21 Şubat 2025 Cuma English Abone Ol Giriş Yap


SAYFA CUMHURİYET 20 MART 1995 PAZARTESİ INSAN KAYNAKLARI Medya C : Tel: 512 05 05 (20 Hat) 474 - 475 Direkt: 513 95 80 Faks: 511 84 66 IOBEY ^ s managemen» coosultante toeüS based service oriented company, we are helping wi»h the restructuring of theİL sales/marketing/services functions in Turkey. In pursuit of this process we need lo put on board the folbwing two executives: ANKARA AREA SAIIS AND SERV1CES MANAGER (ASM) İZMİR AREA SALES AND SERVICES MANAGER (ISM) Reporting to the Sales Director and leading a sizable sales-and-services staff in either the Ankara or the Izmir area respectıvely, the ASM and ISM will be expected to exercise full-scale executive initiativetoattain their budget targets and to promote the Company's presence in their own areas. Leadership and management will play as significant a role as commercial dealings willin the day-to-day operations of the ASM or ISM who, ideally • is 33±3 years old and holds at least a university degree in marketing or business related areas • t/ demonstrates a flair for figures and a commana of English • comes with a comparable Irack record ın an ıntematıonal firm that delegates profit & loss responsibilites • displays a personality characterized by team leadership and hignry effective people skills • is an ardent user of the PC articularry from those managers and executives who el able and willingtopush ahead with an extremely Applicants for these definitely high calibre posts vvill be expected feel reasonably assured that they meet the a.m. requirements and I ambitious corporate business plan. Applications specifying position must include a detailed resume, a recent photograph and a telephone number for guick and discreet access. Confidentiality will be strictly observed and each quo/rfied applicant wıll be personally reached. To be considered, however, applications need be faxed or mailedtoreach us no later than March 30, 1995 Thursday. A39OI OBEY YÖNETİM DANIŞMANLIK A.Ş. OflEY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED Selçuklar Sokak 51/3 Levent 80630 Istanbul Fax 279 2475 "OBEY... forerunners in management consultancy" J EXESECRASSISTANT IOBEY A39Oİ In OBEYglısh an n exesecrus5»stonf" is an executive assistant who can apfly fill in the position of an executive secretary and vice versa an executive secretary who can ably act like an executive assistant. And this is exactly vvhat we need: An individual vvith the doublefold capacity to act as an executive assistant as vvell as an executive secretary for the expatriate Branch Manager of a vvell reputed French company that vvill initially build and later manage business facilities in Turkey. This person vvill be responsible for a full support to the Branch Manager. Her tasks vvill include filing, communications, office management, vvord processing, PR, reporting, company logistics, intensive interfacing witn third parties and vvhatever else might vindicate the vvorkings of a vibrant office vvith a multitude of tasks to tackle. The ideal person for this very demanding position is a self-organized go-getter, a result oriented operator, a PC virtuoso who is almost equally fluent in Turkish/French/English. Comparable experience in an international company vvill be a definite asset and preference vvill be given to those vvho reside on Istanbul's Asian flank. Applications specifying career objedive must include a detailed resume, a recent photograph and a telephone number for quick and discreet access Confidentiality vvill be strictly observed and each qual'med applicant vvill be personally reached. To be considered, hovvever, applications need be mailed or faxed to reach us no later than 30 March 1995 Thursday. OBEY YÖNETİM DANIŞMANLIK A Ş OBEY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED Selçuklar Sokak 51/3 Levent 80630 Istanbul Fax 279 2475 "OBEY... forerunners in management consultancy" J fluukatlar İcraMeTicaretHuhuhuhomılannda uzmanlaşanbüroTnuzun. yogunistemposunaayak i uydurabileceh. meslepi seuen. hırslı ue oenç mesdi arkadaşları anyoruz. llgilenen bay ve bayan avukatlar, randevu için (212) 251 43 53 numaralı telefondan I Meltem Hanım'ı arayabilirler. SRRl©HIUCH U K U K B U R O S U Arthur Andersen Recruitment Department THE WORLD