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Abonelerimiz Orijinal Sayfayı Giriş Yapıp Okuyabilir
Üye Olup Tüm Arşivi Okumak İstiyorum
Sayfayı Satın Almak İstiyorum
Öğrenci Yerleştirıne Sınavı Soru ve Yanıtları6) J"« norrvur de fope a
C) Tu y es ail«e lou» seut*
D/ T«ns tu ames a musıqu* classıque toı
El J * pretara les »nr*o>slrements *ax concefts
heures a leur bureau d autr** M tıx**U 3 4
Jeur mttenfon qu« pendant un temps ***•
court (III) Bret chaqu* İndıvıdu a m
h.bitudfl. (IV) Lessentiel e ı i d* vıvr*
eeJon »on rythme (V) Le travail en
groupe permvt d* sencouragcr
1 71 75 «ı
p*rç«ya ı
onıiarda anlam bakırrundan A) i B) II C) 111 0) rv
(I) L* lalt tf mcnt ıdeal contıent tout
ea quıl fauL (II) La sterılısatıon du laıt
augment* le prıı d*s produıts leıtı*rs
(M) S* on M taime pae on peut I*
remplacer p«r de* yaourts ou du
rromaga (IV) Un i«un« a b*soın au
mınımum d*un gramm* d * eaicıum par
>our »o* un quart d * lltr* de laıt deu*
petıt* yaourts et 30 grammes de
fTMnaoe (V) En plus un verre d * laıt
cKaud la aoir a das effet» b*n*fiqu*s
A) l B) It C, I DjiV E)V
(I) Enseıgner Tenv ronnement eat
deventı un* obfigatıon pour le* ecolee
(I!) It **t urgent en effet 4 * poser l*s
problaıne* de la relation entre I homme
al eon *nvi(onnem*nt (III) II faudrait
ausst «ensibılıser toua lee cftoyana
aux dang*rs qu entraınefil la pollution
ta diaparıtıon des for*ts «tc (IV) La
conterenc* de Rıo e mla I accent dan*
c* sens sur I ımportance mondıale de*
problemas de I «nvıronntment (V) Haıs
tou* Jes habıtantt de* gr*nde* vıllea
prefarent passer leur week-*nd en
pl*Hi« nature
İ74 (I) Le« supermarcnls connais**Kt un
• ueces de plut en plus grand. (II) En
eff*t la population a beaucoup
•ugment* I* vıe a chang* «1 M a faUu
que I* commerca an tıenne cofl^rt*.
(III) Et beaucoup dc g*ns prttermi l«*
granda magasjns parce qu an y tronv*
tout el tres rapıdement (IV) La cantr*
d«* 9fand«« vılle» **t »oısvent bftM|u«
par la eırculatıon et on na M gar* pltts
factl*m*nt (V) Sur le* rayon*. la plup«rt
de* produıta sont daıa envekıpp** dan*
de* sacs en plastıque on peut s* —rvk
*oı memt
B ) H D)IV E)V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
(I) Certaına ont esprıt vıf a mıntıit,
d autret prelarcnt travaifler la journe*
(II) Certain* pcuvent reater atsta quatra
7 5 . (I) L t ı guerrea, •u)ourd
huL frappcnt
de ptus en ptut k> ctvile *< donc I m
tnfanla (p) Vtctfme* de la lolie
destructnca des hommtt lee enfanta
•ont eu**i utıltıe* comme »oldats dan*
d* nombreuz paya (III) Le* frntania
donl te« parenla sonl mort* ont de*
probiemea paych>que* (IV) Oepuİa I *
debut de* anneet «0 de ! AfghMİatM
au Cambodge du Moumb»que a r*x
Vougoslavı* un millıon *t d*mi
d entre cux aont mort» (V) Et
tix mıllion* ont ete gravernMt
Butfin yapman gareken ihiiyaçuırın tçin
ota» arabayı Mçmekiir
A) The best thıng would be !o get the cw thal
you !*• best
B) AH you hav*todo m chooee the car thal
baetfiUyour need»
C) In chooaaig a car the most nvpoftm* thmg
« the* rt tuüs your neads 48
D) The best car 10 get ts the one tnat realy
suJt* your n««ds
E) Al that ıs naedad « a car that raaly doas
what you «ont • to do
3 5 Cörunuşte hiç kitnse onun kotu
davrandıgını kabul elmek İstemiyordu
A} IMortunalety none 0* thosa wt>o Kad
behaved bw*y wer* prapared to admıt n
B) Obmudy ihose *^o had betıaved badty
*»ra not gomg 10 adml ıt
C) Apparently no on* was wtöwig to admıt ttıai
he had b*hav»d badty
0) AduaJry everyDn* had beruıved badty bm
no on* woukJ •dmt t
larg*ty ıgnored by the Bnbsh pubic
C) showed how rıght Argenlına was m claımıng
the ıslands
D) waa lolk)wed by a wtfıdrawal ot most Brdsh
cttızsns Irom the ısiartds
E) brok* out after th« «iands wera .nvadMİ by
On* may conclude from the passage
that even today Britaın t hold over
the Falkland lılandı —
A) a regarded aa poM^alty and aconomcaOy
unnecsssary by ev«ryon* ın Bmam
B) coukL w\ aU Ikeltiood.toadto another war
b*twe«n Bntam and other powers
C) cautas more problefm than beneftts 10 the
Bfflıih puUc
D) * t*( by some people 10 b* a conbnuatıon
ot the Bntısh mçmnH rul*
E) has not be*o »ccepted anywh*re bul wt
49 S3 aorulard* verılen cumleye
antamca «n vakın olen cumleyı butunu»
8} II C) »I D) IV E)V
2 Bu tvrtt* 7S tom «
İ. «•apiaiiapa Çnn *eru0«n
ı nd*a Da« Y" *
:umted« boş bır»kı(*fl
uypnn duaen lultm* y» da rtedvy
• «nıfı P*t«r aboul
The •arthquafe«
ı»oi M much u
A compeient
Wh*t ettraciad n
A ttrtkm
C precautan
E dout*
U n l m you tak*
cough ol raura i
A) d«cc*w*ly
C] r*kuctantly
Yoer bKyete •**
b«cau*« rt a a c
B «•"**>!•
0) 1*»MJ
f»«t atlanlıon
— to craau ı
B) «iectıon
your modkin*
nU nev«f eo
D specıaty
•I Itohter
2 3 . H I had kno«n you were comıng -
AJ I may aak John to pm us
B) ther* ıs a very good maal waftıng lor you
C) I woutd have arranged to *Iay al home thıs
A krt ot ih« pKturas
aood but Harya m
ı — for theae SHOM « M I
8 I don t think Frenh ıs old — to etey el
homt aton*
9 I cw r«fn«fTri>«r 1
10 Over 40 mıiİKn ptopta paıı —
»00 a rcratt land »nd tak* oft «vtjry
A) M*|i B, n C) batora
«y ar*« surpr s
<nri C)Aı hotn
— I rnact iohı
O) you wont need lo Uk* a ta» lo the statıon
E) 1 ought to hav* grven you my teiephone
— even though the qualrty of th*
gooda i» rather poor
A) Thay had fet obbged to vote on ıt
B) The efteciıvene»» ol the campaıgn had
been prevented
O In my opnıon t w*s already too aie
0) Buy*n could not have bee" ound
E] Hıs bu9>ness a Bxpandtnq güite fasi
I 2S 30 eorularda verılen Irtgıliıc* I
cftmlenın Turkçe dengJni bulunuz |
2 5 You ought to have «rarned u* thet »he
«raa lıkeıy to ınterfere with our «rork.
