays tooka loı a w*y o(
D) Evart a dftculı aod cptrpleı s^uaUon s
berte factd than a
E) Anyone who hâs (ace<l a dtffcult and
comple» Sılualıon rıaa kıok«d IQ( a way ol
3 6 Son araaHrmalar daha **k 11 uretım
yöntemterine ihtıyac duydugumuzu
ortaya koymuştur
A) More aflactMe sysier-« ol rasearch ar*
essenut i pfoducnofi S I O M d
C a ı * * t not *•» to b« a proctıcal «yst
outsıde Londan
D bacaus* rhers « not »urtc»^l pdtfr
avatabis 'w soctı 3*oı*cts
E sırnp^y b*c*ıKe *r-e peopie teen no nee
A) Ln>*nxMN has ha mos
underground Ba n lysiern «1 Brlafı
B} rnce oeople * * * nea o*~< can <n itı* n
than ^ th* «Hrtrı
Q the nonr oi Brıtajn sjlters Ittss o n vat
a man ıhe soutn * > «
D) th* souıh of Brtam en|oyı cheap and IngMy
erhc«nt öus sarvıcM
E) Brnuh cıtMi Kave muefı lets a* fX)*uDon
lh»n othsr ın th* w%%t
4 1 The euihor * u g g * * t * !h*t under^round
ra (w*y* a r * an eıceffarrt meaıt* of
Iraneport «ınce
Cl (he buitdng and -na-nt«n*nc« 0' fr*n s
C«rvarat-v*ry ch«ac
O the nLimb^* " ^ j ü-se them can •«•«, be
.•s! ıcted
E> the (arvces oHerec an hem ars constontly
6) Acco'dmg lo recsnt ret*arcrı mor* affedtva
raethods ot produciıon are bwng ıntrcx*jc»(l
C) Uonj ef*ectnr* sysiama ot produdıon can b«
•specied ss an ouKocne ot recent r**«*t<tı
Dl Recvnt
*saarch aıms to dacover nvre
«Hecirv* melhodl ol product»n
E} Recvnt resaarch has sHown (h«t we need
more aHed#v* rtethods cf producfior
3 7 3 9 a o r u l a n a f a g t d a k ı p a r ç a y a g o r a I
c e v a p t a y t n n |
T h « b a a u t y a t b r e a d « rts s r T p h c n y O o t * a n d
t ı q u r i a r e t h « m a » n ı * v g r « - j i » n f * a l o n g w t h y a a s l
a n d s o n > e ı > m e s s a n a n d I r o n ' H e s * b a s c s w e g e t
a n o u r s ^ ' n g a n d t a s y F o o d f r a f g ı v e s u s
c a f t o e h y d r a t e * p f o t * n a n d 6 rt*nm a n d c o m e *
m a * n d s v a r « r y o l s h a p e s I e * t u r e s a n d l l a v o u r s
P f a c i c a t t y a v e r y c u l i u ' * h a t « a u w n l y p e o l b f e a d
a n d m a n y h a v e m o ı » ! ) w s n e r
o r c a n i u n a s ı l w a a
t h e w h r t * b r « a d s t f ı a l < v e r * p o p u i a » o u ' n o w a d a y e
m o r e a n d r m > t » p « o p * e f N j h ı f y p r a f a r t h e b r a * m
v r i l a g e t y p « o * b r a a O w + ı c h c o n l ı ı n ı l a r m o r *
v l a r r * f t s a n d > » a l s o m u c r i a s t > e r
3 7 A a İ 1 i * p o f a t l e d o u l ı r t t h a
ı n g r * d i « n t * o l b r * a d —
49 D o n i take «ny not c * o( eH h ı *
eomplaınta aboul h • haatlih the<* •
nolhıng orong mlh him
A Try o avuıd 'r>« sut.tec of h«J »>•»*?• as
l<rBd of hearatg a l aboul hıs
Cl you «ı hım he «rould ah onPy about has il-
heatrh Ihouçfı actaaiy ha 1$ quıt» tiaaalhy
O> Hıs cxnpia»nı n thal you tkscuss hm haaJth
cobiefns ouf do nolhtng to ove«onw them.