LEADER in electric/ electronic ınterconnection products and systems seeks for its Turkish Company a Sales Engineer • Nationality: Turkish • VVith an engineerıng degree or equivalent • Experience in an industrial products company • Sales and marketing background with - selling skills - sensitivity to market needs - effective communication skills • Aged bervveen 25-35 • Fluent in English (vvritten and spoken) All interviews and applications vvill be handled > in strict confidence. Handvvritten applications vvith a CV, recent photo and daytime telephone number should be received (or faxed to 0212-230 82 91) by Tuesday, March 28th, 1995. Please reference Z.Akçakayahoğlu, vvith the code ASE 003 ARTHUR ANDERSEN DANIŞMANLIK LTD. BuyukdereCad Bevtem Plaza Kat 2 80220 Şıslı ' ISTANBUL İENÇ GİRİŞİMCİLER Çok uluslu bir şirketin İstanbul genelindeki pazar araştırmaları faaliyetlerincleki saha çalışma'arını üstlenecek firmalar-girişimciler aranmaktadır. Bu firmaların işi üstlendiklerinde en az 30 kişilik devamlı anketör kadrosu Ue hizmet vermeleri gerekmektedir. İlgilenenlerin kendilerini tanıtir yazıyı 27 Mart 1995 Pazartesi gününe kadar P.K 114 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL adresine yollamaları rıca olunur. SATIŞYÖNETİCİSİ Gıda sektöründe faaliyet gösteren fırmamıza - Yüksek okul mezunu, - îngflizce bilen, - Satış konusunda deneyimli, (tercihen gıda sektöründe) - Genç, yaratıcı ve araştıncı Satış yöneticisi aranmaktadır. Erkek adaylann askerliklerini yapmış olmalan gerekmektedir. Adaylann yazılı başvurulannı fotoğraflı özgeçmişleri ile en geç 03 Nisan 1995 akşamına kadar aşağıdaki adrese göndermeleri rica olunur. G.GJtŞ. M.B.E. 168 81043 ZtVERBEY - KADIKÖY TRANSLATORS has the status / skills / knowtedge of, v' PC and other office equıpments „ Very good English and a 2nd language v Graduatıon from a College and University has the expectatıons of; • Good and frindly vvorkıng environment • TL 20 M.-30 M. salary + fringe benefits kındly ınvrted to appfy ın letter informıng the personal detalıs and expectatıons vıapostorfax İLETtŞlM Dıl ve Danişmanlik Hizmetleri Eskı Yıldız Cad. Dilek Apt. No:66 D:3 Beşıktaş/ISTANBUL - Faks: 227 28 61 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY has the status / skılb / knovvledge of; ,' PC and other office equipments v German ın addrtıon to English v Graduatıon from a College (at least) v Good physıcal appearance , Ageunder36 , Successful ın ınterpersonal relatıons has the expectatıons of; • Good and frindly workıng environment • TL 16 M-25 M. salary + fringe benefits kındly ınvrted to apply ın letter informıng the personal detaıls and expectatıons vıa post or fax ILETİŞIM Dil ve Danişmanlik Hızmetlen Eskı Yıldız Cad. Dılek Apt No:66 D 3 Beşıktaş/ISTANBUL - Faks- 227 28 61 Cumhuriyet İNSAN KAYNAKLARI sayfalan her gün büyüyen ve gelişen iş dünyasına yeni elemanlar kazandırıyor. J\TURYAP I & S * EMLAK BİLGİ BANKASI Tlf (242)248 49 95-242 48 12 Fax (242)242 37 33 ANTALYA Doğayla ÜRÜN SORUMLUSU a) Tıp veya Eczacılık Fakultesi mezunu, b) lyi düzeyde Ingılızce bılen, c) Seyahat engelı bulunmayan, d) 30 yaşını aşmamış, d) Tercihen deneyimli, f) Askerlik hizmetini tamamlamış (erkek adaylar için). PC OPERATÖRÜ a) En az lise veya dengi okul mezunu, b) PC kullanım bılgısı olan (Windows, Excel), c) 25 yaşını aşmamış, d) Askerlik hizmetini tamamlamış (erkek adaylar için). İÇ SATIN ALMA ELEMANI İTHALAT ELEMANI a) Üniversite mezunu, b) lyi dûzeyde Ingılizce bılen, c) 25 yaşını aşmamış, d) Deneyimli, e) Askerlik hizmetini tamamlamış (erkek adaylar için). Adaylann yazılı başvurulannı, fotoğraflı özgeçmişleriyle aşağıdaki adrese.en geç 24 Mart 1995 akşamına kadar göndermeleri rica olunur. l|IEczacıbaşı Eczacıbaşı Haç Pazarlama Endustrı llışkılerı Müdürluğü Büyûkdere Cad 185 Levent 80710, Istanbul tngilizceyi çok iyi bilen reklam yazarı Muteber bır reklam ajansında en az ıkı yıl deneyım kazanmış, Ingılızceyı çok ıyı bılen reklam yazarlannın ayrıntıh bır c v lerını bize fakslamalannı ya da elden ulaştırmalarını rıca edıyoruz Karıyennıze Yaratım/FCB'de çok şeyler katabılırsınız YARATIM/FCB REKLAM HİZMETLERİ VE TİCARET AŞ OSMANBEY HALASKARGAZI CADDESI NO 198 MAYA HAN KAT 7 ŞIŞL18O220 1STANBLL TLRKEY FAX 90(212)23165 95 '
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