A) Onun ^ımae kartstıfiını her ır>t maie taryı
bı2e b tdîrmenu getek rd
B) Ooun muhtern*H}n ış mu* kar şacagi
konusunda btzı uyarmartti g k d
C) Ne otursa oisun ona
l k
E) Fnally ıt was admrtted that no one had
behaved reaffy badty
3 6 Sorunu e l * alıstakı etkılı yontenun*
hayran olmaktan kendımı alamadım.
A) I coutdnt h*fc> admmng her effecirve
manner n deabng w*h the problem
6) I «rouldni hav* adrrured the manner ın nhıc
sh* deaR vwth the probtam unkMS «t had
been *ffearve
ı dealng Mth probtems s
alyıays admrt
0) Th* abMy lo cope «nth problems etttoently
•s an admrable quaMy
E) Sh* has a rare abıi«y fcr cop ng «nth
dtfücultıes whcf> can t fielp admmng
37 39 aorufarı afağıdafct parçeye gâr*
Enguuvj a famous forrt»gardens and most people
uks garden ng. Thıs ıs probabty on* reason «hy so
many peopl* pr**er to l»ve m houses rather than ın
Itats Partıcuutfty ın •uburban areat t m po**abt* to
p*»4 row after row ot ordınary smaJI houses each one
tvrth AS n»aı>y k#p* paich ot g as» surrounded by a
graat varteiy of fk)wert and s^rubs Enthusıaatı ot 5 1
garden ng gei a graat d*al ol helpful ad\TC* Irom th*
televajıon and magazna*
3 7 The passage poinls out tfcat, b*«*u*e
many Englısh peopl* are fond of
gardenıng -
A} ttwy donl wani lo frv» m svbvban atm*$
B) houses ar* m w ı p^^putaf tnar flals
C) thay can spare Mtle ı.me tor ttı* tektvtsnn
D) the pnce ol tand a constanlty go*ng up
E' They grow ncnvers bul not grass and trui traes
I happ*ned to run ınto him on my aray
to the lıbrary
A) FortunaMty I mat hvn |u«l bafor* I ertarad
B) W * mei and w*nt lo the İbrary tog*th*r
C; I mat hım by chanc* as t was go«ng to the
D) I mtm qu«e surpnsed wh«n I m*t han tn th*
E) ( ^app•ned to see h<m go*ng nto lh# »brary
All the best ıtems had been sold by the
time we got to the exhıbrtton
A) We srrrved al the eıthfcftıon too late lo fınd
anythmg worth buyıng
B) We stay*d on al th* n h M » n unti aü »h*
besi thtnça had been toid.
C) By the tıme ws amved st the *xn*>*on they
had sokt all but a few exp*nsıve ıiems
0) Thts tıme there were some very fc» ıteın*
at the exhıbf[ on
E) Some ol the most valuable Ihıngs at the
*xtitwHon tvereD T sold iıR much laier
Apparently Tom and Larry c a n i apend
an alt*rnoon together wıthout fıghtıng
A) Tom and Larry musi have got togetfıar n
the atiemoon 1O have a tıghı
Drhfİng home on a tmi* used road aftar
a plcnte wHh trmnö» you — a » y
person heving troubl* ehanglng a tyre
You ctop and eay encouregıngly
A) You reaily shoutdn'i have been dnvmg so fast
B) You know you oughı to carry a spar* tyre.
C) What a a p*rson Ifce you domg w\ a pk«c*
fk* th»7
0} I wouU ham h*iowl you 4 I had b*an abkı
E) Donl wony I» do a tor you
6 2 You receıve a »enef from an old friend
of yours lo eay ahe ıs about to b *
marrıed. You ar* dctıghted al the rvew*
so you wrıt* back and say
A) You donl 1*41 me much about your futur*
husband why not?
B) I donl thtik you're the type to hav* a
happy marnag*
C) I was so thnftod to get your wonderful news
and w«n you every happtness
0) f havent yet been able to 1<x the daie o(
the w*ddıng
E) Why dKtni you nvite us to the weddına/>
6 3 Your younger brother ıs naluralry
feelıng very upeet becaus* h ı * bıcyci*
ha* b««n stolen So you want lo cheer
hım up and you say
A) I dread lo thınk wtiat laıher • o«ng (o say>
B) You ıhould be ashamed <M yours**
C) You know that btcyde cost an aw*ut (oL
0) Forget «< Tak* mne You know I n*nr us* (L
E) You ve ahvays been careless about wh*nı
you eave your b«cvcle
At achool you d agreed with a frtefid,
that you d go to a jazz concert
together Uonday was the evertıng
choaan and your frktnd «raa gettıng the
ttckats How*ver later on you fınd
Uoflday İa fmpossıble t o you cafi your
frtend and eay
A) Can «»e cnang* th* day lo Tu**d»y? I m
afraıd I cani mak* M on Uonday
B) Od w* agr*« to go on Uonday or on
C) fv» just «amf that there *on t be a concert
on Monday
D) Have you keamı how much the tckets are
goırvg to cosf
E wtsh the ofher f
B It iooks as <t To<
that aflemoon
ı and Larry pianned to f
C) A Iıght seerns mevtfabie Mthen Tom and
L«rr> ar* togeihef »v«n ıt only lor an
0 Presumabiy cw the aftemoon of the tıght
Tom and Larry w*re together
«S 70 eorularda karpılıklı
bof bırakılan kısmında »oyle
olabllecek sozu bulunuz
B cormr>g wrtl
6 5 Mery
D)N«dtoisa onun stmıze alatması
g*r*ltfığıru bıre aç Uamanız gereturdi
E} Her şeye ragmen onun (»ımi2* lunsmattmn
mumfcun olrnadığınt beoVmentz garekryordu
3 8 The passage stresses thet people
mterested ın gardenIng -
A) find « n*c*ssary to move oul lo
rural are a*
B) need karge gardens m ordef lo g*t
sat sfact on
C) are m a mtnonty m Englana
D) get uery Ittle er>cowraçem*nt from the
E) ara suppbed wılh mformatıon and gutdanca
by both •>* telev sıofi and the press
3 9 The pastage ıs cortcerned wlth —
A) the ıncreas 1^9 deTıand fw n«w vartetms of
flowers and shrubs
B) tna proOlems of gardenıng m suburban «raas
C) m* n*w t*chnıqu*s ui gard*nıng
D} ıh« enthusiasm of peop'e <n England tor
gardens and gardenıng
E F~ow to took after the g'a&s n gardens
40 -42 sorulan
asagıdakı parçeye görel
I d like to Introduce you to Mrs Trot —
hueband you ueed to work wtth
A) whera
