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Abonelerimiz Orijinal Sayfayı Giriş Yapıp Okuyabilir
Üye Olup Tüm Arşivi Okumak İstiyorum
Sayfayı Satın Almak İstiyorum
We have very recently completed fhe sfrategic and corporate resfructuring of ÇELEBİ GROUP OF COMPANIES wfıich is centered mainly around
ground handling services but is also diversified into a variety of other sectors mosHy in the services industry. Consequential to our resfructuring
efforts, we are now as the Group's management consultants, helping them with the selection of highly qualified professionals for the following six
executive positions:
VICE PRESIDENT, Information Management (VPIM)
The VPIM (in direcf report to the Group Vice Chairman) will act as a core member of the executive team within the ÇELfBİ Holding A.Ş., the Group's
parent company. He/She will be in chorge of designing and implemenfing the overall management information system within the group and to
this end shall be assigned and empowered with optimizing information technologies to be used, selecting software and hardvvare to be acqı/ired
and overseeing the efficient and cost effective flow of digital information within and among the Group companies. The ideal candidate for this
position is a computer or electronics engineer preferobly holding an MBA or an MS and coming with a proven track record of at least eight years
in the information technology/management field.
The GM (in direct report to the Group Chairman) will leod the Group's fransportation company which runs intra-city shuttle buses (servis) for
corporate customers. The ideal person is someone with a service industry background like bussing companies, hotels and airways. A university
degree, English and PC familiarrty will be required. Foremost requırements are, however, an absolutefy hands-on attıtude and familiarity with
manogirvg large number of people out on the field.
The TQM in direct staff repoti to the General Manager of ÇELE8İ HAVA SERVlSİ A.Ş. (the biggest company within the Group) will design, plan,
leod, implement, motivate and streamline the entire TQ management efforts within this company. He/She wi\l be encharged and empowered with
getting TQ adopted and shared as a way of life by all within the company. The ideal candidate for the posrtion will probably be an industrial
engineer possibly with an MBA and vvith at least four years of actual TQM project leadership role v/ithin a corporate environmenf vvorthy of being
The CRM (in direct reporttoÇELE&İ HAVA SERVlSİ A Ş Assistant General Manager, Marketing and Sales) will be in charge of maintaining and
enhancing relations with the customers, that is, the local and international airlines using ÇELEBl's ground handling services. The ideal candidate is
a marketing graduate preferably with an MA/MS in marketing and with at least five years of marketing experience a couple of which wouid be
in manogement capacity A product/brand managemenf background in preferably an international corporate environment would be very relevant
for this position.
The MM (in direct reporttoÇELEBİ HAVA SERVlSİ A.Ş. Assisfant General Manager, Marketing and Sales) will be encharged with active marketing
in line with corporate strategies and in a market made up of local and intemationol oiHines using ground handling services. The ideal candidate
for this position shores the same traits and qualifications with the CRM above.
The BM (in direct report to ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVlSİ A.Ş. Assistant General Manager, Finance) will be encharged with preparing the company draft
budget on internal data received from the departments and on basic assumptive parameters to be furnished by the Holding Çompany. The BM will
also be expecfed to follovv up on departmenfal performances compared against the budgeted targets. The ideal candidate for this position holds
a degree in economics/finance/business/management or in industriol engineering preferably with on MBA, hos command of English and is
a very able PC user. Budget preparation experience is a must and budget consolidation within a multi-entity group is a definitive plus.
Applications tpedfying porifen must include a detailed resume, a recenf photograph and a telephone number for quick and discreet access.
Confidentiality will be strictly observed and each qutöed applicant will be personally reached. To be considered, however, applications need be
faxed or mailed to reach us no later than Jum 7, "1996 Friday.
Selçuklar Sokak 51/3 Levent 80630 Istanbul Fax 280 5176 and 279 2475
"OBEY... forerunners in management consultancy"
Aynı fikîrde miyiz?
Oraüker dediğin;
Beynindc- oluşan her göriintüyü bilgisayarında da yaratabilmcli.
diğer bir de>işle Macintosh Aldus Kreehand 5.0 \c Photoshop
programlarını konuşuırmalı...
MAC Operatörü dediğin;
Macinlosh Aldus Frechand 5.0 \e Photoshop proeramlarına
>eni bir kullanım kılavuzu yazabilecek kadar iyi olmalı..
Atölye Şefi dediğin;
Matbaa teknigini hatmetmiş olmalı, en dinamik çalışma
oriamında bile lemposu asla düşmemeli...
Sistem Destek Uzmanı dediğin;
Macintosh sistemlerini adı kadar iyi bilmeli. Donanım ve Vazılım
tamir ve bakım konusunda >etkin servis \erebilmeli
Aynıfikirdcyseniz.lüıfcn ayrıntılı özgeçmişinizi Zcynep Karaarslan
dikkaiine 14 Haziran 1996 tarihinc kadar elimıze geçecek şekildc
fakslayın ve>a posialayın.
