20 Şubat 2025 Perşembe English Abone Ol Giriş Yap


CUMHURİYET ELEMAN IOBEY DEMYÖNİS READYFOR TAKE-OFFİN DECEMBER DEMYÖN is a management/holding/investment company that will own, lead and control a group of nine companies tn the fietds of production, trade and heavy services. We have designed its flow charts, produced its job definitions, laid down its corporate systems, structured its organigram and buitt a good part of its executive team. We need now the following senior executives to join the executive team: DIRECTOR GENERAL (03) Will lead the DEMYÖN group of companies and help with the formation and development of the corporate systems and vatues. Will provide guidance and direction to the general managers of the eight daughter companies directly or through the eight directors that will make up his/her staff. Will sit on the three member Executive Committee that will act a$ DEMYÖN's strategy formulating and poHcy making body. DIRECTOR for LEGAL AFFAIRS (034) Will oversee and ensure the congruence of DEMYÖN activities and transactions with prevailing legislation. WiB represent DEMYÖN before the taw or shall appoint deputation for such representation and follow up with the proceedings. Will prepare and implement the legal formalities pertaining to the chartering or dissolution of companies. Will draft joint venture agreements and statutory amendments or merger deals. WiH report to the Director General. DIRECTOR for FINANCE (035) WiH manağe the sourcing and allocation of funds. Will consolidate the corporate financial resutts and financial transactions among the nine companies that make up the DEMYÖN CORPORAT1ON. Will lay down and implement the rules and practices that apply to intercompany movement of financial resources. Will help wrth the formutation of corporate financial strategies. Will appraise the financial performance of DEMYÖN and its eight subsidiaries. Will represent the DEMYÖN Group locally and intemationally in all major financial dealings. Will provide guidance and counsel to the finance officers in the daughter companies. Will keep a vigilant eye on all money matters that matter. Will report to the Director General. DIRECTOR for CORPORATE PROMOTION (036) Will provide for a meaningful projection of the DEMYÖN corporate image on the market and vis a vis the public opinion. Will ensure the design and production of promotional facilities for the enhancement of marketing endeavors pursued by the DEMYÖN companies. Will report to the Director General. DIRECTOR for INTERNAL AUDIT (039) Will audit internally all financial, corporate and management practices within the DEMYÖN Group of Companies to ensure their conformity with the established corporate procedures, system, values and strategies. Will make periodical or spontaneous checks on the group companies in accordance with a systematized auditing plan that he/she will be expected to develop. Will report to the Director General. Interpersonal and communication^skills CTurkish/English) matching topnotch professional calibre. minimum five years of a proven track record and the demostration of leadership traits are she qua non for a» posrtion cited. Handvvrrrten applications specifying posrtion must include a detailed resume, a recent photograph and a telephone number for timety and discreet access. Confidentiality will be meticulously observed. To be considered, however, applcations need be mailed to reach us no later than November 25,1993 VVednesday. OBEY YÖNETİM DANIŞMANUK A.Ş. OBEY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INÇORPORATED Selçuklar Sokak 51/3 Levent 80630 İstanbul Fax 279 24 75 "OBEY is a designer of corporate strategies and an innovator of workable management systems. A39OI Reklam Moran,Ogilvy©'Mather A.S. A leading international advertising agency bas vacancies in the Client Handling Department. ACCOUNT DİRECTORS lob Description • To develop strategical and conceptual advertising plans and to direct the implementation of them. • To direct and train the account supervisors and executives and be responsible to the Client Group Director. Job Reguirement • Minimum 5 years of experience in client handling. • Degree in Business Administration or Economics from BÜ, ODTÜ, Bilkent University or an equivalent university abroad. • Excellent command of vvritten and spoken English • Maximum 35 years of age. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE [ob E)escription • To coordinate the implementation of advertising campaigns. • To follow up the day-to-day operations of clients. • To compile data and develope insight for brand advertising. lob Reguirement • Minimum 2 years of experience in advertising • Degree in Business Administration or Economics from BÜ, ODTÜ, Bilkent University or an equıvalent university abroad. • Excellent command of written and spoken English • Maximum 25 years of age. AppUcants are kituüy requested to caü Ms. Havva Karasu at 252 53 41for an appotntment Aü appUcations uiü be kept strictfy confidentiai j IOBEY SPS STANDS FOR SECURITY, PROTECTION AND SURVEILLANCE Our client is a leading internatıonal group providing security, protection and surveillance services vvorld wide. İn the process of setting up its company in Turkey and establishing itself in the Turkish market, this client now wishes »o build its local team starting with the follovving two executives. BRANCH MANAGER Will run and lead the first branch office in Turkey (that will eventually develop into the main office of a number of branches) and vvill pursue a very active marketing effort meeting prospective clients to develop business for the company. This person vvill report directly to the Managing Director and vvill be expected in time to be promoted to be the General Manager. The ideal candidate vvill be from marketing and sales background, preferabh/ in the services sector. OPERATIONS MANAGER Will recruit, train, deploy and manage a sizable crevv of security guards. This person vvill be actively operating in the field and vvill report directly to the Managing Director. The iaeal candidate vvill be a 45±5 year-old retired officer from the armea forces. Dynamism, leadership and good interpersonal skills are sine qua non. Both candidates vvill undergo intensive training either locally or at the premises of the parent company in Europe. Handvvritten applications specifying position must include a detailed resume, a recent photograph and a telephone number for timely and discreet access. Confidentiality vvill be meticulously observed. To be considered, hovvever, applications need be mailed or faxed to reach us no later than end-November. OBEY YÖNETİM DANIŞMANUK A.Ş. OBEY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INÇORPORATED Selçuklar Sokak 51/3 Levent 80630 istanbul Fax 279 24 75 "OBEY is a designer of corporate strategies and an innovator of workable management systems." J * Üniversite mezunu, * îyi derecede îngilizce bilen, * Bilgjsayar kullanabilen, * Sermaye Piyasası deneyimli, Finans Asistanı Basın-Arşiv Elemanı Sekreter aranıyor. Tel:278 33 16, Güneş Hanım GENELMUDUR YARDMO3 MAYO VE HAZIR GİYİM SEKTORÜNÛN ONCU KURULUŞU ZEKİ TRİKO, YOĞUN ÇALIŞMA TEMPOSUNA AYAK UYDURABİLECEK, GENÇ, DİNAMİK, URETİCİ VE YARATICI KİŞILİGİ İLE DİKKAT ÇEKEN BİR GENEL MUDÜR YARDIMCISI'NA KADROSUNDA YER VERMEYE HAZIR ZEVKLİ KİŞİLİK, YONETİCİLİK KONUSUNDA DENEYİM VE BAŞARILI ÇAUŞMAYI HER ŞEYİN UZERİNDE TUTAN YAPINIZI, İLERİ DERECEDE ÎNGİLİZCE BİLGİNİZ İLE BAGDAŞTIRIYORSANIZ, ZEKİ TRİKO KADROSUNDA YERİNİZİ ALMAK İÇİN, ZAMAN YİTİRMEDEN, OZGEÇMİŞİNİZİ VE FOTOGRAFINIZI BİZE ULAŞTIRINIZ. BAŞVURULARINIZI YANITS1Z BIRAKMAYACAK VE SI2Lİ TU T ACASlZ Zeki Trıko A Ş. • Rumelı Caddesi 64 Kat.l Osmanbey - İstanbul TRİKO XX>ALİRAİFİLAÇSAN.A.Ş. İstanbul (Anadolu ve Avrupa yakası), Tekirdağ,İzmir,Denizli,Karabük, Eskişehir,İskenderun,Ankara,Konya, Samsun,Erzurum,Van ve Malatya'da görevlendirilmek üzere Tıbbi Mümessiller Aranmaktadır Adayların; • Lise veya Yüksek Okul mezunu, • Seyahat edebilecek, • 28 yaşını aşmamış, • Oto ehliyetine sahip, • Erkek adayların askerlik görevini yapmış olmaları gerekmektedir. Adayların, özgeçmişleri ile yeni çekilmiş bir fotograflarını en geç 3 Aralık 1993 tarihine kadar "Tıbbi Mümessil" rumuzu ile aşağıdaki adrese göndermeleri rica olunur. Ali Raif İlaç San.A.Ş. Elmadağı Cad.61,Şişli 80230 İstanbul frıda• İyi derecede İngilizce bilen • İthalat-Ihracat uygulamalan ve yurt dışı muhaberat konulannda asgari 3 yü deneyimli • Mükenunel daktilo ve büro makinalan kullanan • Tercihan Yatınm Teşvik ve İhracatı Teşvik uygulamalannda deneyimli • Tercihan yüksek oğrenim görmuş BAYAN DIŞ TİCARET ELEMANI aramaktadır. llgilenenlerin. nsimli özgeçmlflerint 'DIŞ TİCARET rtfenmstyla Has Gtda A } Petrol Oftsi Cad. Ambartı-Avcılar adrestne göndermeleri rica olunur Bafvurular kesinjtklegtzjl tutulacaktır
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