6} w*iom C)«wrıose
t may nerer b* «bla to corne b*ek lo
Turkey — I want to •** a * much as
poeslbl* whlle I am her*
A) smc* B) untou C) b*cauM
D) *o E) aühough
S I M dkJnt mind - h*r hsır wet ın th*
He complaina unceatıngry but nobody
tak*s h/m s*rjou*fy
A} SureU ktmsenın onu c«kfcy* aknadığmdan
ffcayei edryor
B) Su e«J dert yanfyor ama htç kımse onun
oddi otduguna nanmıyor
C) Ourmadan fetayet ediyor ama kımse onu
oddtye almtyor
D) K. mse onun c«Mı olduğuna nanmasa da o
sıkayet etmekıen hıç vazgeçmfyor
E) Ne kadar ş*kay«i aderse eis n ktms* onun
soyledıkienn gerçsk kabul eimyor
2 7 The sateı campaıgn w*s so succesaful
thal the profrts for the year nearry
A) Kampanya oylesn* basanlıyd k, yı( ıçrtd*
satıslardan saglanan kâr htzia arTtı
B) Satış ksmpanyas* o kadar ba^anlıydıfcyiDık
ka/ n«r«deys* *3fcarna ç *cr
C) O kadar başanlı btr kampanya d> z»niedık kı
y llık satış kanmn tcal kat arttı
D) Satıs kampanyabnda ûytetne başar i<ydik
k bu yfckir mti beklanenden yuksak
E) Kampanyai sstiflard* oytesane bafar alde
«a k kı y l ıç a n m j kat ttat yuksetdı
2 8 We «ara advlaad to vısrt Ephcsus earty
ltı the day befor* tt got too hot
A] Ef** ı, acak bastımıadan gunduz *rk*n
gazmamız lavtıye *dBdL
8) Ei— g*2m*k ıçjr hav a s nmadar
•rkanden yola çıkm*ma öneridı
C) Efea bae oner^o^gı gıb gunduz scağı
batlamadan erVeı^vden gazdîk
D) S*cak bast rmadan Etes 3#ıebı!mek ıçın
•abah «rken hareket etmema ıst«rd
E) Ba* Eles • *rk*n ç/Oat^t **cak
bastırmadan cJönmema soylenfr»şt
2 9 H * «•• pleased with the hotel we found
for ha» as rt was etaan and quı*t
43 45 sorulan
cevaplay nız
aşagıdaki parçaya gore
A) get B to s
D to have got E) gettıng
So far I ve oniy «rrftien haH of the
report, but I — all of rt by Saturday
A) ml) hav* fm shed 8) h«ve finıs^ed
C) frash 0) fıntshed
E) rmght have hnahsd
b«t I m * shon of
I wish t — yoU
monay mya*H
A) hav* heJped B) can heip
D) coJd havt
A} Ona buldugumuz olel o kadar temtt ue
sakındl kı mamnun kaldıgtnı brkaç kez
B) Kftndtsn* temz ve sakın b r o*el
buiamayacağii drye ka>g lar yo'dıJ
C) Butdugurrvz otel saktn ve tema olduğu tçn
orada kalmay memnuruyette kabul ett
0) Kendnı tçtn buidugumuz ot«W*n temz ve
saton obnas n*dan>yki memnun katd
E) Onu manvtun edeb^mek >çın çok tema ve
sakm b* otel bulmama oereluyordu
Th* suspect w*ks soon convıcted ss
there «as so much ev dene* »gamst
A) Alayhavlekj kanrtlar ortaya konur korvnaı
I «uppoa* you —
urtdarstand what
Aj r*ad / has maant
• th* contract and
ıt -
6) wı!l rsed mean-t
C) hav* read / maana 0) had nrad i wouW mean
E) are raadmg mean
B) Sanıgın aJeytııne o kadar ÇOK kan t vard kı
mahkems onu hemert cezaland rdı
C) AJeyhtakı kanıtıarın çok oâmas nedenjyie
sanık oldukça ajır br cezaya ça^rtırıldı
D) Sarnk a*eyhrxteh kan tlar o kadar ÇOMJ kı
tuçkj budunmartas olanaks zd
E) Ateyhme çok kanıt ofougu <ç«ı
suçtu bulundu
sanrtı hemen
16 24 sorulerda cumley
tamamlayan ıfadey bulun>
uygun şektld*
1 9 He dıdn t settle into the n*n job —
A) whch probiems could have been avoıded
B) t they Kad 3<tered a h ghef salary
C) wheth*r he was *xpener<»d or ıxrt
0) untess he had to work occasonaly on a
E) as quddy as hah
sd eıcpectad to
2 0 Faıtng 1* a meant of telecommunicatlon
A) that woek*d on a system s»njar lo th*
ttleçrfıone system
B) whch nas developed very qucWy over th*
past f*w years
C) therefor* chargas wıll vary acconfng lo th*
bm* of the day
D) unlass companıas w*r* usr>g ıt m plac* of
tet*x machmes
E) «wh*th*r or not ycu stale the nam* of th*
2 1 — manufacturvrs could brırtg down
the prlcea of thelr producta
A) In sp*e o( caraful markat rasaarch
B) Aj companı*s mısrudg* th* rnariwt
C) Knowmg how much th* pubhc was praparad
cumlenın Ingılızce dengif
3 1 Bırkaç kifi daha çagırmayı ist*rdlm
A) t «ras onfy abfcs to nvrte a few peopie
B) I th nk we snoutd nvıte some more people,
C) I tvould nave ! ked to have mvted a few
mora peop'e
D ) A l e * m o e peopie should have been
E) I «ranted them to nvıte a few othsr people
32 Ontar ne ders* desin mucadelsden
v M g e ç m e y e e e g ı ı
A) Its just as rhe> sad the struggie must
cont nue
B) H doesni rnafter W
hat they say weV*
struggfed enough already
C) The struggte **1! go or «naıevs/ anyone
0) No matter what they say w« shall not orve
up th* »tnjggle
E n spıte of «tfıat they *ay the struflgle
cannot be avoded
Fahrenhe ıs tha »ysiem of measur ng the
lemperkture how hol or co*d sometr- i g ıs used by
many p»ooJ* ın Britaın The freezıng po4nt of
FahrenheJt ıs 32 degrees So a cotd w nt*r s day m
Brılaın woukJ hav* a temperaiur» of 38° F (3°
centıgrade) and a hot summe s Oay wou d hav* a
t*mp*fature cf 9C°F (32° cenlgrade) Th* fahrenheıt
tcals was mvented by the German sc entıst Gabnel
Fahrenh**. m 17 0 Today n Sntam most paopt* over
tw*nty Irvt know the Fahrenhaıt scal* but th*
centıgrada sysiem [Cesus 5 bemg usad mor* and
more Weathe' torecasts on televısjofi and hi
newspap*rs show temperatL, e n bot^ scatat
4 3 It is explaıned ın t h * passage that t h *
term lahrenhei —
A "as retaıned ts D-^putanty arrong young
B s very rarely -se-d n Brîan oday
C re'ers to the sca e of tBrcçerature berv/aen
and 90°
O) ıs navar used r weather forecasts
E) denves trom the nam* ot a German sc*nt st
