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Abonelerimiz Orijinal Sayfayı Giriş Yapıp Okuyabilir
Üye Olup Tüm Arşivi Okumak İstiyorum
Sayfayı Satın Almak İstiyorum
29 HAZİRAN 1987 CUMHURİYET/9 ÖYS soruları ve OSYMrıin yanıtları 34 A) Dtsnous pomouo. ıu rıs. B) II faut que tu nous dises ce quı ıe faıı " * * C) Nous roulons savoır » I U as n D) T« de*ras aous e*plıque» ce quı n C) Dts nous ouand tu as tı la» «*e 49 TİMUks dtMl ı w ı 15 an*. \t H) U) Ü) E A) Vous tes coun du sov lr« le Irançaıs en suıvant 50 Ihomas dfftrm* a*r<' ' ^ ans. Inom»* ^ ıu$ıe 1 aos. 5 thonı*s *>enı d »vcm IS *n&. Ih mas a probablemeni 1 ans. 5 Ittomas paraft U ans 1 Tu m , 49 V* sorulmrda «erılen câmleye anlancs en f a kıa oUn caailer> b u l y m rınf, CatkrnNe mı fc A) «heifaer Jane wıll ha«e prepartd •1*4 •,) Ho« often A> you *ı*ai yotu vncle1 R) D*d you f r t baık last m mtn 1 r> When can I sre fnu a f a m 1 VOU plnnmnc to *1*\ hrro Inng 1 47 A) left an hout earlv Bt «as deiayed fot ıwo hours C) suddenly had to be cancdled D) «*s enıoyable from the begnmnc ıo the nö E) «as ov»r far too ouıckly M Oa a r n « l a ı the aıreon, a i u y A) « e s calm and confıdem 65 At Does she know »hen you ate commg3 B) Have you heard frotn het U ı e l v ' C) f>o y»u have heı addı«s D) Oo yotı ha« hı r trU?f.hoaw numbet' H Won*t you be fa( ıot bnsy11 Yoa'll hawe a cep of tea, *<M*t l caaı't stay lesvj, Vm jsa* at S •'caatk B) ıhat )Mie wouW ha*e ptepared C) EHe ı'cA caMe le b m . vbether Jane «ould ptepare D) ı( Jane wıll be p«epann| E) ıf Jane »ould be ptepano» En fa A) Est ce ou elle n'etaıt pas ea vacaı monıagne B) Qu*estc« quı l«ı est arrrve C> Qw*esi ce ou ell« faısaıt lahas D) Esı ce ou elle n est pas revgnıat avec ıo» f a la Don t dnve so fast ı «Marlı UoAvcı) Uc,~ d 31 D) AN M H L Gauaas t) Hr>w Inng «rıll ıl tafcc tn R< I U İU rlın Ha*r 1 m<tt^uc«d you lu Jane3 »~OT «nt. Mk.*W«rte. lııınlı,' The poi ceman told me B) ejıpected the plane to takc off m an hout O 0) had to hurry to catch the plane found ouı that het pUoe «ouid ıake off ın l e » than an hout E> dıdn t kno« h o * tong the fhght «ould takc 49 54 sonılardn kıa olan *a>nl«aı ctaıl«T* aolaa>cft M fmA) What lime ıs ı ı flo«> B) Wetl u s oaly 3 30 rw« Uaas •ıiMiıa • ıhaı case.therc's pleaty of "•« for a cup of ı«a II l'a ««e *<«Diluet A) Ç» (aısan deu* jou« qu'ıl ne la «»an pa> Bl II est Tesıe dew» jourv s*ı» U w>« C> II l a vue ıl t 1 deu> |OuoD» ıl a aıt«W*u dcus |Ou s pour U «.»> f\ II I • vue dcux j3ur«; apr£> «««• 8İ A) \ rs, sht u*,ed tu lıve ın the same iu«n. A) ıhat I shouldn t drı«e so fast B) noı to drıve so fası C) ıf I dtfn't dn«e so fast D> ıhaı I shouldn t ha«e dn«en so lası E) «heıhef I wasn t dnnng so fast M sofularda, «enlen Turkçe cOmltmtm Infftlız dengını bulunuc. B) Yes you met heı at my house C) No we * e t e ın Rom« tocether she w»ll teave 'he parly early B) Suıvez les cours du SOIT pout appıendre le françaıs. C) Sı vouı vou.es apprendre le françaıs Mtvre les coun du soır D) Puasoue vous su>e> l*s coun du soır apprendreı k francaıs«** d vous E) Pouıouoı estce <«* e!le ne m a pas preWnue de son depart Keae Coaveaent, toı, a Pataıî Je tc < D) No t) No. you haven t bot l'd lıke you to C) Then you can ha*e tea «ıth her D) h s nearly S o docfc E»tent tt t.m» vov « e n ı ' 66 PIMM Muraı Ho« are you go»c ıo London' By aır» No by bus. E) On ne peut apprendre le françaıs au en SU lct cours du sou ı DUD. 51 > m enteMb ırt» b w w c M j r I eniMKfe ttes bıen çok ı ı ben dostOMajın R> A) Non j aı touı *endu. Pour qu'uw ferne ınarche ıl faul etre m n u paysan fi) Sı <;• matche bıen. je nıs Wfw a Paııs pout fa»e des achaıs C) S , car P a ı « n»e manquaıt beaucoup ı aı eu raı«on de la ouıııer 8 12 soruUrda, *enlen k^ıluce cümlmın Tu*«çe A) mıne/hıs D) l/ners B) she/hım E) I/her C) she/ıhefn The «ocy • • • av l 32 Otel« m, A) VVhen « t atnvçd at the hotel we Uatnerl ıhat > was full t H> Sınc< the hntel »a> luli anothı ı hurel ıı mas haıdly tull | The h ı t l e ( i r i uscd ıo « a n d by me aad «atch vhıle I Itfberf ı « the lakc A> He zaman Bâidv balık tuısam kucuk kıt hemen (elıı cneıakla ırierdı 33 B) Kucuk k t beniBi vaaıında olmayı «e guloe nasıl balık tuıiufcumu (Ofmeyi cok ıstıtdı t > Bn D» By tht tımc » i) t ; ı b M I couMM't Hi j ^ l ı A) >ous som«.e« hten accueıll < pat ja.our* ouı nı lın dr nus w u ı arnı% 52 81 )a.tques nous ı bıtn ftccuetllı^ caı N H B fnun* de* •»>* d> longue dtaie O Jacoues nnus * accueıHıs commr sı ru'US (*ıınn ımıt depuı< Inncıemp* 0 ) jacoue* eı nnus nuus nous rurmatssnns lepu • * lonftenps sı b»*n qu il aous a bten accuetllı* F) Cnmme ı! mnn tomatssa ı iıpuı» lonftemps Jacques noı* «(cueıllai' b rn 8) C) cön»p*ends ıtes hıen Je la trau*r mte4li|eme A ) l ı was an aattmog story, but I soon sıoopcd Uutnınt BJ Sukce (he story was told ın such a funny way I couldn i help laughıraj Ct Mıhoufh the stoty *%s cxtT««eİy furmy no one vanıed to laufh. Muraı be a «ery tnıeresıtng D) "^ows nous entendnns tıe« *"*>• Et N^us somme* SOU^IT ensembfc Ucs " < U K I D m ofalıtetoM • * e coucfccc ısıd. A) St (e me ..Mjch* ıaıd r €*< parce que ı aı des D) Ouı * r decıded ıo (u ıo A) Won t that tmke you ı long tıme B) Ho« hmg vıH tt take' C> Du«i t you tıke Uyıng' 0 ) Have you evtt gooe ıKeıe by E) How much Ves ıt cosı' 67 Mrs. Smrn D I L I I I I H Hrs. Sha« I m afrajd aot. VnWn «.II aty akıM he reedy' On kionday 'isır1 E) Htm parce que J* diiesie re*oır Pans ( ) When > r »enı t.