20 Şubat 2025 Perşembe English Abone Ol Giriş Yap


7 AĞUSTOS 1995 PAZARTESİ CUMHURİYET SAYFA Medya C: Tel. 512 05 05 (20Hat) Dırekt: 513 95 80 Fax: 511 84 66 INSAN KAYNAKLARI OBEY A39OI We are consultants to a US based multinational specialized in animal health products for therapy, performance improvement and milk or meat quality ennancement. Helping them vvitrı tfıeir endeavors to set up theır Turkısh organızatıon ın Istanbul we seek candıdates for the rollowıng posıtıons: COUNTRY MANAGER [CM) Reporting to the European headquarters and leading a compact organizatıon built on marketing, sales and tecnnical functions, the CM will be entrusted with identifying market needs, supporting product development efforts, strategic planning and realization of sales and profit targets. The ideal canaidate, 35±5, will hold a business related degree; come with experience in animal health or husbandry; dispiay outstanding skills in business leadership; demonstrate ability and willingness to travel extensively and familiarity witrı tne PC. TECHNICAL MANAGER (TM) Reporting to the Country Manager, the TM will be encharged with training of the sales force and advising customers on product uses, registry of products, supervision of product labels and brochures to ensure that they meet company guidelines. The ideal candidate, 35±5, will hold a degree in veterinary or related sciences, come with minimum 7 years of technical experience in meat/poultry/feed or in animal health industry, demonstrate good presentation and communication skills. FINANCIAL ANALYST (FA) Reporting to the Country Manager, the FA will be encharged with financial planning/budgeting, credit management, costing/pricing, cost/benefit and prohtability analyses and financial reporting. The ideal ' candidate, 27±3, will hold a degree in finance or a related discipline, be well versed wim the GAAP, come witfı an experience v/ithin an international work environment and dispiay professional affinity v/ith the PC. SALES REPRESENTATIVE (SR) The SR reporting to the Sales Manager will be encharged with preparing a mini-marketing plan to identify market potential, developing on active customer base, creating demana for products by ensuring extensive territorial coverage, promoting corporate and product image and attaining targeted sales volumes. The ideal candidate, 32±4, will hold a degree in veterinary or related sciences, come with several years of field sales experience, be vvilling to reside in Izmir and ready to travel extensively to cover the entire Aegean Region. Applications specifying position must include a detailed resume, a photograph and a telephone number for quick and discreet access Confidentiality will be strictly observed and each qualified applicani will be personally reached. To be considered, hovvever, applications need be faxed or mailed to reach us no later than 18 August 1995 Friday. OBEY YÖNETİM DANIŞMANLIK A.Ş. OBEY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED Selçuklar Sokak 51 /3 Levent 80630 istanbul Fax 279 2475 "OBCY... forcrvnners in management consultancy" OBEY PVC, HDPE, PP, PVDC, PVDF. Our client is an international firm concentrated on alkalis, peroxygens, processing, health and plastics. They employ more than 40,000 people around tfıe globe and serve a vast range of markets that will take a full page of this paper to list. As their human resources consultant, we are helping them witfrı the selection of a SALES ENGINEER (SEj A39OI to be positioned in their Turkish office in istanbul in direct report to the General Manager. The SE, after a certain period of training to include a week in Europe, will be encharged with the task of selling PVC, HDPE, PP, PVDC, PVDF compounds and poK/ethylene folios to manufacturers of food and non-food