4 4 tî s mplıed ın the passage that ın the
kıng run t h * Celsıus aystem —
A) m» be remembersd oniy by the «ideriy
B wjl scort laH ınic dısuse
C se«r% ikefy 10 be tavoureo by nempapera
bul rx>t by teevsjon
0 wıll replace The tahrenhe 1 one
E]wl mp ove and become n-ore reltabl*
4 5 Th* passage deals w th —
A) two d«erent sysiems of measunng the
B) the advantages o( the fahrenheıt scale over
the Ceb us scale
Cl the scnntte resaarch cam*d out by
Gabne! Fahren^eıt
D the range »1 tempefature to be tound m th*
Brıtısh Iskt»
E) th* declıntng popularrty of the C*is us scal*
n Brnaın
I 4« 4» •orulı
aşağıdakı parçaya
3 3 1980 l*r* kadar çogu
Tha Falhiands are a group ot smal siands m the
SouCh Atlantc cfose to Argentna, w«h a popülabon of
1.200 Bntah cr\z*n* They have been Br'ah terrtory
sınce 1892 Dapuies abojt whc owns the sıaros go
back to th* aıghtaanth century Argent na has long
claımed that thete siands whıch they caJJ the
******** Detoog to th*m Th«y occupwd the otend*
n Apnl 19S2 and th* Falkiands VVar lasted unijl Jufy
1982 when Brıiısh forceı *on ıhem back The
Faİkiands War had an enormous rrpact on Bntam and
ıs stıll controversıal Some peopte see 1 as a
restoratıon of Brrtaın s o*d ımpena power
9.»tel.r,n burol.r. F I . . I C . d c h . l n d ^ d l 4 6 H I . poin ı«J oot In , h . p . . . . g . , h . t
A) The offices r Fleeı Street w^t taken over
by the teadmg newspapers ın th* iSdOs
D) Instaad of tpendsng M mupfe on a
E) Not onfy musl you auppfy 1 good pradud
2 2 . — whan I ralln n*ıt y«av
A) I «apwt F«chard * * tak* ovar a* Cha*rman
B) Th* mealaıg has bean put off
O Irtany changaa wouid hav* uken plac*
D) I hadni deoded what to say K th* party
E) I wouM b* abk* to sand you the pnc* ftst
the 7 960» there wara many wat-
wth offices ai Raat
B) Even ır
O From th* 1960« omvards many laaoing
n*wspapers tr^d to g*t offıces m Flaat
D) Scnce th* 1980» Reet Stra* has been
lavoured by th* l*adtng nmnpapar» on
accouni of Üs offıcss
E) UnM th* 1980s mosi of the «r*S-known
nempaper* had the* offie** m Fleat
both Bntain and Argcntİna -
A «grg ratuctant to stan the Faiktands VVar
B) regard th* FaUands as ıher own tarrtory
C) raaaze that th*s* «tands are of no
importanc* to anyort*
D) prafar to us* the nama llahvta* for lh**e
E) ortfy laıd ctakn to the Btiands after 1892
4 7 . Accordİng to the passag* the
FalkUnde War —
A) was bamg fougtu on and ofl bahvaan 1M2
E} Untortunately Tofn and Larry spent the
«rfıo e attem&on t ghtrtg eactı othet
5 2 . W * havvn't ***n *ach other for eges
eo I m «rondenng »hether I shail even
racognize h i m
A) n s such a long tım* unc* MW m*t that frr
atraıd I may not recogntze hım.
B) Though we haven 1 met for years tnere s no
faar of not racogntzıng hım
C) I racognaad hım «asıry though I hadn \ ıe*n
rnm tor years
D) You II hav* no dıtfıcuky n recogni2ing hm
for h* s changed bttle over (he years
E) I m*t h«m years »go but t doutri t l should
*v*n recognıze hım not»
Wou4dn t >t b* better to let them know
about the *tt*rat»ons to t h * plan**
Shop aasıstant
Shop aaaıatant
t don t want to pay so
much fof a pair of
•hocs Havent you
anythıng cheaper?
Yes *te do Try the**
W*ll the othera ar*
certemıy much ntcef
A) Do you have thatn m othef cokHjrs^
B) Thayi do fm«* How much are thay17
C) I thmk I need a larger sa*
D) Oh I ooni lıke Th*m at aB
E) Thas* ar* v*ry comforiabl« ındeed III tak*
66 Urs Brooks
You re late dear What
The car broke down agaln
and rt took m* an hour to
g«t H fıx*d
hanoed and made bett
r> mformed aboul the
A) CoukJn t the plan be <
B) Why haven I tl>ey beı
n*w» developments''
C) Shouldni they hav* been consutted b
th* schem* ıwas c h ^
Mrs Brooks
Mr Brooks
Publıc isVana* matntatned by the bocal authontıes
ar* « a ! dsv*top*d and progreısjve and everywh*r*
alk»w people to borrow books Huthoui charge Th*
books rt the lendlng sactkm are ahvays kepî on open
shetves and Iıbrafy statfs arc very helpful r gettmg
books on requ*sr from other tb a es through the
«Hchanga system. Most »branes repon an •wr*as* ın
borrotHng ovar th* past f*w y*ars so t*tevwon do*s
not aaam to b* stopp«ng people 'rom eadtng as n
waa f»ar*d that ıt «ouJd
40 It Is *xpkain«d İn t h * paesag* that any
book whlch i* not avaılable ın o n *
library --
A) wont be avaılabi* at any tfcrary
B) can b* brought from arother
C) dncourages peopl* trom us ng I branes
D) spoıki the whoM lendng system of the
pubtK Kbranas
E) should b* repodad to i^a Ifcfartan
4 1 As polntad out in t h * passag* people
nonradays —
A) pr*l*r *nt*rtam ng t«tev sj&n ptogrsrrvnes to
B) ar* usjng publc (branes more than they
used to « the past
C) r»ad a lot but don i use the ifcra/ıes much
D) comptan a great deal about the poc
sarvic** th* hbranas are offenng
E) ara usmg the aıchange system ess and
tess tr*qu*nt>y
4 2 . The passage gJvee us the irnpressıon
that public lıbrari**
A) charge mor* Ihan ıs nacessary for ih*
servtceı grven
B) ar* no tonger recemrtg any ftnancıa
support from local authorıtı*s
C) are workıng *xtrerr*«^ eftcı*nt'y at pres*nt
0) do not coop*raw *mh each other at a l
E) ar* understafled *nd poorty equı?ped
D) We d befler ask Ihem lo change the plan
hadnt we?