> thr hou I wr wrre toM ıhaı lefı ıhe hoiel ıt ** si>ll full M a l p * les examens »e me coucheıaj tard. C) Ce sonı n»« eumens qu> *" empechent de me covcner ı& D) Pendanı !es f«m«ns je n* me couche p*s tor Fl A causr des eumens je devraı me couchet tatd. | oeane un coop dc A) E*tce qm (a f«ıi beaucoup de bruıt> B) Prendı un n>edıcan«nı' H) Jr hıı tekphonern İIH D , c v ( » «m *.»tpn*r P*M C) Ence que ta n aımes pas la muBione1 D) hftau tu |Mna auaıı doraııı an 1 ecoutaat E) Alors bouchetoı les «eıllcs t*ec du cotoa< ı aynı b m 9 Alıht>uıth ıhe hntel «a* full W(>TC atrıvin^; ıhry knew *< l>) l ı was such an «nusıns sıory ıhat I «rem on 1 cnuldn'ı heip laughıng ev»n tnoo(h the stoıy w«sn t funny saead the i ı s ı ı ı M AmaJya, H . M M > k«daııy4a ılcıtendıfe koo^aı SB«kcc b«aı~ 17 » m i u ı ea**ıdeJu percaya ce*«p*e)rıoafc 53 II I « M ^ A> I fcncj» ıbxt hı« auın ıntt tr%i lır» ın subn^ıs lıke t h ^ r »> I k a n ı •4 hf. ı «ıfy mıetrsinl ın ihesr maıtvK. % A) I thınk ıı seems reasonable ıo spend the vjmmet ın Anıalya. ^ B) Fot many reasons l've not yet decıded «hetber to spend the summer m Amalya O t don t »ani To be m *nıalya all sunncı for qute a few reasons A> y o u •ron ı for get the pocİHH 8 ) That «ıll be fıne C) Can D) E) you fırash ı « ı t l you 1 I» r) Bcn suld». IKJUL l r«r, seytcdeıdı ı ku^uk k u yanınnlj du L ecole maternelle est ıme ecole ıres popuJaıre en Franre et les patents savrnı qu elle a beaucoup d ımportance pmtf le de«eloppcmem d*< penn Fn effet, ouand une fetnme tıavaıMe c etı I ecote.qu. la remplace un peu aupres de ses enfafiıs C esı la ou ıls apprennenı 1 parler a developper leur vocabulaıre et 1 reflechır Cheı eu« >ls «**• souvent patsıts eı restent quelque!o<« de* heuıes devaat I* teWm.an. A U matemelie au conttatre, ıls peuvenı pamcıper I tou'es les actmtev Colde bahfa çıkı.gıntda kucuafcufccnatd*dur bem »eyfcnVrdı A» far as i kna*.,«h*** •«• ıhe only a * ) w " he ı> iMrfrMed >n. by $et»rday* JP du«« iu. trlephoncr Dl I «IWAV% knr« h «a« uMctnı<^I ın a kıi o* > H o * much *iil T cost' 1 1 ome betneen i and 4 o clock 1 c p ) |l s etnnrıera v je I apptllt JW rtUphnnı h 54 ıl m Wi|ft a > U I ]»rt>>c*ı r «nuvıf>ı I thought ym» .r.«oa«ef > W M SorunUn ç Mtmeıtc * mtiıcınıııP »«.tcrh tt^tubeM oldutunu sanmııt m 34 Yaralıları he««en hastaneye yett«ıın«>c« ıçın dtans4en gelen het a t M fl) lh.n ırr << man\ njuıe<1 proplr ihal «e •> Mİu ıhı rr hmptial ımmcluıelv * c mıt«.ı I •ej«t*d ı rvcfyihmg < « «.an to get ihr •• 51 D) I had seveıai good reasons for not havıng speat the summer ın Anıalya. E> Thaı ı noı one of the reasons «hy I «ant to spend the summer ın Antalya A* ıt tooks hk« ratn, I shaJI ««au my f i n r n ı l A) Even ıf ıt ısn t goıng to raın. I Ii ıake my B) I I the «eaıher ıs wet I shali need my r PDUT etfe femarouec, eUe swı ta «ode de ıtes M 72 soruUrda «entea cfiaUeleıe ılc ılplı olaaayam buhmaL 6 0 72 sı»rularda ven len cumleterden aym konu ıle ! * . lı otaı.nyanı buİMDUt 37 Ea Freae*. t'ecoie a*aters*lle A) Sı cllf * habı'te * Lı mock < • paıte . « qw r f M unr pervonm «u<ı ıngın. 8) M ı n d attırrr I a n r n ı m n l ı tn *f* vttr « hah«llr a I II habt(!<*< Hlr <(oıt • sı btcn ujuc i II s'est reveılle a buıt heures et demıe. II etaıt en retard. B) Surunu (.ojmek ıçm yınctıcınıon <,"* «vcrulHflı oUujumj «^nifdım C) Yone'icıruıın M runu ^>>*r*tk luuUı u i ruoılı oldu|unu s^nıyotdum n ) & runun (, «umunnlı y«>nı ı ı ı ı i » * * «Jitakça '«••• U l , olduRjrvu lahrn.n «.ınn^ıım 1 ) Sürunu ct)«m«* n,ın,y mrıırtnuın m U«Ur u t ruhevt vıhıp ol lufunu mUm »tım 10 The ctaunaaıı ıs mrt sure »hether he «ıtl ham th* ne« sBcnvıary do the job. B L IL Mr Masotı left at 7 «o, kss uauai tıme to ıhe o i f i f e Late E MnnbMI A) accelere les pıogtes ıntellecıuels des enfants B) n accepte oue ies enfams dont les mttes ıtavaıllent C) 0) »#4use les peiıts ouı sonı pmssıfs ıntetdıı au* enfams de tegarder I» ı hosfHial ınuiKistatelv f i t the tnıuted r toıılı *H the IIL T h u «as partly becauee he had to sıop aad taJk ıo ms netghbour, Mr Jasses. IV V Oac of nts dauthters «orks as a secretary But ı ı «as the iraffıc uun that really niM late. l I B II ( I I I D) [\ C) Puısqu rtie aııne crre tn sutvTi. tcjuJ(ı'em<nı U FUe suır paı(a»temom la urı«1r lc mond> la troım ckjtjn'e t 1 1 i t lıahılljnt i la monc 55 İU. I I a faıt sa tmlette, ı l a est habtlM 4 a B I S ses chaussures et J est sottı toat de satte. IV V Le bos est tres pratıque ouand oa n*a pas de voıtnre V u ( i Minutes aptes ıl eat O.KSİ meme eure n t r f dans ton bureau a l'l I ) Wr 1M>I •< 'tn « T hr«ı ı • C) I shall only pu« on my raıncoıı ıf n ı ı ı m . 