E Vou can ıgnor* ali hat tatk oi b**nç # he's
•cSoa&y t>ert*cily healhy
l**w but \h» rt«avy raıaı made th •
K\ 1 1 hartr,' aıo«a so hsavry we «*OL-*C hav*
waJkM< ıghs fccro tn* lm«
B tn spıte of tf>a hea>> raır m» manage-3 lo
•aOt Kılw > y round [h* t*ke u pta>rr#3
C) The rıeavy ra " naarty pr*u-enı*d ut trnr
«raiı^g rghl ound th* lakaj
D) W« Mouid hav* tvaJked r*gh( round tha ktks
even 4 • rıad ram*d heavıiy
doni afto* lor rnutri o
o f c o o k i n g
y m trw manner
C) are few and tırrpı* bul t w e « much vanety
m İne type ol braad producad
0) ara bw *i lood vakıe
E) are now vefy doterent from W+VM they **r« a
<9<w cenl^rıes ago
31 Tha pa*sao« etr**se* thal bread I* a
uselul ıtem ın Our dıet ~
A] evan tnough most peop»a don 1 re*ty UkM In*
0 ) o n a c c o u n l o f o o l h ı t s t t a v o u r a r < l t h e
n o u n s h m a n t rt p r o s ı d e s
19 Accordmg ta the pss**g* the present
day trend ın lavour o l brown bread —
A « understandabte and 10 be ancouraged
B) -j not a heaRhy ırand
Cl carmol be axpected 10 conbnue
D) as 10 ba Jound <wrfy m th* v
E) has n<yb<ng lo do «vılh guafcty c
but on*y wfıth appea ar«e
I 40-42. «oruifffi *şaçfd»ki p v ç a y ı gora I
I c t v a p l a j t ı ı n j
Many nl us enjcy a vısK lo a zoo and t^r Ihose
see*tg »ons and t ge » lcf t*te t rst ime t s
Kifery a rnost thrHng «peneoce Buı hp« mgny
peopie stop ıo wondsr hcw rhe an ma s are
tMİng m thafr otten unsudab* surrou/KİrçJ9
Mos! 100» cannol atford to provids all \t>4
separats spec es vnth the ngM vwwrtnr»rt The
anımats. m zoos may be mlMed t M s lwnting
arvmai manls 10 hurt lo# *ts owm food
40 11 >s pofnted out m the passage that
commg dose to tuctı wiJd •mmılı M
tıgers and Irons
A) can oniy be posstfe r iarge îoos
S) yves sone peopie a s(rong ser^» ot
C) can fraifl therr- vefy ag^essıve towards
D) e jnsellbng for yocr^g chıkiran
E) « 'h* ofky «ay to un4arst»nd ihetr aatmg
41 The terıtef («als that lew peopte -
A) vts* a 100 « tKdar t? see ıhe an mats there
8) ara wvSVentıt tc ıha feeinçs of zco anrma»
O are ınteresteo1
»1 any ot Ihe iTHma speoes
DJ are sufıoentıy s*nsıtrve Io the r-ondSıons ot
anvnab k«pt n ;oos
Eı reaty *f»ni h
o see a vvıng tco 0* ttger
42 ft 1* «mpha*/x«J m (he pasaage ttıaf
the lıvıng condıtıons oi mo»t aniRails m
tooa -
A ) a r e c a r e ' u l y c e s ı g n e d t o m a k e t h e
h a p p y
8 ) f i a v « r e c c r t f t y m - p r o v e d g r e a f l y
Q c o u k S a a s ı t y b e ı r r p r o v e d a l S t t % c c s t
0 ) I d u s a b t a f c o u t h e n a t j r a l B n v n i n m e n t
E ) a r a v e r y d i f e r e M t r o m i h o s d o f t h e t r n a ^ u r a f
a n v r c i m e f i i
4 3 4 S « o r u l a r ı a ş a g ı d a k ı p a r ç a y a g o r * [
c e v a p l a y m > z [
B o f t o n J a r u a r y 3 0 t h 1 9 5 1 P h ı l C o f c u i M i t w )
d e s i n e d l o r a I r l e û n t h e s l a g e W N t o N s f o t h a t
• a s ı n c h a r g a a ' a n n s j t a n o s o f l ı c e h n m o t h e r