E) Donl you thmk they shouM be mtorm&d
about the changes r ha piao''
S4 58 eorularda perçada bos bırakılan
yere uygun duş*n ıf«d*yi bulunm 67
5 4 Switz*rland Is oniy a small country but
haa rıch natural *ndawm*nts *sp*cıalh/
magntfıcent lake* eurroundad by
masaiv* ınow c ad mountaınt
alnc* H Is thıa scenery that has brought
•o many tounsts fo (he country
Yes I suppoa* that * t h *
oniy way
A) 0«d you get the brakes checked to-
B) W*U siop worry«ig You havent been hurt
C) You II jusf hav* to selt ıt and g* a new on*
D) I «ras worn»d n cas* ycu d had an •
£) rfs lucky thal you undarsland engınas and
know «Hhat to do
Brlan What is your brother dolng now?
Stcve Ke «rarks for the BBC h * do*e
reeearch «rork for the
documentary programmes
A) Howeverrthas no access tc any sea
B) It ıs to «5 scenery that the country owes
much ofrts<wealh
C) Th* caprta! ot the ouniry ıs Bem
0) In the Akıs me »eather m generasly cooi
even m th* lurnmr
E) There • a French *p«ak>n-g part and a
German speakng pad
5 5 Th s partıcular tauce ı« one of th* most
populer ın Britaın no«r tts history is •
cunous on* Beıng short of money
he sold th* recıpe to • cu«1om*r T h *
cuatom*r wat a good busın*ssman and
made a fortune out of ıt
A) I fınd ıt overpowers tfre taste of wha1«ver
e*%m orve ıs eat ng
B) I Suppose peopse are atlrscied tortsnch
bronvn coto-or
C) At one t*n* t was made and sold pnvatary
by a sman s^op keeper
0) Uy "tother stıll makes a s«n>!ar %on o*
sauc* whıch w« afl en|ov
E) Any shop keepe *ı t«a you that thıs one
sells w*H
5 6 London ha* teverai dozmn thaatres —
Outstdc London some quıte bıg 1owns
have no professranal theatres at all but
usualry there are amateur groups «rhich
produce ınterestıng playa
A) You fnd people Irom aU over the worid
BJ A suceessruf ptay may run for eventoger
C) Local authonlıes gıv* hnanctal ad to thos*
who need l
0| Many of them are prolasstonal but some of
thefrt are amatsur
E) t takes an acto many years to eam hıs art
For eatıng out ın towns there ıs a
marve ou* vanety of choıce Many of
the Indıan restauranit ın partıcular are
very good ındeed — Some of tbem
provıda simple diahcs I O I M mor*.
Steve Well yes Most ot rt i«
A) Intarest rg_ Doesri he ge< t -*d of tC
B) Lucky h«n The wom must be tascmatmg'
C) VVhars the salary •ke'»
O) I donl trtınk that sort of work woukt suM m*
E) Mow AĞ he get mto a ofc lıke thar?
6 8 Tim Betty •• makıng some
sandvichcs for t h * picnk
Susan You haven t toW h*r about (t
hav* you?
Tım Yes «rhy nof»
A) It was supposed lo be a surp A * tor her1
B) I donl reatty I ke sartdmctas
C) t cant remerrt>ef why l even asked her
0) Besıdes sh* knows everyone who ıs gong
E) Wel h*t cakes a/e aSvays detoous
Beth I m tetephonıng to learn what
th* «reather ıs lıke wıth you?
Cold and w*tlH*l*n
Helen Y*a and *v*n a pair of
A) N*v*r mmd. W* can u round th* fr* and chai
B) So we>e not Kkety to be g
C) So rd b*4tar bnng some narni dothes and a
0} StıB ı •xped we H be abte to «ralk out a tw
E) >n thal case I thmk Hl stay here
A On the wtıol* the Bnüsh pfefar to aat at hom*
B Bul tner« are severaS other restaurants sf
d^arent natonahtıes that are aoo extr*mely
C) Lası rught we had a most enjoyable djnner
at that Chınese restaurani
D) Indeed eat ng aut need not b* sı
eıpens-ve as most people thmk
E) Even »o a k* of Engtesh peocJe kke wwt*
wHh ther meais
5 8 In an *l*ction campaign a promise to
raduc* direct tasallon ean b* counted
on to attract votes No on* lıke* to pay
taxas. — , aad the r»»uH on a
eourrtry • economy fs frequentfy a
nvgatıv* one
A) A suddan change ın po«cy woutd njturalry
have been most w*fcorm
B) Another popular promts* at *k»ctıon bma
ham to b* made
C) The rnajonry of w*g*-eam*rs «r* not even
aware That they pay faxes
D) Th* system of taxabon coutd not have been
overhauled at a mor* favourable tıme
E) A cut ın dîrect taxat>on however has almost
ahvays to be comp*r«ated for ın son e «ray
S8 64 aorularda verflen duruma uygun I
duşen rfadeyı butunuz I
5 9 Your mustc eet İsn t workıng wall eo you
went to get H repaked but don t know
wh*r* to tak* ıt You want a frnnd to
sugg*«t a good ptace You aay
A) My musc sat ıa n naed of rvpanng Can 7 3
you recommend »omeon* şootp
B) You know thn musc-««t oost a iot but « s
ahvays breakıng down
C) I m afraıd theyH charge an *wful İottorapaır
r*m lookıng fonvard to goıng lo
th* concert of the London
Phılharmonıc Orchestra
The tıckets hav* already been
sold oul but I ve got two for ue
A) VVouUnt ıt be a good dea lo rssarva s*ais
ın advance?