0 ) I H f o ın my raıacoat ance ı t wılt probaMy raın. 1 shall f o not my ikincoai «hethet ıt raım ot wm'i .«le E) V i rhr h ^ u l »*^ ' oraı thaı « ıniurcl pr ^ r thıt« E) est e»ceptıonnelle dans les vttles elle pe ı»e e ı t e brlle I ) I r i I <» ıv'hifK »' « m ' **"• ıhr ın)tı*eıİ • pavv n* ' hf|«iıl ıınmrH) n«>U 35 Yol o aa<au lı •ılm b «oy* mcak baa M I » a n M 52 TW pUy *• aa» «st «(•« j E) V H) Ka^İMn yrn ^ i ı i . ı ı n r>re« i hrflu/ bılnııyıit y»paca|ıı>Un A) The road was so bad that w* ver* ooly able to reach ıhe vıllafc after fı*e hours. B) Because of the bad toad, ıt took m aaother fı«e hours to get to the nllace n m bit stkrı ı> r uhıılıli «anıed ıo r la ««Mit of the heavy raın he i for a «aJk m the «oods. \1 ^ ıgmuı r* tu.İJi v'fck 1 '! •' rm ımLı Ur >uıuvu«> vıkııu |1) N JKIII ır Mtt lı ı l ı n ı m t , htaı.H 1 69 A lot of peedc thvnfe Oare «ad Jaaw ar« «ery althe. 31 A l'ecote «wıer«elle les enlaMS A) regardenı la tele*mon toute la jourt 8 ) n apprernıeftt ou a parler O manouent dalİectton maieınetle 5 » aonaaıda Parç ada bo, b.ıak.1an yefe cn ıfadeyi bulaM a ML IL Tneır moıhet a a very camrmuas pefson. A) w * «are dnappotmed because « e couldn t |o to the ıheattc last nıght B) The play «e sa« l u ı mght * a j eatrtmely entoymble « C) * e W « M to the ıbeaıre last nıghı and enjoyed ourselvcs ery much D) Theıt « M a good play on aı the theatre last mght E) Wt «eren ' ımpressed by the plsy «e sa« lası nght I II III IV A) No one * u tuıe ıhat he «ould reco«er at all from the operatıon. B> Everyone eRpecıod hım to reccver lıom the opetaııon quıte quıckly * C) No one «npecıed hım to recover fıom the opetatıon as fast as he dıd D) Hıs recov»ry fıom the operatıon look lotM)«r thajı was expected E} Even so they operated on hım a ı f » t potsıble 54 Usually there ts a nc of rauı a««aad « ı r as v d l as autueaa. A) It raıns a loı around t as .a s>na« \» | 1 V III IV V ln efvee,raace they a m They are both ta» aad faırhaıred. Bul Clare ıs shjr and quıet «fcsle Jane lıbaa D) IV 69 55 Sı un Francaıs se a m t a ı ı a parlet co«naw ' « » les pıeccs de theaire de Molıere ıowı le •Made sc «ftoavetau de l « C'esi nortn«J, tes | j ı m daas IOVE les payst res>ra4utsenı ıou|our* des tdces, le caracıere des g«ns eı dles » « ı ı XL Certatas ( t MH «oıtunBi 4e spon DL O > bwn on apprend a brıcoler sa a loraav'eUe tombe ea panne ou btea obtt|* de la ««ndre. IV V Matt ıl ne «affn pas de comaııre t Saa» les ou«>k« kcs pıece* neo d, oa mt peM pas faıre ı u r a . un a t e l ı D) ne font oue rouer E) fonı beaucoup de chose* 11} Uj>tu.n ı*ı vı nı Mkrt aR.n.ln ım.n .h «.[ C) The road «as *ery bad so we wete (•«« houra late ıo the mllage D) W* were able to reach the «ıllage wıthın fı«e hours thoufh the road «as very bad. E) 36 Retausc the road »as so bad ıt «as ımposs)bt« for us to fet to the «ıllafe «nthın fıve hours. n m } I BJ ]l t 111 D ) IV E) V H C Wells has « n t t e n a lot of sc.eıtce fıctma noveis. One ol hrs besı rs calUd T h e * . r of ıhe Thıs tells the story of an aıteefc on the wortd from Maıs. Another space shp «•» •eck. be M t ouı next \) 39 fia gesrfrsJ, les «afeejts o » ne «s*t « U a I'ecolc materaefl* A} devtement toujours tres acoes B) O M des paıents qm n ont paı le lemps de s'occuper d'eu* C) parlent ptus tot et reflechıssent ntıeujı D) se developpem moıns rapıdement oue les autres E) n aıment pas perdre leur remps dcanı 1« 56 LA lanKup parl^e esı touı a faıi dıfU tenıc dr la langur rcnte 11 B) Pom etıc comptı* ı 1 Uut patleı Irnıemcnı t) t a laanue frat^a»p rhanjce 4«c le ırmps D) La lattgur qur le* Ftançjit [urlrnt rtr dıflıcıle İ F) !« fıart(,a pas Ir ı»ı« rılı Banyoaaı vvpınca ucal hıı aey »çaıek ıster 53 He t e t u i ı a d fro» tas operation «uicam tha» a i p u •jaaacted Um to. D) IV E) V A * D*d yju «uıt a hot dıınk as soon «s you had |had youı bsth> B) Would you lıkt anythınt hoı whıle you are havın( your bath 1 Suwwnı IfMtsoac j * m'emvjMs dans n*on «ıllafe j'allaıs 1 Pans chet mon oacie Je le ırouniı tonfoan dna* son aiebrr ou ıl peıgnauı saos ceaae Ma ıa«Ne asnse dans son coın tncotatı ou caııt I artoııe me p . w i " conmc tnodele A) Tous mes ıabl«aux quı etaıem t«pose< >nt tıt VtMKKlü tt ou wMr« enfant D) ^ ıgmıır • l ı < i x vM ıl«tı ^ Minı«ıı>urMi «unhırmi k ıin»ı İu l m IV V O'mmn paıt, s'ıl «ous foıt «n prcndre d 12 « e d httıet gai fcsay ıo ««tcosae t A) Mmlırier>mıu karsıUaıak ıcın çok haı.ıhk y»pı* B) MıMfıdefim.