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CUMHURÎYET/12 5 AĞUSTOS 1991 ELEMAN SALES MANAGERS WE ARE OFFERING YOU A CAREER STEP UP TO SENIOR MANAGEMENT AND A CHANGE IN YOUR WORK LIFE We are a subsidiary of ITT VVorld Directories Inc vvıth headquarters ın Seacaucus, New Jersey U S A ın the Yelfovv Pages business and are looking for dynamıc management personnel for our Turkısh operations who wısh to take challenge Candidates vvıll have the follovving qualificatıons: • Experience in SALES function in insurance or consumer goods products for at least 5 years MANAGINC a SALES FORCE • Personality, creativity, man management and leadership qualities, good quantitative reasoning • An excellent command of English • University Degree in Business Administration (Management, Sales, Marketing, Economics) • Under35 years of age • Current residence in any part of Turkey Position requires planning, programming, analysis, management and motivation of a team of sales supervisors and sales consultants/representatives in the sales of advertising for the Yellovv Pages directories, and acnievement of given targets. Right candidates vvill be given extensive Sales Management traıning vvithin the company and abroad and competitıve compensation package pîus career opportunities vvitnın ITT VVorld Dırectorıes. All applıcations vvill be treated in utmost secrecy and the right candidates vvıll be invited for intervıevv. Please apply, by no later than 20 August 1991 vvith your C.V., contact phone number and a recent photo to: Personnel & Ceneral Administration Director ITT Bilka A.Ş. Ortaklar Caddesi No: 17 80290 Mecidiyeköy/İSTANBUL ITT Bilka Bılgne Kaynak Tıcartt [ 1 CANKURTARAN L. LJ holding aş Bağlı Kuruluşlarında Gorevlendirilmek Uzere ELEMANLAR ARIYOR MALİ İŞLER YÖNETİCİ ADAYLARI: • Konusu ıle ılgılı yuksekoğrenım gormu$, • Tercıhen lısaibiıstu çalışmaiarda bulunmuş, • îyı derecede Ingılızce veya Almanca bılen, • Fmansman, Butçe, Planlama, Tıcaret \e Vergı Hukuku, Tican \e Sınaı Muhasebe ve Malı Denetım konulanna yatkm, • Dinamık ve kendını >etıştıraıe azmıne sahıp, • 35 yaşını aşmamış, Elektrık, Elektronık, Makıne ve Endustn dallannda MÜHENDIS veya YUKSEK Ml HENDİSLER: • Iyı derecede Ingılızce. Almanca ve>a Fransızca bılen, • Yöneticı olma azım ve dınamızmıne sahip,' • 30 yaşım geçmemış. • En az 2 yıl deneyımlı, • Askerlıkle ılişığı bulunmayan, BILGİ İŞLEM YONETICİ YARDIMCILARI: • Iyı derecede Ingılızce bılen, • En az 2 yıl deneyımlı. • 35 yaşını aşmamış, ^davların, fotoğraflannı ekleyeceklen başvunıhrını a$ağıdakı adrese gondermelennı nca edenz (Başvurular kesınlıkle gızlı lutulacaktır.) Cankurtaran Holding A.Ş. Personel ve îdan Işler Mudurluğu Kemeraltı Cad No: 67 Karakov 80020 Istanbul A Tuıtosh Subadaıy d a vefy we« known Multnatonal Company ıs now seckng, PRODUCT MANAGERS - (PM) Whowllberesponsbl»lor; • Imptementat cr, of the short and bng term ma*Btmg strateçıestorhıs/hec produds • Tıantng d Sales Forcs and Educaaon of Customers about tvı&'her products • Eslablsftırtg team wo(k wrth othe' departmeftts of the Compary • Keepng customecs colleagıj«s and overseas depaftmenls ınfofmed t Makng and controHıng lısîıer own budget The candidates wıl have the followng quaMcalons • Unveısty Degreeın Busness Admnıstratod oı Chemıcal Engıneenng • At least Nfo years erçjenence ın product management ı Excelent command of «mtten and spoken Engish ıGerman ıs also an asset) • Not be owr 35 years of age • Entrepreneunal ımtatve creatvıiy and a balanced arrtaton for career and business growth EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - (ES) Who wll wo* for the Compam/s General Manager The candıdaie ««II have. • At least 3 years of expenence m a smlar poaton • Encslent command of Mitten and spoken Engish (German ıs also an asset) ı Good knowtedge of uDiang modem offce equpment Al appicalons wıll be treated ın stnct conMence and the rçht candtdates *ı« be ınvıled for an ınterwew Please apply by sendng your CV, contact phone number and a recent photo to. P K 622 ŞİŞÜ 80225 (STANBUl TRANSVARO ELEKTRON ALETLERİ SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. an American / Turkish joint-venture company located in Güneşli is looking for an ACCOUNTANT Education / experience required : ü B.A in Business Administration or Economy ü VVorking knovvledge of English, C Experience on accounting and import, export transactions C Familiarity of management reporting C Familiarity to work with PC. Send your resume with recent photo, no later then August 12nd. 1991 follovving address : Barbaros Bufvan Bostancı Veü Sok. No : 1 / 9 Beşiktaş / İSTANBUL Telephone : 161 95 42 Levıs WE NEED YOU!Levi's requires: MARKETİNG MANAGER capable of planning and executing 'above the line' and 'below the line' advertising, promotion and PR activities; with the necessary experience to supervise market research projects. Oualificah'ons required: • 5 years experience in