BJ What did you thmk of tneır last
C) I bsienad to them several tımes wh*n was
m London
D) Havenl you seen the pfogranme ye
E) ' suppose fhe ftckefs fıave cost yot.
71 75 •
cumlenın parçaya uymadıgıpı butunuz
hangı I
(!) Some people en|oy watchmg a play
from one ot the front rows in a theatr*
(II) I don t (III) I find I can t foroet I m
watchıng • ptay wh*n I sıt too clos*
OV) Modern produetıons naturally mak*
ue* of such sound eftects (V) The
maka-up and t h * scenery are both ao
obvioualy artıfıcıal
A ! 8) II C) III D) IV E)V
(f) In England about 5 000 peopl* *r*
kılled ın road accıdents each year
(II) Even so t h * d*ath rat* 'a w*ll
befow that ın most other W*«t*rn
European countrıes (III) For inatanc*.
H ıs about half the rat* of that tn
France (IV) As Brıtısh roads are İn
general less ad*quat* than the Frvnca,
the dıff*r*nc* seems to ındıcate that
the Brıtısh drıve more carefulty
(V) This >• on* reason why in London,
more *nd more p*opl* *r* usfng ta>*
Kitapçık Türü A
I.A, 2.C, 3.B, 4.D, 5.A, 6.A, 7.C, 8.C, 9.D, 10.C, ll.C, 12.E, 13.D, 14.B, 15.B, 16.D,
17.E, 18.A, I9.A, 20. D, 21.E, 22.B, 23.D, 24.A, 25.E, 26.A, 27.C, 28.B, 29.B, 30.C,
31.D, 32.A, 33.E, 34.C, 35.E, 36.C, 37.B, 38.D, 39.E, 40.D, 41.B, 42.E, 43.A, 44.C,
45.B, 46.A, 47.C, 48.D, 49.E, 50.C, 51.B, 52.E, 53.A, 54.C. 55.D, 56.A, 57.A, 58.E,
I.A, 2.D, 3.B, 4.D, 5.E, 6.C, 7.A, 8.C, 9.B, 10.D, 1I.E, 12.C, 13.B, 14.C, 15.A, 16.E,
17.D, 18.C, 19.A, 20.A, 21.D, 22.B, 23.A, 24.E, 25.A, 26.C, 27.B, 28.C, 29.A, 30.D,
31.B, 32.E, 33.C, 34.A, 35.C, 36.E, 37.C, 38.D, 39.D, 40.B, 41.A, 42.C, 43.E, 44.D,
45.E, 46.C, 47.B, 48.D, 49.C, 50.A, 51.C, 52. A
I.A, 2.C. 3.E, 4.B, 5.A, 6.D, 7.E, 8.D, 9.C, 10.A, 11.D, »2.D, 13.E, 14.C. 15.A, 16.D,
17.E, 18.C, 19.B, 20.A, 21.D, 22.E, 23.C, 24.B, 25.D, 26.A, 27.C, 28.E, 29.E, 30.A,
31.B, 32.B, 33.D, 34.A, 35.C, 36.A, 37.D, 38.E, 39.B, 40.D, 41.C, 42.A, 43.E. 44.C,
45.D, 46.B, 47.E, 48.A, 49.D, 50.E, 51.B, 52.D, 53.A, 54.B, 55.E, 56.D, 57.C, 58.A,
59.C, 60.B, 61.D, 62.A, 63.E, 54.E
l.C, 2.B. 3.D, 4.E, 5.E, 6.A, 7.B, 8.D, 9.C 10.D, ll.A, 12.B, 13.D, 14.A, 15.E, 16.B,
17.C, 18.D, 19.A, 20.E, 21.C, 22.C, 23.A, 24.B, 25.D, 26.E, 27.A, 28.D, 29.C, 30.A,
31.D, 32.E, 33.B, 34.A, 35.B, 36.E, 37.C, 38.E, 39. \, 40.D, 41.B, 42.A, 43.C, 44.D,
45.B, 46.C, 47.E, 48.A, 49.E, 50.C, 51.C, 52.A, 53.D, 54.B, 55.C, 56.E, 57.A, 58.D,
59.C, 60.E, 61.B, 62.A, 63.C, 64.D, 65.B, 66.E, 67.C, 68.A, 69.D, 70.B, 71.E, 72.A
l.D, 2.A, 3.B, 4.E, 5.C 6.E, 7.C, 8.A, 9.D. 10.B, ll.C, 12.A, 13.B, 14.E, 15.D, 16.C,
17.D, 18.B, 19.A, 20.E, 21.B, 22.D, 23.C, 24.E, 25.A, 26.D, 27.E, 28.B, 29.C, 30.A,
31.A, 32.E, 33.D, 34.B, 35.C, 36.A, 37.D, 38.B, 39.D, 40.A, 41.C, 42.E. 43.B, 44.A,
45.D, 46.A, 47.C, 48.D, 49.E, 50.B, 51.A, 52.B, 53.E, 54.C, 55.D, 56.A, 57.C, 58.E,
59.B, 60.D, 61.A, 62.D, 63.E, 64.C, 65.B, 66.D, 67.A, 68.B, 69.E, 70.C, 71.B, 72.B,
73.E, 74.D, 75.E
l.B, 2.C, 3.E, 4.D, 5.A, 6.C, 7.B, 8.E, 9.A, 10.C, 1I.D, 12.A, 13.B, 14.C, 15.E, 16.C,
17.C, 18.D. 19.A, 20.B, 21.E, 22.A, 23.E, 24.C, 25.D, 26.B 27.A, 28.D, 29.B, 30.C
31.E, 32.A, 33.D, 34.B, 35.B, 36.C, 37.E, 38.A, 39.B, 40.D, 41.B, 42.D, 43.C, 44.E.