ıı daha 1yı karsılamak «,'« hiuırlık E) V C) MiMfırierımın daha lyı haiırlanjrak I D> Mısal>r karfdaıken daha iyı haurlawnamı> f e ı e luı t 1 Mısıf flrnfiıiii karfiUrnak ıı m h ^ ' nı n ı 37 Les n M K a M n n pouı les eafaMs soM mo (oriı oue pour tea gıandes p* ı ı U awtofs petsıaıra «|eique cboee ds sfclıtlı VJK'MU 1 ' '••*" n h Surpnsıngly emue.h the boofc «as « r ı t t e n before man had ener learned to fly B( II Ct III D) t\. E) V '1' tbhen you ve had ymır bath «ıtl you haw somethıng hot to <tnnk3 D) How «ould you lıke somethıng hot afteı you had your baıh fcl Whai would >t>u lıke to dnnk before you hcvr youı b»rh* sB«al»ı, aaaftidaaa parçaya «ur. O The me«lı«t «es sypposed ıo start el »"Kl the taUe E. The chaırman had already taken hıs seat aı III IV V Thete «ould be a lunch for e^erybody afıer«aıds. The oıher mesrtere ol the commıttee a n o aınved. ut facı ı ı vas only the speakeı who «as had urr* «ma.ne et le 1 a p)u 1 • la rıvcrf a conıınut de frrontet Chaque B> C est pour cette laıson les rue* d> Patıs C) Je peıgnaıs pendanı fatt«ue O) İ aınuus re«ıer s*ns mon portfaıı matchats 4ans noure^ sans etre r pendanı ?ı ıl l . ı s • t nous a»nT*r» ' mprcssıon de marther darw un • • rand laı t e mırcrpdı I eau est emrre dans ' maıson.ei ı*>«is avons du nous ırtsıalier au ^rmıer f t * g * ' * * • • * « «*« o n l apporic de la " *« nourrı'urr rtans un paıurr tls I onı aıtache a la mrde o y nous avons lamec paı la fertrtre Mon t crt et moı, rmus pechıons tous les objets quı nacraıent dans t eau l a sıiırtiıon « a n " e s amu&anıe pout nous maıs pas pour les gıands Lt«ernlıedı ıl s est arretrf de pteu*oıt I eau a faaısse et rout c*ı redevenu notmal 40 Omm ce ı « t « . on aaontre ojue fo»') T ather ın spfing o ı A) | L II Kl TV B) II E) Cei homme doni je «outaıs (aıre 1» connaıssance eiaıt un peıntte cetebre 57 PUHfcu» l'ete ı l y a btavcoup da t n n v l a PhA(«L AJora, lea patroa* oı» I'habıtu4e d entptorer un Mune garvon pour les aıdeı a la caiotena. C*tte aa«J^ c « t Pıerr. ouı a « ı la c h a « * d ' * ı m «•«ace, aaaaa pandaaıt ıaw semaıoa, u a falı l«ilente«t de btttses oue ** patfoM l'oat M a o m D) IV DaaMİ etaıt kc fOa d'aa paysaaı, • • «osfoıl aas r«st*r a la caatpaajae a a* Un | O M , Ü I p m I * traaa poıu alleı «• «iilc an r uouvet da tıamıl Iftan t la cajapsfne ıl a o m e de travaılfaf avı chaJM|> toute la loumee par toas le* tesaps Au coaımeAccmeat cela a ete tr*s drfftcıle, ıl habtıaıt dans une petıte chanAte et II * • ıl a trotne une plac* daas ıaw , ıl g*fne bt«ı et » a i n t e j t " a 1 co«a d'aam. Bobby nev«ı keeps stıtl Sa when hıs aunl saw h>a» sıandıng there and no( movıng at all she IOM>« someihtng unusual «as happeoıog She moved ojuıetlv ıo«a,rds hım and also began ıo look «here ne seemed to be lookınj just then m the tall g r a « neat ıhe fence she saw a lıttle bırd that «as too small to fly It musı have fallen out of ts nest Whesı the a v x «nr the lıitle bırd, A> $hr unde^ıood why Bobby had kepı so sttll B) she «*s very very sad D she « t m e d to puı ıt back m the nest 55 B) It usually raıns heavity araund Ismır not only ın spnnc but also ın auıumiL C) If brmr dıdn t gct awch raırt ın spnng, ı ı «nll ın autuma. D> U doesn l often raeı around tımn eıther ın sprıag or ın auıumn. E> lı rarely raıns around lımıı ın spnng ot ın 72 I II IH IV The ıdephone al«ays seems ıo rtng aı the «foag iı«*e l ı rıags «hen I r> vratclung an escılınc '•'•» Or ı t nnejs «hea I m cookınc somethiRg ıhaı caa'ı be lefı B»t ıt nei•er nngs «hea l'm bored and « a m someone o ıalk to e My kmâmıMl doesn ı lıfce m ıo call hım .n the ofltce K) t İU D amtçayi OMtlere* cvatle l î 18 sorularda cOarteyi uyfun seajlde ıfadcyı buluma. ^ 13 Alıer geu«< o» the bvs, Ja \ tv iL.auld ıakı h.:. laıncuai * " " h m A) IPS enfanı< M«KW |uyeu» rlans une snuaiton pourtanı rtangereus.Bt cttte «tuatıon est bwrw poı Ifs pechrars ı » les Ptages dan* une mıısof. sont .rMi.les Ü) l « voısıns t» eıatent pas gcnıık H 41 l w »epa^ •Ma.ert' Ucılt* a preparef dans ceiie A) C est un trav.il ınteressaM parce qu .1 teçoıt beaucoup de pourboıre B) C) L* cuMine Irançaıse est de &m en proı conou des tounstes Les |eunes n aımenı pas ıravaıl 5* S t smaUrda. patcada bo« b.rm*uaa y«>e •SJJM rfadein b J « . I doo l know how loa(( 1 had been I o r I aoke up the tet«phone vas naa>ua> I fM om ol bed and ( d t my «ay tsKMaj»the <*«**•• to the telephone After 1 had fıatshed on the taiepbane. ! • « coaıpletclr awake and dnta i «eı 73 V D) ıt «as frıghıened of het F) Bobby lefused ıo gtve 38 The I m l c a r d A) md behınd ıhe f e K e R) had been caught by Bobby Cl m e d to fly over the fence ı ıo her B) h hıi f t ı r p m e n to turn off ıhe Ughls > T) he ha« pıomısed ıo tckohone hıs «tother M n. i yt buIvaaa. p| hı «ıll buy a n*.t»k{>aper D ) Les h6tels sont trop chers pour l«s j E) C est pour cela que les cltanu dofm» baytr par cheoue 51 La fantlle Duoont a tamttf SopkM a f a t n m ioyafc en Rspapıe Uona**tfr D«fMM aı soa fOs aoM des )jannirfı de phocoa, et ds photo«rapBİa»c B'taMporte quot atr*ta«t la « ı r v t partoafl. , javjd k hamcfa •'•« pas baas», ı b •aaa *'a*r*ıet drmnt Us choaaa \m plas 72 H L Lea. dosaesnaacs ou fşaıılıets. H. Sı aouK M « D « les obaervet, ıls noaa aptMeadrant beaucoap de choars. Les aıunMus soaı ea generaj a<s«P«e5 a > sol, a g au cJıaut et ata«ef^ıattatL. eapece a ses caf«cıeıwi»q»es couleura, laçoa de s »brıter 4c se am de « m e en sotıtaıte ou en gioupe H y a baaocoup de toauans c e l e b f » d l>squel» on parl* d «JII*UMU B) II ) Itl D !V t) V 14 r leavı* ıhe »ımi<»* ootn m uaiess they afaaadoB the a h » oackly. Les enfanıs \) n etaıent p*s du tout ınuuıtts B) allaıem pevnct a la rtviere ouand ıi pleuvaıt l ) LSthatent <V la nourniure dans un pan.eı It) voulaıenı o e l p ue s arrete u a t ı A) A , l h»d ı headache I couldn't sleep «eU B) I had jusı goı home from an everanf out C) It seemed ıo ha*e been nngıng tor a lo«f tıme 0 ) The people upstaırs had ırmted me to theıt home 56 E) tt has never been my habtt to stay up late Alatoat all the people •« taıe» ««U aad Iıte4, B M I to |o ıo ı h ı Uooalîgpt RescasuaM. We•M there eearty r » r y nieht, too. T V e n * e t « odav ' ' ı «e dad BM go to tfceae. lonf A) The n . r a m han hred the t gurn BJ I h e captam «ould ha*e been angry { ) The « ı l o r i »ould be fnghtened |]> rİH. hfehuait were useie» t) 15 The ı i L t wıll all be lrotvned 39 n> «as (oo ııred ıo reiurn ıo ı t t nesı Ft fascınated Bobby greatly Bobby A) dıd a lot of thtngs hıs aunt dıslıked B) «as noı veıy fond of hıs aunt D«na« recaat y«an. ***•tawbe*a a greet iacraaM ıe uuıaiarw. As a reauit of tfcsS, majıy coamnea a n lao«c senous diffıcultıes. These iscJ.de foad shorta*^, bo«sınc probleaıs, «4ilıi|minr pollutıon aad asıılar aoaaJ aad avoauanı drHıcıdtMs. A) Some countrıeı ha*e more socıal and economıc probJemt ıhan mhers. B) The tapıd gro«th m populatıon has caused very many problens C) The ıncreasc m populatıon has been to the benefıt of »me countnes D) Rıch countnes should help poor countnes. IV [ ) } •uatenı toufours 4ans le lac devan" leur matson 42 M a permıs aux enfants d apprendrr *ı n i f r H) est un e*enrmem amusanj pouı toui le C) a faıı peut auı enfams D) a oUıge les gens a quıiıet leuı maıson E) ı ı duf* < u sepr ,ours |e V A) Les appareıltphotos moderncs ne sont piut coıaplıques et sont bon marchc B) La )«une femme etaıt coaıente de s arreter partont C) Les Oupont sont des photofraphes ıres connus en Espagne 0 ) Sophıe *eut absoJumem revenır en Espayne avec euJi I annee ptochaıne E) Le sotr a I rotel Sophıe a pense qu elle ne «oya.|eraıt plus aoec eux 73 I I «•• °*Y •*>*' * • " * " cl.a»bBd fot ıhrev hours ts) rhv> sugce>t « ı vikit the rHstoma! pİ^tes Hl « f hjve maneged ıo 'etutn ıo our camn C) called hıs aunt ıo Inok at ıbe bııd D> ıs usualiv a very active chtld E) kne« «here the nest was A) 1 73 75 T" auluaam. rıten parcayı &•etley*• ctti»len ı 1 m*. rech.'d ıhe lop of ıhr m«wntaırı ( I I *ı «ould lınıl <wisrtve» ın ıhe middle ul the I 40 «> vtndarı asa«>dalu pa'çaya ffnte ı~cvaplayMMi. j A) I took my «ıfe ıo one of tbeıp the other nght B) I kno* she u very food of stra»bernes «ıth ıcc c m m C) hı facı all the restauraBts aıe »ery expenaiw D ) Thıs «as largely becauee «e dıd not lıke ıhe people vho veot ıo ıhem E) * e a)ways lıked the food they sened 57 Hy vrother aiartısı u uneıeetad m phrrtof.aphy fAetvMr he goes he taJtas hıs ca«en. «ıth Htm. . Moreo*er, I read a lot about p paiBtınfs aad . o , paaıets, as«J I also p > u m «aft»tatı A) As for me I am food of paindng 74 E) Economıc problems are not rdated (o the ıncreasc ın populatıon. | n | H a d somettaec, the fırsı place 1 fo to ts Davsoa's store There they sdl ıust about everythmf Yoa can buy clothes there tranes for the houae aad for ıhe ganfa» and also aports eoanpesem, they stock a «ıde vanety of goods. Gvcrrtheaf * of good «aaakty ead pnces are 43 43 sonauuı sfai«4akı ptrçaya f*re Bıarrtts esı la premtere vrilc Irançaue i «tıltsef le ı m f l ı ı i ı On peut «jır la personav a Iaquelle oa Uılı'phıeM 700 habıtanıs posveoenı cei appaıetl cher ea». On a aeme .asialle une cab.ae pubtıojve. Bteatot peuıetre dane d'autres nlles, on pottrta ae parler en ımage" A Btar.ıti est une ulle françaıse tres peupi£e t <rı*l h) 16 rhiy UTMI. r»Mn<1 ıhaı « ı «uı< • I 1 * up ine doctor s u u * « e d *"> « d some eaercues ı o losc wcı»*t fn II) 4vrn thtMfh s « «a» !•» f hr t I hu* h. iKnıırttt hı> a'Kuı l ı l ıl sK «ıll |>ut m »tn*>ı t ) *h>ih*ı >n. rwı.is un ea l l ? Mıchel est un enfant dısuaıt et ıl n aıme pas du tout les problernes de matbemat ques II ptefere •11er I !a pechç t n jour «on professeur luı a donne un devoıt a laıre a la maıson. Comme ıl avaıı peur de luı ıl s esı mts au ıravsıl Maıs vraımem.cet esercıce e t ı ı i tıop dıftıcıle.et Uıchel avaıt sommeıl Alors son pere est «rnt* I aıder Maıs c etaıt un probl*me compleıemeni ıdıot Un potssun nage 6 metres en 6 seıondes. Un autre puısson ınange 30 muuches en une ırunute Quı a gejne 'a cours»'" Son pere tres eıonne tuı a dıt "Va au lıi ] ıraı voıt ton profws*uı demaıru" Maıs le lende">a n Mıchel a recu une beile punıi'on parcr qu ! n a«ait pas coeıe' correctem«nt İe tenre du probleme 43 E» COINSSM ce ptobleate, Mıchel A> avau em e d ailer se coucher B) ne koula ' pas oue son professeuf se meıte en colere O ecoutaıi ce oue sun petf ıııonıa" 6 0 B) t e vısıophone esı une nouvelle techmoue de tetet om n n n c ı t ıon C) On a n^ıaUe des cabu Bıaıntı te!4phonıques a la penonbe 