packaging, construction materials, automobile parts, clothing/footv/ear, cables, household/furniture, medical and hospital supplies. The ideal candidate, 2ö±4 is a chemical engineer or a chemist with a few years of sales experience particulark/ in chemicals, a fairly good knovvledge of English and/or French, a driving license, ability and willingness to spend about half his time travelling to visit customers. Applications specifying position must include a detailed resume, a recent photograph and a telephone number for quick and discreet access. Confidentiality will be strictk/ observed and each qualified applicant will be personally reached. To be considered, hovvever, applications need be faxed or mailed to reach us no later than 18 August 1995 Friday. OBEY YÖNETİM DANIŞMANUK A.Ş. OBEY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED Selçuklar Sokak 51/3 Levent 80630 İstanbul Fax 279 24 75 "OBEY... forerunners in management consultancy" MERCK SHARP ve DOHME İLAÇLARI A.Ş. • founded in January 1993 • fast-growing, fully ovvned subsidiary of the U.S. based multinational, MERCK & Co. is looking for: PRODUCT MANAGER PRfl to take charge of one of its key products. The candidates must • have a marketing degree from a recognized university • be fully fluent in vvritten and spoken English and Turkish • be highly competent in using vvordprocessing, spreadsheets and presentation softvvares (preferably Windows programs) • be vvilling to travel inside Turkey and abroad • have completed military service (for male candidates) Additional gualities seen as desirable but not as necessary are: • life science education background • two years of business experience MEDİCAL SCİENCE ASSOCIATE-MSA to work in supporting clinical studıes as well as marketing a new breakthrough product. The candidates must • be graduate of a Medical Faculty • be fully fluent in vvritten and spoken English and Turkish • have a minimum of two years experience as a clinician • be vvilling to travel inside Turkey and abroad • have completed military service (for male candidates) Additional gualities seen as desirable but not as necessary are: • degree ın cardiology or cardiovascular pharmacology • familiarity vvith clinical studies SECRETARY-SEC to be employed at the Marketing Department. The candidates must • be fully fluent in vvritten and spoken English and Turkish • be highly competent in using vvordprocessing, spreadsheets and presentation softwares (preferably Windows programs) • have at least two years university degree • have two years of business experience The job requires vvorking for several people and therefore good judgement on prioritization while organizing and meeting all requests. Please send your resume which indicates the position you are applying for, vvith references and a day-time contact number before August 18 to; MERCK SHARP ve DOHME İLAÇLARI A.Ş. Human Resources Department Yapı Kredi Plaza, B Blok Kat:8 Levent 80620 İSTANBUL. All applications will be kept strictly confidential. * Elektronik / Bilgisayar (HW) Mühendis ve Teknisyenleri - PC ve Network konusunda uzmanlaşmış * Sattş Temsilclsi - Yüksek Okul Mezunu * Operasyon Sorumlusu - Yüksek Okul Mezunu * Sekreter - Dosyalama ve ofis otomasyonu konulanna vakıf, telefona bakacak * Depo sorumlusu - Ticaret Lisesi Mezunu elemanlar aranmaktadır. Adayların telefonla randevu alarak şahsen başvurmaları gerekmektedir. Probil Bilgi İşlem Ltd. Şti. 2. Taşocağı Cad. Oğuz Sokak 7/3 Mecıdiyeköy / İstanbul Tel: (0 212) 267 39 53-267 41 72 267 48 10 Uluslararası Oto Kiralama ve Turizm faaliyerierinde bulunan şırketımize, SATIS ELEMANLARI İstanbul, Taksim ve Kadıköy ofisleri için; • En az lise mezunu • İngilizce bilen • Sürücü belgesine sahip REZERVASYON VE MUSTERI TEMSILCISI Dreammaker - Human Resources Consultant