45.B, 46. A, 47.C, 48.E, 49.D, 50.C, 51.D, 52. \, 53.E, 54.B, 55.C, 56.D, 57.C, 58.B,
59.E, 60.A, 61.D, 62.E, 63.A, 64.B, 65.E, 66.C, 67.D, 68.A, 69.E, 70.D. 71.B, 72.E,
73.E, 74.D, 75.C
l.C, 2.E, 3.D, 4.B, 5.A, 6.E, 7.B, 8.C, 9.A, 10.D, ll.B, 12.\, 13.C, 14.D, 15.E, 16.A,
17.D, 18.C, 19.E. 20.B, 21.D, 22.A, 23.C, 24.E, 25.B, 26.C, 27.B, 28. A, 29.D, 30.E,
31.C, 32.D, 33.E, 34.B, 35.C, 36.A, 37.B, 38.E, 39.D, 40.B, 41.B, 42.C, 43.E, 44.D,
45.A, 46.B, 47.E, 48.D, 49.C, 50.A, 51.C, 52.A, 53.E, 54.B, 55.C, 56.D, 57.B, 58.E,
59.A, 60.C. 61.E, 62.C, 63.D, 64.A, 65.D, 66.C, 67.B, 68.A, 69.C, 70.A, 71.D, 72.E,
73.C, 74.D, 75.B
Kitapçık Türü: B
l.D. 2.C, 3.C. 4.\, 5.A, 6.D, 7.E, 8.B, 9.D, 10.A. 11.E, 12.A, 13.C, 14.B, 15.D, 16.A,
17.A, 18.C. 19.C, 20.E. 21.D, 22.B, 23.B, 24.D, 25.E, 26.C, 27.\, 28.B, 29.D, 30.C,
31.B. 32.E, 33.C, 34.B, 35.C, 36.D, 37.E, 38.E, 39.D, 40.B, 41.C, 42.A, 43.E, 44.A,
45.B, 46.E, 47.C, 48.E, 49.D, 50.B, 51.C, 52.A, 53.D, 54.E, 55.B, 56.C. 57.B, 58.A,
l.C, 2.E, 3.A, 4.C, 5.B. 6.A, 7.B, 8.D, 9.D, 10.E, ll.D, 12.C, 13.A, 14.B, 15.C, 16.A,
17.C. 18.D, 19.E, 20.E, 2I.A, 22.A, 23.D. 24.C. 25.B, 26.A, 27.C, 28.A, 29.B, 30.E,
3I.D, 32.B, 33.C, 34.C. 35.A. 36.C, 37.D, 38.B, 39.A, 40.D, 41.E, 42.C, 43.D, 44.E,
45.E, 46.A, 47.C, 48.B, 49.C, 50.D, 51.A. 52.C
l.C, 2.A, 3.E, 4.A, 5.B, 6.E, 7.D. 8.C, 9.D, 10.D, ll.B, 12.A. 13.D, 14.E, 15.C, 16.E,
17.C, 18.A, 19.D. 20.E, 2I.C, 22.B, 23.A, 24.E, 25.A, 26.B. 27.B, 28.B, 29.D, 30.A,
31.C, 32.E, 33.D, 34. A, 35. A, 36.C, 37.D, 38.B, 39.C, 40.D. 41. A, 42.E. 43.C, 44.D,
45.E, 46.D, 47.A, 48.B, 49.E, 50.B. 51.D, 52.E, 53.B, 54.A, 55.D, 56.E, 57.B, 58.C,
59.C,60.A,61.A,62.E,63.D,64.E - .. . .
l.B. 2.C, 3.C, 4.D. 5.E, 6.D, 7.A, 8.B. 9.A, 10.D. ll.C, 12.E, 13.B, I4.A, 15.D, 16.D,
17.A, 18.B. 19.C, 20.C, 21.E. 22.C, 23.B, 24. A, 25.E, 26.D, 27.D, 28.A, 29.E, 30.B,
31.C, 32.A, 33.D. 34.E, 35.A, 36.D. 37.B. 38. A, 39.A, 40.B, 41.E, 42.C, 43.D, 44.B,
45.C, 46.D, 47.C, 48.E, 49. A, 50.E, 51.A, 52.D, 53.C, 54.E, 55.B, 56.A. 57.C, 58.A,
59.D, 60.B. 61.C, 62.E, 63.D, 64.B, 65.E, 66.A, 67.C, 68.D, 69.B, 70.E, 71.C, 72.A
l.C, 2.E, 3.C. 4.A, 5.D. 6.B, 7.C, 8.A, 9.B, 10.E, 11.D.12.C, 13.D, 14.B, 15.D, 16.A,
17.B. 18.E, 19.A, 20.D, 21.E, 22.B, 23.C. 24.A, 25.A, 26.E, 27.B, 28.D, 29.C, 30.E,
31.B. 32.D. 3İ.A. 34.B. 35.E, 36.C, 37.A, 38.E, 39.D, 40.B, 41.C, 42.A, 43.B, 44.D,
45.A, 46.D, 47.E, 48.C, 49.D. 50.B, 51.D. 52.A, 53.C, 54.E, 55.B, 56.A, 57.D, 58.A,
59.C. 60.D 61.B, 62.B, 63.E, 64.D, 65.E, 66.C, 67.D, 68.A, 69.C, 70.E, 71.E, 72.B,
73.A, 74.B, 75.E
I.A, 2.C. 3.B. 4.E. 5.A, 6.C, 7.D. 8.A, 9.B, 10.C. ll.E. 12.C, 13.C, 14.D, 15.B, 16.C,
17.E. 18.D. 19.D, 20.B. 21. A. 22.D, 23.B. 24.C. 25.A, 26.B, 27.E, 28. A, 29.E, 30.C,
31.E. 32.C. 33.D, 34. A, 35.E. 36.D, 37.E. 38.A, 39.D, 40.B. 41.B, 42.C, 43.E, 44.A,
45.D, 46.E. 47.A, 48.B, 49.E, 50. A, 51.B, 52.D, 53.B, 54.D. 55.C, 56.E, 57.B, 58.A,
59.C, 60.E. 61.B, 62.E. 63.E. 64.D, 65.C, 66.B, 67,C. 68.D, 69.C, 70.B, 71.D, 72.C,
73.D, 74. A, 75.E
I.A, 2.E, 3.B, 4.C, 5.A. 6.D, 7.B, 8.A, 9.C, 10.D. ll.E, 12.A, 13.D, 14.C, 15.C, 16.E,
17.D. 18.B. 19.B, 20.C, 2l.B, 22.A, 23.D, 24.E, 25.E, 26.B, 27.D, 28.A, 29.C, 30.E,
31.D, 32.C. 33.B, 34.A, 35,C, 36.A, 37.C, 38.D, 39.E, 40.B, 41.C, 42.A, 43.A, 44.C,
45.E, 46.C. 47.D, 48.A, 49.B, 50.E, 51.D, 52.B, 53.B, 54.C, 55.E, 56.D. 57.A, 58.B,
59.E, 60.D. 61.D, 62.E. 63.C. 64.D. 65.B. 66.B, 67.C, 68.D. 69.B, 70.E, 71.C, 72.A,
73.C, 74. A. 75. E
Sonuçlar ağustostaHaber Merkezi - Oğrencı Seçme ve Yer- adlı kışılenn sahte nufus cuzdanlan ve sah-
leştırme Suıavı'nın ıkıncı aşaması olan Oğ- te OSYM kımlık kartlan ıle yakalandıklan
rencı Yerleştirme Sınavı (ÖYS) dün yapıldı bıldınldı Emnıyet yetkılılen avnca. sınav
894 bın 408 adavın katıldığı sınav ın sonuç- oncesınde Ege Unıversıtesı Zıraat Fakulte-
lan ağustos ayında açıklanacak Izmır'de sı'nde Mehmet Nur Abaadına sınava gıren
belgelennde tahnfat yaparak başkalannın Şenol Oztaş adlı kışının de suçusru yakalan-
>enne sınava gıreceklen belırlenen dokuz dığını bıldırdıler Yetkılıler, ola>la ıigılı ola-
kışı gozaltma alındı OSYM Başkanı Prof rak yedı kışının de arandığını sınavda başa-
Dr Atilla Ozmen sınav ın tum yurtta ola>- n gostenlmesı halınde ıse 50 ıle 150 mılvon
siz geçtığını belırttı h r a
arasmda para alınacağının saptandıgını
87 merkezde gerçekleştınlen sınav sonu- ka> dettıler
cunda, adaylardan 128 bın 93'u 4 jıl ve
uzen lısans eğıtımı veren programlara, 67
bın 857'sı 2 yıllık onlısans bolumlenne
584 bın 455"ı de Açıköğretım Fakultesı'ne,
12 bın 748'ı de yetenek sınavıvla oğrencı
alan bolumlere yerleştınlecek Avnca, unı-
versıtelere kayıtlann tamamlanmasından
sonra boş kalan kontenjanlara 'ek >erleştir-
me' ıle oğrencı ahnacak
BİT SOfU hataİL~
Sınavda sahtekârtık...