1 quı I on Ahen «e arrıved aı he Imle *wıel the f ıst thıng « e dıd »as to see ıf ı i «as clean. Me «ere panKuUrly ınteresıed m the kırchen «htch was m ıhe baık of ıhe buıidtnf Thorc «c sa« large ı>pen shelves tılled «ıth poıs pans and plates These were clean but the floors were very dırty * e also noııced that the food was not kept covered and ıhere *«re a loı of flıes abouı So «e decıded not to stay ın thaı hotel 40 T f e k f i e h e * A) «asn t clean enouRh B) was ın a separate buılchng C) had a bad smell D) looked neat and tıdy A) Most people can t afford ıo go to D««son> s B) You caa ı find everythınc you need « Davson s C) ln my op.mon Da«soo s ıs an exceîlent stoıe and noı too espemve D) Da»son s ıs famous (or h.ch r» 75 ıs (oods but pnces are D) II est necessaıre de parle d) Les gens aıment tester a la maıson pendanı les vscances C) C*«t pour cela qoe les jeunes veulent etre hbres 0 ) Oe cette tacon on n a pas de surprıses desagresbles E) Donc,on p«rle de plus en plus de sports d hıve 17 are y«ı stıll arc»»>C •***" t\ He ıntends to study an ın the unıvemıy A) Sınce you havc alıeady decıded «hat ıo do B) Alıhouffc I dısagreed «ıth you C) Once you had chosen yo*« way ol aöVertısırMj the pıoducıs D) Even thouRh I was able ıo make the arıangements f) 18 As she had seen ıhe danger o't be able ıo caıca the tcaın. C) Recently he has bought s ne« camera 0 ) Snme of tas phoıogTaphs have won pnıes E) 1 don t have a camera of a y own St i » e haht the stns« of the balloon t.gfcrty 9 a ı atother « M « «as stHİMg « r y hapnJy, but het a F> II esı possıbtc d avtHr lc lelephonc a The rıch and ıhe famou all shop aı Dj«son s 74 «0.41 v i rastc i l a I detaplas graarie panıe dea hetetats de s «t «a** ast aoahvs pas ıcecer nKfifferent e t C N i e a a u l a » > Le pt m d» l'aiffasu aux ocgaataati mmı ssujper des eDfaaıs. Pt«ı tatd, ı devenır medscn ou uıulu allet dana les pays pauvves po»» fen> ce OUK «om « m . gafın d f le pTobteme et y peneet aouveejt II y a dea ""t*imı tooa les fOMn eajaı la «ne oa l'oaı peut faıre ajurtajue caoae peaa oenx ejoı oat HKana de 41 F) was dıtty e*cept for ıhe floors Tlns hotd A) ıs noı properiy taken care of B) aıtracts a loı of vıaıors C) serves excellenı food 0 ) has a most ınterestıng kıtchen A) ıf she thoufitt het daofhtet «as bcang stlly B) as ıt hadn E cost much C) althoufh »he had «anied a blue balloon D) before Ae «as fnjbtened of balioons E) because she kne« the balloon «ould buıst before long 59 Paai Bs» the ball aot Imt ott He rm» «p to ı ı aad, ı •••••; htoked tt But the gnss «as «et aad he rııdıfcı'ı «ack u ctcAity EveryoBC ıa the other teaaı vas bafevf, het hu oem taaaa «as «vfT saC k A) Obnously Ihıs was the f ı r » match of the Peopte «fc» have rwtcr been ın an eeroplane avaally thınk thaı llyın» must be fıav Perhaps ıt a ıhe fırst ııme you fly Buı f e * people «ho ha*e riovn a loı re*ily e«foy flyınf Uost of the tıaae you are ın ıhe aıı there ıs nottang ıo see bm dowk,aMİ «aıtınc around ın an aırport u the most bonnc eanertence lUfng ıs noı as miert^t ng . haven ı llown thınk Bi \ UH of ı >•• »or ı f U ![ tı ts dang ( s ' people »ho mse the> thınk , B) H yuu have been una»aff C) I tht i E.) »as jusı the place » e «ere loobng faı Unless you rush to the statıon you are lookıng for a ı ı u 42 Wea» « e ee* the kKchan, A) ıı had just been cleaned B) we were ver> (rfeased wıth the food C) everytrtıng seemed to be ın otdeı D) peftsaıt peut etre aller a la peı.he f) 44 taı&aıt ınenunn prmı t* faıre cofrectemem M A> Les oraanısatıons mondıales essaıem de sauver les enlants pauvres B) Seutement les »nedecıns eı les pıofesseurs peuvenı lesoodte le probleme de la faım C) Sı on veut «rı ment aıder les pauvres touıours faıre quelque chose on peut 19 D) Whle Et 19 ( 1 Aırpnrrs are very borıng ulaces l>> Travelhng bt aır ı« une of the least popul • d\> sM trdv(*llıng » h e n e v e r you ı ı y haıd 28 sorıaarda, cAmlede bos btrakılası yerlere a ıfadejen I A) Tu as raıson. notre •ppaftemem est aa. Le pere de Mtchel est alle «oıı le profeaaeu parce ojae (parce tft'i \) ıl avaıt punı sun tıls B) Je te donne aseet d argent pour en louer une en vılie C) Tu es trop jeune pour en avoır une tout seui D> Comme ça.tu pouıtas decoret ta chanıbre comme iu voudras. E) Ouand noua en aurons une de plus bıen suı u I auras 75 D) we «ere ımpressed by the vaneıy ol poıs and pans E) « e kne» thıs «asn ı the nght place to stay at fl) ıl Vınnaıt souvent des devotrs dıffıcıles C) ıl eıaıt ımpossıble de faıre un probleme comme 0 ) >l «oulaıi luı eK.ptıquer f\n ıl eıati fott en fe) I n aır 45 Lc profeı , parce que (paree qu') D) Nous devotts vtsıter les pays ou ıl y a beaucoup de( paımes E) L enseıgnemenı est necessaıre pour pouvoır resoudre les dıffıcultı5s As soon es I rımsn «atensa; ıf aced •atenaj ton. A) outs 'hıs P<ams, l'll see B) Yet he «as very pleased « ı t h htmsdf C) ınıne / your 1 43 45 soruian asagidakı parcaya gore C) ln fact, the ball «as very muddy D ) So the ball «enı straıght ınto