Group " İVheneveryou need a globalpassport" İnsan Kaynaklan Yönetim Damşmanlığını Üstlendiğimiz Bir Şirketimiz İçin, Üstün Performansı ile Şirketmin Hedeflerine Ulaşmasmda Katma Değer Yaratacak DENETÇİLER (AUDITOR) •Şirket denetimlerinde en az üç yıllık deneyim ( veya ben ıhyıldır çalışıyorum ama edindiğim deneyim dörtyola bedel diyorsanız) •Ulusal ve Uluslararası denetim mevzuaü konusunda yeterli bilgi ( veya eksık olduğum alanlar var ancak kısa sürede yeterlilik kazanabilirm diyorsanız) •İyi düzeyde ingilizce bilgisi aradığunız temel nitelikler. Geleceğinizi geleceği olarak gören bir şirkette çahşmak isterseniz, lütfen ingilizce yazümış bir CV'nizi Yücel Atış'ın dikkatine 18 Ağustos 1995 tarihine kadar iletiniz. "Herşey aramızda bir sır olarak kalacak" Feneryolu Sokak - No 26 / 4 Feneryolu 81110 Kadıköy-İstanbul Tel : 0 - 216-347 17 66 Fax : 0 - 216 - 418 57 46 • En az lise mezunu • iyi derecede İngilizce bilen • Ofis makinalarını kullanabilen İlgilenenlerin (0216) 349 36 87 (3 hat) no'lu telefondan randevu alarak sahsen başvyrmalan rica olunur. Başvurular kesinlikle gizli tuKılocaktır. ÇAĞDAŞ YAŞAMI DESTEKLEME DERNEĞİ sizlerle, ülkemiz ıçın \apılabıleceklerı görüşmek ıstıyor. Tel.: 275 50 82 Türkiye çöl olmasın. T.E.MA Türkiye Erozyonla Mücadele. Ağaçlandırma \e Doğal Varlıklan Koruma Vakfı Tel.: (0212) 281 10 27 268 09 85 BAR PROGRAMIİÇÎN BAYAN VOKALİST TEL: 258 16 76 Cumhuriyet 'İNSAN KAYNAKLARI' Sayfaları hergün büyüyen ve gelişen iş dünyasına yeni elemanlar kazandırmaya devam ediyor. VERGI DENETİM ELEMANLARI • Yüksek okul mezunu, • Vergi ve muhasebe konularında özel veya kamu kuruluşlarında asgari 3 yıl deneyimli. • 35 yaşını aşmamış. adayların, fotoğraflı özgeçmişlerini aşağıdaki adrese göndermeleri rica olunur. Başvurular gizli tutulacaktır. DENET Yeminli Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş Büyükdere Caddesi No: 121/6 Ercan Han. 80300 Gayrettepe - İstanbul Bizim müşterilerimiz her şeyin en iyisine lâyıktır. Art Direktörün de. Kimi aradığımızı uzun uzun anlatmaya gerek yok. Art Direktörlerin uzun lafı sevmediğini biliyoruz. Uzun lafın kısası. kendini kampanyalanyla kanıtlamış, yaratıcı bir Art Direktör anyoruz. Hızlı ve en iyisini üretenlerin, 275 05 50'den Betül Hanım'ı arayarak randevu almalarını veya 211 32 73'e faks çekmelerini rica ediyoruz. DENET Member firm of IBDO IRMAK... from pre-elemantary until high school graduation IRMAK ıs riıe veıv fırtt lınk ın a chaın of schools desıgned to offer sdoctıve educationa! opportuniiios to chıldran starting at pre-elemontary level to be tromed untıl hıgh jchool groduatıon h is op«nıng ıts gates for the fırst tıme ın September 1995 under the auıdance ancfleadersnıp ot a handpıcketf team ot educotors and adminıstrotors commrttedtoperfectıon As a (ınal step ın ttı teom buıldıng endeavors, IRMAK wıll vvelcome appİKatıons fof Ine following posıtıons ENGUSH TEACHER Ncrtıve speaker of English Oualıhed to teach Preferably TEFL certıfıcoted Expenence w»lı school cnıldren at the relevant oge levels UBRARIAN Mınırnum o &A degree as a lıbranon Hcmds-cxı expenence ın seftıng up o iıbrary from stratcfı Fnendly wım books and tf>e PC almost as much as she ıs W7tn kıds SCHOOL PRINCIPAL'S SECRETARY Will njn the entire office work ond manoge all communıcatıons Outstondıng peoples slcılis Command of English, odvonce knovvledge of PC under Wındows HandwnHen opplıcatıon to include a detailed resume, a recent pootograph and atelephonenumber for auıck ond discreet access should be moıled or hand-delrvered to reach IRMAK Özel llkoğretım Oltulu at Cemıl Topuzlu Cad No 112 Caddebcslan (fax 0216-411 3926) or call Mr Yılmaı (School Prıncıpal) direct ot 0216-41 1 3923 for an appoıntment no loter than August 12, 1995.
Abone Ol Giriş Yap
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