Fahs: (0212) 276 91 50 Telefon. (0212) 276 64 46
\dres. Büyükdere ted. Plaza Spıing Giz 6. kat \taslak Istanbul
A trendy style for professionals: v/orking from the home-base
Our client is hSe fully owned subsidiary of a multinational in the petroleum indusfry. Operations are conducted hSrough fhree sales
areas (Adana, Izmir, Trabzon) that report to the head-office in İstanbul. As consultants, we are helping our client employ highly
competent individuals to serve in these sales areas as:
ADANA Area Sales Manager
IZMİR Area Sales Manager
TRABZON Area Sales Manager
The Area Sales Managers (in direct report to the Sales Manager in istanbul) will basicalh/ be encharged and empowered with
business development in their areas. This will entail corporate and product promotion, identification of new investment potentials,
establishing the agent network, customer calls, initiating/receiving orders and following-up on collections. It's o full marketing/sales
process combined with an effective representation of the company image.
Candidates are not retfuired to be currently residing in any of the above mentioned areas. İn case of relocation, rent will be
covered by the company. Essential business amenities will be provided as well as a company car and a cellular phone. Training is
essential to career growth within the company. Accordingly, the new recruits vvill, starting vvitfı, be sent on a brief training program
in England.
The ideal person for this job is a young mechanical engineer (max. 30 years) with up to two years of active sales experience,
a command of Engfish, ability to travel extensively, and willingness to be professionally rotated (maybe every 2-4 years) among the
above mentioned sales areas. As this job requires a considerable degree of personal initiative and ability to communicate at all
levels of the business strata, entrepreneurialship and social flexibility are two personal traits considered as absolute prerequisites for
Applications must include a detailed resume, a recent photograph and a telephone number for quick and discreet access.
Confidentiality vvill be strictly observed and each qualified applicant will be personally reached. To be considered, however,
applications need be mailed or faxed to reach us no later than î 2 June 1 9 9 6 Wednesday.
Selçuklar Sokak 51/3 Levenf 80630 Istanbul Fax 280 5176 and 279 2475
"OBEY... forervnnen in management consuttancy"
Dreammaker - Consultant Group
Wheneveryou need a global passport n
biz de aşık olmuş(IM) bir elmayı hak ettiğimizi
( küçük, küçücük, hatta miniminnacık oisa bile! )
Who do you think you are?
MKOIA + , a lcading medıa planning and bujing company
Ihe sectur. seeks candidates for the follovung positions
An Assfstant Media Planner?
VV j|| ıvori as part of a mrdia account tcam Rcsponsfblr for execution
of media plans Will have contınuous ınterfatc uıth ılienis University
degrcc a musı Prıor »ork. cvperit'nce nol ncccssary
A Media Buyer?
Al least one years mrdia buyıng r\perience at a «ellestablished
afiency l'nivcrsit\ degree ıs a must
An Exacutive Assistant ?
To work »ıth the general manager Good eommunications and
organizaiional skills Kair knowledge of Knglısh \bility lo perform
in fasl-paced aımosphere
Male candidates should have completed tbeır militarj' senıcc.
All applicaıions and inierviews will b<? handlcd m utmost confidence.
If you Mnk you are who we are lımkine for. plcasc scnd or fax \our CV
lo the aıtcnlion of \lrral Karabulııı no latcr ihıın Junc N. 1996
Buyukdeır <jtddesi, Pltua Sprimt Giz. 4tb Floor. 80670 Uaslak Islanbul
Faks:(0212)276 90 17
Ufkun Ötesine
Jtiizü düşünüp hızlı üreten «Doğru konsepde
parlak yaratıcı fikri buluşcurabilen »Yogun iş
temposundan yılmayan »Türkçeyi iyi ve dogru
kullanan »lngilizce bılen »NitelikJı reklam
ajanslannda en az 3 yıi çaiışrruş
•Üniversite mezunu
J—'inamik bir ajansın yeni kampanyalanna imza
atacak »Reklam konseptini görselleştirmede en
güzel krearif çözümleri yakalayabüen »Freehand
5.5 ve Photoshop 3.0 programJannı kullanabilen
•Nitelikli reklam ajanslannda en az 3 yıi çalışmış
•Güzel Sanadar Fakültesi Grafik Bölümü
mezunu •Araştırmacı. hızlı
Ajans - Müşteri ilişkilerinı ustaca ve uyum
içinde yürütecek »Çok iyi Ingüizce (tercıhan
Fransızca da) bilen •Nitelikli reklam ajanslannda
en az 2 yıi çalışmış »BÜ, ODTÜ mezunu veya
benzeri okullarda îşletme. Ekonomi, Pazarlama
ya da Sosyal Bilimler egitimi gönnüş
-Treehand 5.5, Photoshop 3.0 ve QuarkXPress
3.31 programJannı kullanabilen »Matbaa
işlerinden anlayan •Nitelikli rekJam ajanslannda
en az 2 yıi çalışmış »Güzel Sanatlar Grafik
Bölümu mezunu
1 ürkçeye ve yazım kurallanna egemen »lyi
Ingüizce bilen »En küçük aynntılarda bile son
derece dikkatli Ȇniversite mezunu
CV'lerİH (0212) 259 78 2i no.ya fakslanması rka oluıtur.
her gün büyüyen ve gelişen
iş dünyasına yeni elemanlar kazandırıyor.