m a f i a g e c a h e * t r e s c h o c l m L o f K i o n A J I t h r * e a l
h e r c h l d r * n n a d p a n s 1 ' ı f m s W h a n P r t ı l g o l a
p a r ! m t h e L o n d o n p r o o ^ c l > o n 0 ' O l ı v e r h e X I
s c n o o l t o r a c a r e e r ı n a r t m ç M o a n w M e h e « r a «
a i r e a d y p l a y ı n g d r i i m s a l p a r t w s a r d c t u b s a n d
n a d b e g u n I o m r t m h r s o w n s o n ç s s * c / « K y
h c ç n n g ( h a t o n a d a y f h s s » t o j S S b e h » s f j l l ı ı m a
r & b T
r t e n m 1 9 7 C
* o r n « 4 h n g h a p c e n « d i n a l
c h a n g a d h » l ı t a H e b e c a m e t h e d r u f n m s r o f 1 r «
G e n e s s g r o u p
51 I cant ramember whtn I laat aaw h m,
but it • eeTtaNMİy a Vonfl tln>* *ff*
A) I srıaA r>«v*r *orgw ~n*Mmg hırn even I
r » • long WW »90
C) W*V* onry met cnce ar-Ğ thal was too long
ago lor me c r«mervbe< hnr
E) I d Mı* lo •orget how mary y**rs hav*
pas*«d sınca l«sl u w rıtm
0) Stnce th* roaös are full ol trarhc al ras hour
Sınc* *he -cad> ars so buvy <«• w o r ı De •&«
to gel th«r« n under an hour
Tnere are so man> -ars on the oads 9*M * *
cani get there for hours
5 3 T h e r * w e r e r t ö p o o r p e r f o r m a n c a * b u t
t h a t o f t h e R u * * > a n d a n c e r a w a *
e * H i * i n l y I h * b « e t
A ) T h e & « & t p e r l o r m a n c t t s • > « * • i h o * w a l ! M
R o s a ^ i s s s r r n a o l I h e O l h o r s w * r e p o o r
& ) T h e l l a r ı d a / d o l d a n c m g w a s h ı g h
p a t K u l a r t y « f n o n g m e R u s s a n s
C ) T h e R u s s ı a n c t » n c e < s w « r e w e « w o r m
« t r s l c h ı r t g b u t t h e o t f i e r * ı v e r s n i
D ) T h e y a J I o a ı v e d w « b u t t h e F * j s s ı a . n
d a n c e f S « r e r e l a r b o f l o f t h a n l ^ e o t h e r s
y e r e u y g u n d u ş c n i i o d e v b u h ı n u z
, . i
5 4 T h e w o r k a ' • c h * c k i n e l * r k * ı • •
r * e * ( h l v * T l c k * t * t ı t c r ı a e k c d
l u g g a g a 1* • • • j l i t t l • • • ! • a r a
a c h a n g * t o r t h * b a t t a r t o r t h * c l * r k
n o w h u t o d e a w ı t h a > o t o t a n g r y a n d
l r u * t r * t * d p « O ! ) < «
T h * c « r t r » ^ « * y - i a * T > - a a p p a r U m ı r y t o
Th* cmvmttmor k*>v* a clark
Tna pa««*n9*r« ara uıuaHy loo •
kslen lo mhal the ctm 3 sayng
t n g
ıcıted lo
SS J * n * tfthal* th* b*at <rsy ta g*t I
T m Go by U*fn R a c haap «nd
Oood de* —
rm *fr*4d I haven I Wlıy doni
you pnone th* ra hvay vlatıon?
B) m u n f i M «mdd kfc* lo come too
C) Hava you ar\/ KJB* ho« IT»JI* a IEX*I C
CT 1
ry derrvagıag *t flrounı
•btoluıeiy •*<
irt» l l p h l l
•»•Intalnrng lıl*
Ullr*-vtol*t llght
whıch ructva* u* >a nol fıM*r*d In tMa
w*y It ean c*ua* aarlous aya trvubtaa
•«d akcn canct*
»ncrc «ı ıh« *
0 Th*r*lcr« many ıtibıurKM m UM
•nvınimsnl may b« •sı«nhoJ tor Vtm
r-am coaoc* o' m* »coioçc ty«t«m
C| But Iha lerrtjff a t ^ t «I «te ptanoı "as nsan