D) Wdra you sattsfıed w*h th* sarvee they
EJ I onty bouçht a a ftw months ago but ıt has
dısappomtad me
6 0 You ve just left achool and wtsh to
etart «rork. You ve «*en an İntereeting
*dv*rtt*em*nt In a n*wap«p«r *nd call
to g*t mor* particulars You say
AJ ThM 13 exacttf tne k»?d of pb I »ovU Mc* fo
8) I am mtanıslad «1 the (00 you advertjs*
Can I start tomorrow^
C) CouU you gwo m* more datass about the
job you hav* adv*rtıs*d7
D) (tuppos* you can pay mom than you re
oftermg cant you''
E) 1 rnust admıt I onty wam the job on a
tamporary basls
(1) Certaın characterıstic* of planta ar*
well known (II) floots grow downw»rds
but the leaves and ttalks grow tovrerda
the aource of Iıght (Ml) We ahouldnt
gıve plants too much wat*r (IV) Other
more ınterestıng factora hsve alao
been obt*rved (V) For ınttanc* I O I M
planta are affactcd by aound and s**m
to en(oy soft music but not İoud
OSYM Başkanı Prof Dr Atilla Ozmen
Emnıyet Genel Mudurluğıfnun çeşıtlı ıller-
de yaptıklan operas>onlarda başkasının >e- re 39 soruda yer alan (1,2 dımetıl propan)
MEF Dershanesı oğretmenlennce sınav
sorulan uzennde yapılan değerlendırme so-
nucunda. fen bılırnlen testınde. A kıtapçığı-
na gore 39 , B kıtapçığına gore ıse 37 soru-
nun hatalı olduğu belırtıldı
Oğretmenlenn sorularla ıigılı değerlen-
dırmelen şoyle "Kimva sorulannın dağılı-
mında bazı konularda vığilma >ar. A kitap-
çığına göre 39., B kitapçığına gore 37. soru-
nun yanıtı (1,2 ve 3) seçeneklerde >ok.
A kıtapçığına gore 40 . B kıtapçığına go-
A> t a> JI cj D) ıv
74 (I) Recently quh« a lol of «tudi«« h m
b«*n carrtvd oırt on !h« «ttact ol «rifid
on p.opl. (II) The Mndlngs •!•
ın1«r«*11ng (III) It •*«ms that wlnd
causaa a İot ol paopla to 9«t ncrvoua
(IV) Ev.n th« l»«t drıv.tt ar«
•ıthr« .r.
A) I B) II
> y p p )
nne sınava adam sokan ve sahte kımlık kar- bıçımmde bır adlandırma lıteraturde kulla-
tı duzenleyen bır şebekeyı ortava çıkardığı- nılmamaktadır Bu nedenle sorunun kurgu
nı açıkladı bıçımı teonk açıdan yanlıştır
Bu şebekenın verdığı bılgıler doğrultu- Tarih sorulannm bazılannda sonı kokün-
sunda Emnıyet ekıplerının operasyonları de >a da seçeneklerde ifade za\ıflıklan \ar.
genışlettığını ve gereklı onlemlenn alındı- Bu da sorulann doğru anlasılmasını ve doe-
ğını anlatan Prof Dr Ozmen, Sınava baş- ru vanıtlanmasını gereksiz vere zoriaştırmış.
kasuun verine girmeolayı Ue ilgüi olarak bi- A İdtapçığı 21. soruda, ' hangısı etken-
I Z S **ul3
ihbariann tamamını değerlendire- lerden bındır9
' dendiği ıçin etkenlerden biri
oHli£l* "î*thi."îî rek
8 e r e k K
tedbirleri aldık. Bunlann bırço- olarak Sakarva Zaferi de duşunulebilir.
n •cc1
d.mı on m. ğunun sına\a girmeleri onlendı. Sınava gi- Çunkü. itaK'a'nın Anadolu'vu tam olarak
""" renlerin olup olmadığı da onumuzdeki gun- boşaltması Sakarva Zaferi sonrasında ger-
lerde tespit edifir"dedı çekleşmiştir. Turkçe, felsete, fizik, bivoloji,
Izmır Emnıyet Mudurluğu'nce yapılan coğrafya ve geometri sorulannın konulara
açıklamada, Terorle Mucadele ve Malı Şu- dağılımı uvgundur. hatalı soru voktur, açık
be ekıplennın yaptıklan operasyonda Şev- ve anlaşüır biçimde duzenlenmiştir.
ket Yıldu, Ömer Şimşek, Sönmez Aydın, Matematik sorularında kümeler ve
Deniz Canbolat, Muhittin Arslan, Omer Fa- polinomlar konusunda sorun yok. Sorulann
öm Diıv E)v ruk Elbek, Kasım Çoban ve Birol Zontul diğer konulara dağılımı iyi."
7 5 0) Comparad wıth p*opta anlıiMte uftti
hav« vary hıghly davalopad aanaas
(II) Undoubtadly tha baat lo>«d pala
»• cala and doga (III) Tbia la laratly
b«caua« their llvva dapand upon tl
(IV) Et«phanta for inatanca aa«m to
ıuutorgraund (V) Horaovaf In tlma 04
n*ad th«y w4M actualty dig to got af h.
A) I B) II