hts own goal iı »as a fıne bunday tn Aprı uavıd and bıs s ster •ho were Raınj ıo the too ctossed the maın road and foırved the queue at the bus stop There «ete a lor of empty bu&es «aıtıng by ıhe sıde of the road. I~he dn*ers were srandın( about ın groups (alkıng and smokıru; In ıhe park neaıby >oung mothers, «ere ouı «ıth theıt chıldren There «as someonv sellıng balioons and scmeone els? small cakes 43 When D««MI and h » sıster goı ıo stop. E) Then the referee blew hıs «hıstle 60.42. t duı Kbılecek Yanıtlar Fen btHmkritesttl.Q XB, 54.D, 55.fi, 56.A, 51.Q 3.E, 4.E, 5.C, 6.B, 7.D, 5S.E, 59.D, 603, 61.D, B> thetr / her M e l 1 M toaUK. Sa saea» se aBoeaje de l a A) Tır ne peux pas muter aues. baut que luı B) Le saut a la coıde esı un spott dıffıcıle. C) Je voıs que tu sautes tres bıen Peut' D) J aı loujourı deteste le sport E) Moı aussı j aıme le saut «ta. A) ıl n avaıt pas eıe aıtentıf en B> ıl dormajt en classt >ı lant U | i ı a » f i ataoMrd'huı oe reaemble pas a la leuaesee d'autrefots. Avmnt les eunes «oulaienı tres vtle lessemblet aıu grandes pefsonnes. Tandts que majnıeaant c est le contrajıe ıls »eulent etre comcsetemeot dıfferems et ıls «M uneate une aouvelle façon de s'habtltef de chamer, de parlet etc Eı pour la preanere fo«$ on «jıt BWJa*eea«ı. ı • I I M »ı de (cemnMer D) my / yuurs 20 E) your / cuf that We leceiTCd a letıer tdlıac ıs dong: «ell ın the a m y * ) hu I K B) me / imtnt rı thenı /ıhej 13.A, 143, 153, 10D 0/ het / hım e 1 ) < / oo sınce ae we« SO 21 T h u ts ıta fıısı lettet he abroad ın Febnajry A» should «ıttif You ar* Buyıac a biotaje for P M I Motan, ouı • a n «M saıe ıf ı ı m ıhe rujht aae, You aay » the s s c a a u u t A) Does the bıgger sıze cost more 1 ( ) ıl allaıt souvent i la peche au lwu oe fatre ses devoırs D) son p*rt eiatt rneconienı de luı Eî ı! ne fatsaır jamaıs ses cfe»o ı< AJ Les jeunes ne veuleiı ptus ımııer leur patenıs. B> Les jeunes obeıssenı plus a leurs patents. B) w * . . . . llen .> n.,t< n «ıul. 323, 19D «*»de ceeaNİt deja. Veea l a C) l e s pafefHS oublıent vıte leur enfance D) Les jeunes soaı ınfluence& par les grandes per^onnes. F) l e^ jtandes pe sonne* respec pnı enco habıtudes ancıennes le: D) h % wtılten a B) Do you thırik thıs ıs ioo eKpensıve1 A) they decıded to play %>th the oıher ^hıldırn m the park B) ıhere wcre no buses ın ugrn C) If ı i doesn'ı fıı 1 can change ı l can't |> «6 48 soroları asaf>dakı parçaya göre h 1 Vous voyez, nous voıs avons tppt s quelque chose d mteressant' B) C est vraıment etonnant du une chose patetlle je n'aı (amas enten 22 Toaıoı ıo» İU f V and •o to •txk vıilıoıII O) *h»t other colours are ıhere' E) Thıs ıs my stte, ısn t ı ı ' A) bemK dı^turbed B) • ırbtng C) d.ıurt> C) they began to talk to the dn««rs 0 1 there «eıe a lot of people vatııng for the bu» t) 44 thpy boughı some cakes U ) dısiurbcd 23 The t d q A r) v/ah*ri I ) wou(rl ımcnı 24 havtnc dutiurhcd • called B H I . ha* ınwcn" I 61 Yeu a» n t Yo. a k ıta lıbnna. > A) Don t you have arty mor« books on old Turtash II y • des fouts celebfC5 comme ıl > a des hommn c^lcbres Quı ne connatt pas la Tout pencnee de P se en lıalte> Et la Tout C.ffel' Celle c e* celebıe pour plusıeurs raısons Construiie en 1W9 de foıme pomıue, en fer elle annontaıı un peu les maısons du X * e sıecle les fratte C ıei que I on apppeik ausa lours Ces tuurs uccupenı peu de place au &ol maıs beaucoup en I aır c est mtere^sant pour Ees granoes »ıliçs ou ıl y a de ınoıns en moıns de pUce pour construıre r ı ou le pn« des terraıns deyient o> plus en plus cher Partuuı les tours sonı de plus en plus nombreusps Non wılem«m on y ıravaılle ma«s aır« on y n ı Cetıames sont ausst peuplees qu une petde vılle 46 Us) constrıut des tours A) paıce que «ous sommes au XX'e sıecle B) afın que les nlles devienrtent celebtes T) quı res^embtont toufours a U Inur E.ffel f>) seulefaent depuıs ISS9 Ft paıce qu ıl «Ues 47 a oius tsseı de piatt dars les C) C est une nouvelle ouı «a surptendre tout le monde D) Vouı ne deveı pas nous dıre tout ce oue vous saves. E) Ce n est pas la peıne rout I t monde le sau I İngilizce I almost forgot to tell faın «bere 1 «as goınf A) nearty D) always 2 1 don t teaily thınk she «ıll accept out ırmtatton. ı tila«.ıwlı altı ÇJSÜI keJımeaaa m aalaatlıaı dakderdeal . t, 33.C, 34JL, 353, "•«. 