crû-, aboui 3" C unce !h» (ast c* 39*
The O U H D EHl'bath II (• th* ıttmt ot *
l*>g* ™<t«rn p ı i M n g e r shkp *nd
lh«r* art nol many ah p* tık* har no«
— Compi'Mİ lo B<r raval ••• travcf
an « tuıury 1trt*f b*. very »kt« *nd v*ry
•>p«n*h(* bul I h * ll**-day voyag* o>n
th* Q a * a n Ef'iabcth II •• r*a<ly a
rtoliday 1D 11».» * M ] *n M p « r » ^ c * 10
£) 8»J *>i! vt tnrrüf ciDnıdad al -vsh hourf
SS K*r*n Whara enı you gcuıg ın auch a
H*l*n Hom*. 1*h*r* a n k>ts of peopla
B) I *tt*n I *aü bu* ean g*t uıma c«k*s trom
1h* caka sr><ıp
O W*fl pıornt«*o ta ba horm by ITtm and d 1
isariy «our n »
th«y ar* grvmg u* chocol«ı* caka
El Why rof Wtt«ı »ol c* c*M do vou tha»
87 Kl>k Laf* go oul lo dtnn*f lontghL
Yc* | « M wond*rtng aboui
Iryırtg (fc*4 n«w Ch(n*a«
d b« v*ry ntc*
Imov 9ial you *«r*
8 a pıly
C Ma** ytn* goı
O\ Vrny aonl •* go
E I hop* you «art
A lot ol p.opl* I k*
» « - But a larga gard*"ı m*anB a
t ot «rork end a atmmU o«r(**n c*rı t>*
*dm lo look •>t'*m*ty Bitıaclıv*
On* O3*«i"'ı ae' muc
0ard*n m th* «mllt
photograph compalrtıon b*«*
and thosa aCvo dont
N««(Dnwr« lo Lon<tcn ol1*n eomplaın of
th* lack ol pubNc actlvKI*w eapaclalh/
ın t h * avan nga — E**ni»g cl«a*«*
for n«t»ne* ar* llourlahlng «t
preaanl Th*r* a ı * «ventng chaa**S
laadıng 10 praf*«aion*l quatit callon*
(hara ara alao c •••*• r*l*l*d lo
Aj The Royı Oo«'» HouM a aıluaMd r
S . * Dtd M ra*!ty->
Clara • t* H»d**d Tm
for him,
«t Nc< y * Wa . . M M I U I Uond*y
E) > « D^ni you hr-o*? On* ol Frankt phoM*
g« Ih* 'WSI prnM
Q Mo b u thar* • a rumoıM oMng around Dvaı
UartBi ha*Mon
I» Mc I hkad (h* on«S U M ı n * » g«rd*r b M
E Boo * « ba ivrrtı'y dnvappomtad • h* do**n1
gat • prız*
P*l*r WhW* you. aıator dotltg no«?
Raalh/T I thovghl aha •antad
lo b* • hııvyvr
Dh no Sn« a atvaya • n ı l M
B) Sh* • at t*ı* urrve
S» T
Mo« thaı •«•n'on* haa a
p*op4* go to «atcr. a bv*
*t*v«on ae< l « w
loofM» matıch
Musca •rtt4rt»'vna>fvs ar* rnyı popul*/ aa
lf# lar<9>ı*O* probi«rrı n no) apparanl
H4 aorulvd* ••' lan duruma »ygun
n rl*d«yi bulunujf
* h*adme*l*ı ea<a you ı( you coald
On *om* vısto-ra ıraund you> achoot
>u at* very ple***d M Ihı* »nd «gr*«
onca aaying
m af atd nvterv jo< ıtı« ı>m* al <h*
1 o* d*^rn«d ı«<*)w
« 1 * aafty »ıa»* ıc
IIı aw*u 1 '••"• ' U g r ı
c»k* and It * gen* aJI ov
ol yvur n*w bto«M* Vou
lo tn*l badty aboul ı ao
HhccouUdo «
r • 0 İ M * ot
•r tit* ateeır*
doni aranl har
voH **y
«V sludymg la*
»r* roung >** Ml tfi«
« iMiri a>ı*rv
a iurM Sh* s aı 3a/t*
*J Th* baıi •«, t d t>« lo ıry out a taw
C) N*v*r ımnd- I I «Uh n *n<( « • • b* kk* f**w
n lo4»v ıc rrn raaıly aPıar
olm*v*<ı cumlnl bu nı
A Irtand wartt* ta borroa • *cl*ool feoofe
from fou You don 1 «anl lo l*nû It to
h*r *a ah* 1 almaya ato« n ratunung
•varyth ng Stta maıata FlnaHy you
sgr** bul r*th*r r*ljctanily Tou »ay
A) vv«js a rıgriL t*»« 1 6L1 ıni •& 0»* rıght
8) Ho c*dann>y nol Yotj rt*w*r grvs Uingt &ack