AAarketing and/or Advertising • University Degree in Business Administration Levıs Levi's also requires: INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGER capable of planning PC network haraware systems, assessing software needs, acquiring or contracting out necessary softvvare programs, and working as a consultant to other departments. Oualifications required: • University degree in Business Administration and/or Computer Science • 5 years experience in Information Resources management Levıs Levi's also requires: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER capable of assessing organizational struclure and recommending re-organazation as the company grows; and qualified to prepare job descriptions, personnel policies and systems. Oualifications required: • University degree in Business Administration and/or Social Studies • 5 years experience in Human Resources management, preferabfy with an international company All candidates for the above three positions should have a good command of English, and male candidates should have completed all military duties. Please send your CV to: Attn: Ms.Sevil Özer Denimko Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Yapı Kredi Plaza C-Blok, Kat: 10 Levent/İstanbul Bölüm Sekreterleri Kuruluşumuzun sıcakçalışmaortamınave ış tempomuza çabuk uyum gosterecek • İngılızce bılen, • Bılgısayar kullanabılen, • Deneyımlı ve dinamık sekreterler arıyoruz. Ikjılenen adayların başvurularını, 15 Ağustos 1991 den once elımıze geçecek şekılde totoğraflı ozgeçmışlennı ıçeren bır mektupla yapmalarını nca edenz TeleteknikELEKTTONIKSANAVIVETİCARETAS Rıhtrn Cad Neslı Han 207/2 Karaköy 80030 Istanbu! TELEFONA BAKACAK BAYAJt ELfMAN ARANIY0R. 384 72 10 A LEADING MULTINATIONAL COMPANY IS LOOKİNG FOR DEPARTMENT SECRETARIES Responsıbılıtıes • Performıng secretarıal duties for one or rrore member: of the :tnff unıt • Composıng routıne letters • Maıntaınmg fıles and records of the department. • Answerıng ınguırıes ûualıfıcatıons • Fluency ın vvrıtten and spoken Engl.sh • Mınımum 3 years expe r ıence • A workıng knovvledge of offıce machınes f/vord process>ng and PCs| BOOKKEEPER Responsıbılıtıes • Assıs r mg ın the keepıng of all requrred accounting records ıncludıng accumulatıng and postıng data. balancıng ledger total makıng journal enfıes and other related duties Oualıfıcatıons • Fluency ın vvrıtten and spoken English 'ıntermedıate level). • Mınımum 2 years expenence • Good accounting knovvledge • VVorking knowıedge of PCs CREDIT SUPERVISOR Responsıbılıtıes • Assessıng credıt vvorthıness of customers • Admınısterıng customer aocounts and the coilectıon of receıvables. • Implementıng credıt policies and deasıons • Revıevvıng sa'es contracts ûualıfıcatıons • Good educatıonal background faccountmg/commercıal). • Mınımum 5 years experıerce ır a comparable position vvıth a large organızat on • Good supervısory sknls • Fluency ın .vrıtten and sooken Engl'Sh DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISOR Responsıbılıtıe; • Management of overall dıstrıbutıon fuhctıon -equırements |ınventory ınvestment and market supply needs vvarehoussng. custamer supply and delıvery servıces tmportatıon cusroms ciearance and other related dutıesı Oualıfıcatıors • University degree • Fluency 'n vvrıtten and spoken English • Mınımum 4 years experıence ın dıstrıbutıon and vvarehousıng processes • Good supervısory skılıs SYSTEMS COORDINATOR , Respons.bilıtıes, • Supervısıng dır^ctıng and coordınatıng data processmg and data communıcatıon activities to the satısfactıon of company ınformatıonal needs • Keepng ab r east of new deveiopments ın the fıeld • Coodıratıng the ınstallatıon of nevv hard'Aa r e and sofr/^are applıcations • Settıng up bac<uo and recover>' procedures for equıpment. programs and data Qualıfica:ons • University degree ın computer scıences • 3-5 years experıerce ın commercıal appl.catıons, • Fluency ın vvrıtten and spoken English Please send your full CV. and a recent photo to the address below, indicating the position you are applying for: Personnel Department,PK 24, Çeliktepe, 80650 İstanbul. SIEMENS NIXDORF Şırketımız Istanbul kadrosunda gorevlendirilmek üzere Satış Elemanı alınacaktır Satış Elemanı • Mesleğı ıle ılgılı yüksek öğrenim gormuş, • Ingılızce ve/veya Almanca bılen, • 30 yaşmı aşmamış Adayların 176 90 02 (11 hat) numaralı telefondan randevu alarak bir fotoğrafile birlikte şahsen müracaat etmelen rica olunur Tüm başvurular gizli tutulacaktır. Siemens Nıxdorf Bilgısayar Sıstemlerı A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Uçyol Mevkii Noramın İş Merkezi Kat: 2 80670 Ayazağa/lstanbul MACINTOH OPERATÖRU Grafik ustası Tel: 130 07 93 Gerçekten tngilizce bilen sekreter. Özgeçmışınızı en geç 14 Ağustos'ta elı- mızde olacak şekılde yazılı olarak gönder- menızı nca edenz Adres Suleyman Nazıf Sokak20HarbıyeY&RBBQBB8BHHH
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