5 4 * 55.E, 5 6 ^ , ^ n 37 A 3J V * * 4Ü.Iİ*, 41^A, 4Z.A), a , , 21.C, n *r ** .D, 48.C, Tjı F ^ U ' ^ 26 * ' 0 21JE » ht the passafe « e are gıvta \\ art account of ıhe anımals ın the zou sırıke B) the reasons for ıhe drners B Cas I keep ıhese books ior t»o »eekı> J C] O) Are you ınterested ın old Turkısh hıstory: ) 62 How many books am I allov/ed to borrow *""•"' MttCBUtlk teStE l.A, Z.E, 4g t ., ,. « * 45 JL, 46.C, 47.D, 49 B « 50. A 51 D »3 ~ * 7 sorularda kaıs.lıU< ko«uş«tanın bos. btra kılan bsmıada s5yleB«ts otabılece* SDSB buhvuo. Afıer I my aatcase, I reBemheted that I had fortotten to put ın aıy toothbrush. A» ws locked (» had locked F) v.ouJÜ I İi) have lotkrd D) woukl lock • lockMİ C) a descrıptıon of a street one Sunday D) a full descnpnon of ıhe park near the bus stop t) 5ome advırp on ho« to spend our Sundays Ate ıhere any b o s or aıtıcles on old Tutkısh 3 3 . o k »r «n ior 13X, 173, 213, 25.D, 293, 333, 37.E, 41.C, 45.A, 143, 18.D, 22.D, 263, 30A, 34.E, 38.C, 423, 46.E, 4.G, 5.A, 6.D, IIF ıır 7 ^ A , c> 17 ' ** n 45 A) B) ıs lakıng hıs ş u ı e f ı o the ioo «ould raıbeı spend »he aiietnoon m ıhe park 6 3 'IMI Colette Suaaasc Colette Cette r b te « tres bıeii O estce o e u oac ı » Tas achetee» * Ah, c'est vtmj* Alors tu m depmaes Non, parce eae t'ecsnoane pour l«s 3 You «am a ne* comı med» fot you, bwı fou «aac to par ioo SMs&h. So yo« ask a fnean A) Who ıs the besı taılor ın to«n 9 tt tHeakıaf. the «ındım but hts ı A) ı snotıtıac »' ram Hl frum/d<.«n »ı I" ' I ı * «. ( ) ı / iıy C) ıs goıng to buv a balloon tor hıs sıster D) «ondered why the buses «ete empt> E) «ıshed hıs eKHher had also come *long them «nh B) wheıe dıd you buy that coaı* l lıke ı ı C) Who made thaı coaı for you' D) Whv aren't you «earıng your new coat' E) Can you recommend a good taılor «ho ısı «1.67 sona^nla, karj.lilı k o » y . t ı . n boa btıakı Lan kj»da aftftasaıif oiabriecea >9a« balmaL They advısed het not to s«ım so faı ouı but she 26 look dıctıonary A) : 27 hıs ıhe *o«d5 you don't kaov •• ı A> Je I aı faıie mo< nıeme B) Je peuK r y ernfnetıer sı tu veux C) je ptelete 1 « tobes 4e cheıftX D) La coutunere ne me l a pas du E) felie couıe cher 4 tu es elle » r le matck A) hsıened B) [entıoded C) contınued 15.A, 19JE', 23.A, 273, 31.C, 35.C, 39 JL, 43.E, 47.D, 16.D, ' .D, 62.B, 63.C, * j , ^ r 673. 20.C; 24.E, 28.D, 32.D, 36.A, Yatancı dil testi: 1 JL, 2 3 , 40 JL, 3.E, 4X; 5E, 6 3 , 7 3 , 8 A 44.D, 9£, 10A U i 12E, 133, 48.C, 1 4 i , 15.C, 16.C, 17A, « X ; 19J), 20.E, 21.D, B) afirt ' ' ıt D) 14 1 46.48, soruian asa|MSakı parçami (6te 49.E, 50.E, SIJL, 5 2 3 La Toac E r f f d est tres t 0} regarded E) ıgnored her aaeetaH; « M C A) ( nJess Bt As MJUO «S ( ) t nııl Thıs »as ;he fttsı tıme Mary «as goıng to fl> It wasn i goınf ıo be a loog flıght ın facı she «ould be ın the an just under an hour She goı to the aırport *n houı before the plane «as e>pected to ıake off She *as very exc ted and also a lıtıle nenrous But before lonf, ıt «as announced that her flıght «as goıng ıo be deiayed for t«o hours Suddenly she felı very duappoınied >nd dıdn ı kno* «hat to do »hıle she *as «aıtıng 46 It a ohnous from the passage that htaty . A) was pleased the flıghi had been postponed •""" <v,'""' B) «as used ıo ıravellıng by aır C) nearly mıssed het plane D) wss afratd her flıght «ould last for hours M 1 E) began her fırst flıght »ıth a dısappoımment 63 I) ln cas* he «as 14 Whete <kd poıı put tta In ıke boıtom dra«et For the lası two yeats John has been roorn wıth hı$ fnends 223, 23JL, U£, 25.E, Turkçe «esti: 1 ^ , 2.D, 3.C, 26.D, 273, 2S.D, 29A, 4J>,5.C63,73,SX,9.D, 30.D, 3 1 i , 31JL, 33JC, 14.D, 15A, 16.E, 17.C, 38.E, 39.D, 40A, 41A, 18.E, 19.A, 20.A, 21.E, 42.E, 43.D, 44.C, «JL, 22£, 23X; 243, 25X; 46£, 473,483,49, S0.C, 303, 31.E, 32A, 33£, 55£, 56J), 57A, 58.E, 343, 353, 36A, 37.D, 59JJ, M£, 6\JC 62.E, 38.A, 393, 40.C, 41X, 63JL, 64J>, 653, 66JL, 42JL, 43.C, 44J», 45J>, 67.C, 68.D, 69.B, 70.D, 4$JC 47.H; 4 J J ; 4»C 71.C, 7 2 i , 733, 74.C, 26JL, 27J>, 28.C, 29.E, 51J), 5 2 i , 5 3 A 54* 10J), 11.A, 12.A, 13.E, 34.B, 35.A, 36.C, YIJL, B) parce oue c est la premırrc lour rnnti'unr fer Cl paıce cju elle esı penchee Ur caf elle a ete* construıte en tW9 E! cat elle msemble a un e n ı ı r 4S Dans les t*andes vwes, A) les gen» ne m«nı que dans tos gratıe cnl H) le terram coute chcı pane ou > «v rtr* l cır| 64 Pıetre Dıs Oa«de cfteBİesube bos tnrmkJan yer« nsaiıdmkılerdeB han ( ı s felınlmeJıdır? A) takınf B) sıayıng E) Itvıng C) sharıng D l lltmeveı 28 ria Pıerre Mon HMUS U ıtflenston l'a retransiaı en darect Atora, iu pe«> me dıre qm a pfn* match. l 5 D} choosiftg He has been studyıng; hemtsttj years oM. A) umıl l(!t ' M 1*1 A) We1l ther atr not ıhete now B) Shoddn'l thete be nıote ıhan fı«e' ( t Atf the stamps wılh ıhem' D) Thete ısn t any «ttıtırf papet lelt t 1 .ıl.., f X l>) s.nce Oa«de A) I e< joueuıs de* deu» eouıpes se *• nı baHu* personnt • le ia*aıı < * ı l l Jane be preparıng the dırmeı dunng ıhe afteınoon' L«sal«is»s dolayiı (lajSrect) k.ç.. r a dde etswk •çıa . Robert asked me afteınoon the danner dunng; the 29 I1 c^piKtciJ '""'III ' 1 h ılva I > (II ' Hl • " 1 | | | ( U ,.*U>|.1> 64 E> I hope ıhe chıidtrn hj»en I used ıhem Mıa. loaeı « l > a yo» aıe ı« Pans, l ı y r ltw B) "ion t ) Je ne va<« jan ıs au maich de f not ball U) on « ı t 4c p t u pn p*us de prtıtes maı^ons r>) te* tonr». sont rouj'mt^ nttr% \r soır D) C e« Lyon «juı a baııu Nancy par 4 a f > E) Moı t* > *> perdu t bea UraaılsBi y«r« " «r? cfiaricsaad, •» yeılcrdcn ha««i9ae 'maıly kdtmcn (cıtnl e l •lu> AI V V n> ı ( 11 1 1 IO H M™.CI., «^ FO.... NO 1» 1 k« « ee s e ı h, h •a cı.r O"»*. • « •"* "* •» tet • • « S03, 513, 52J», * "•