O) Mny thouM r~ Vou to*ı Vı* l « l booh «m
E) Taks 1 ! doni INnfc 1 tftaH *var nMd K
VoU f**l aorry tor yoı*ı motho whtt baa
b**n MI «ıth thı and haa lo go beck le
arork Htough * h * U n ı »ooklny M all
*•<• Ycm »artl lo h*V he* a» r n ı >«y
8) Wh*o you 9*1 « I hav* ta do Ih* nou**a*9rk
and haM domg *
O Oon 1 aıorry about nta rn ^oır^g lo ^ *
* ' İ
g ttv* fhj too 10 Hl Way u
6 3 in * d*y Of I B D t »ill b* A ıc* a
blrthday Inatead oi *v*ryon« fn I h *
group buylng h*r a aapafat* p«*a*M
you ıhınh a n * flood p r a u n l Irom
«v*ryon* «rould b * HMjeh b«(l*r Yo«ı
(I) Oniona harm atmaif» b**n ooputar
(II) Irt lacl onloM w* •*•• le««T bı
(H) Tk*« *r* Qn« *l manMa.d'a *artt*«t
« ay c**um*d kı
atıcf«nl E gypt ûr**c« and R o »
(IV) Sy lh- ı ı . . n l M « l t t.ntu.y
l r a y i n g ıtp « ı y g m •• a
••1*4 ing>adl«nt *ad a bra«kla*l
'haa'lh lood (V) Today o<ıloa«, allhar
co«B*d or r«s ar* aaad ın a
C H 0 "i
(I) $mok»g ia a *•«•>-•• thal la tkıaatv
lnk*d to *p«c>el llmca and tpccıal
placaa (II) II you br*ah tb*a* HnkB
you c«n btaak th* habtt <IR) Ttn b**t
•*y of dolng th • la lo av»t d th«
•itiMtıon* wh*>« yoa voutd iMtanally
aınokt (IV) In ıh>a way yca o n
graduaiıy ı ı r o k a !•«• a»d »••
(V) Tn*r*f«r* you dan I atın
by *l»ppMiB •'•oklng
O in D IV
(t) H*r* I ana |O U IM1 my td«*l ol a
hettd»* *>llaoe (II) Tft* acanary •*wT
•lw« ıa qvıte d*l>gnttıW ••d tha ptopb
ar* tn*»dly aı»d bo*prt*bla (Rl) F*f
(M bo**v*t tb* n>*İn attrectıoM )•
tbM II haa kapı It* orirjinal c<WKHc
and r*m*fn*d p**c*lul and qu «l
IV) In aonı* coonlflvı tovnam I*
cartariaty on* of lh« p(»c pl* tou'ca*
af iacoaı* (V) I *•!• ta llod m«**(l
•urnuiHtad by In* lourıtl »duatry *md
har* I am nal
A) i 8 1 C M Dı V t£ V
(I) Otch'4* ata boiN a paaaıoa and a
bv»M«>* for Anry Ed* (II) $«* r«n* tna
Uaad* Orchiçl C*rde> !n Slngapo'a
• klcb «•• lounded by h*r IMhar la
1951 (IU) V.t ı n * orcatd •• r««*n»»d
a* I b * HK.»I «ttracl v * sf llo.arlng
plant* (IV tt h M b*c«iM lantou* lor
H* calkKIMn ol otd*r varı«O*a m*ny «f
«hıch ara n«« rat* (V) A* s*H aa
pr*«*rvıng orchıd hı*lo-y I h * gard*n ia
an lanponant pert f S hl
•Kport traö*
7S (I) W. a n aB
C) a 0 ny E V
*wara o< th* dauıtfar*
l r o r t {IIJ R b
£ 33" 7 *,TOW arflK lo buy tor AAc* Sh* f ı «
84 You ara «vıng a p*rty and ar* Irying lo
per»aade oa* o( yout ln««d* to com* to
<t You knoN h* do«.nt en>|oy c<owrj*d,
no-tay partıe* aa yaıı **y to hjm
B| Ev*ryone wat M *
a * { J am*Mb*ı
that h**lth ınsufaAce |wo».d« mOA*Y
altBf Ih* «veM {Mli Bul wrı*n travallıng
•broad «a fnor* outa d* our «»ua
anvtronmenl and don < krtoa •hal tn*
problcırıa »I ıh* n*« *nv)foafn*nt * ( •
(IV) fvrtba 1 (ic* ara «r* irtont vpoB
cn|«yukg our**t<n+ «« taka l*aa car* ol
«u(Ml<*ı than wa abould (V] Th>« bj
wtîy tha loraıS n«t | a almaya *l gnatar
doktor, avukat,
gazeteci olan
binlerce öğrencimiz
aynı tatlı heyecanı
12. yılımızda
yeni kuşaklara
bu heyecanı
Hatboyu Cad. Na: 44 BAKIRKÖY
Tel: S61 06 46 - 542 90 56