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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Kaos Toplantıları3 Yrd. Doç.Dr. Hikmet Çağlar (İstanbul Kültür Üniv.) , Doç.Dr. Mehmet Özer (İstanbul Kültür Üniv.) Sempozyum, Teorik Fizikçi ve Mühendis olan Mohamed S. EL Naschie’nin “High Energy Particle Physics from Exceptional Lie Symmetry Groups” ve Florida Teknoloji Enstitüsü’nden Matematikçi V. Lakshmikantham’ın “Some Results in the Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations” adlı çalışmalarıyla açıldı. Bir önceki sempozyuma katılan Memphis Üniversitesi’nden Robert Kozma “Mathematical Models of Metastability in Brain Dynamics” ve Simon Fraser Üniversitesi’nden Ramazan Gençay “LiquidityInduced Dynamics in Futures Market” adlı çalışmalarıyla çağrılı konuşmacı olarak bu yıl da sempozyuma katkıda bulundu. Ayrıca, Atina Ekonomi Üniversitesi’nden Paul Refenes “Machine Learning in Quantitive Finance” adlı çalışmasıyla, Memphis Üniversitesi’nden George A. Anastassiou “Caputo Fractional Multivariate Opial type inequalities on spherical shells” adlı çalışmasıyla, Kahire Üniversitesi’nden Amir Atiya “Volatility Estimation in Financial Markets” adlı çalışmasıyla ve Donghua Üniversitesi’nden JiHuan He “Ecologıcal Complexıty: An Heuristic Explanation of Fourth Dimension of Life” adlı çalışmasıyla çağrılı konuşmacı olarak sempozyuma katkıda bulundu. Sempozyumda sunulan 53 makalenin 29 tanesi Çin2, Fransa1, Yunanistan5, İran12, Japonya1, Kazakistan1, Lübnan1, Litvanya1, Malezya1, Meksika1, Pakistan1, Romanya1, Özbekistan1 olmak üzere yurtdışından katılmışlardır. Makalelerin dağılımı fen ve mühendislik bilimler ağırlıklı olmuştur. Makaleler, AMS Mathematical Reviews, MATHSCI ve Zentralblaat MATH tarafından taranan “Journal of Applied Functional Analysis (JAFA)” isimli derginin 2009 Ocak sayısında özel ek olarak elektronik ortamda basılacaktır. Toplantının web sayfası: http://fenedebiyat.iku.edu.tr/ccs2008. Sunulan makaleler: time differenceCoskun Yakar, Ali Yakar 13. Application of homotopy perturbation method to nonlinear oscillator differential equationsA.Barari, F. Farrokhzad, A. Janalizadeh, D.D. Ganji 14. Analytical investigation of strongly nonlinear normal mode using HPM and NVM S.N. Tolou, S.H. Hashemi, A. Barari 15. Nonlinear time series analysis of the current through PEG–Si thin films under varying humidity K. Atak, A. Hacinliyan, G. Sahin 16. Bifurcation scenarios of some modified predator – prey nonlinear systemsIlknur Kusbeyzi, Avadis Hacinliyan 17. Detecting longrange correlation in natural languages using a corpus independent parametrization Gokhan Sahin, Avadis Hacinliyan 18. On infinite dimensional Volterra type operatorsFarrukh Mukhamedov, Mansoor Saburov 19. Solution of beam deformation equation using perturbation and homotopy perturbation methodsA.J. Choobbasti, F. Farrokhzad, A.K. Moosavi, A. Barari, D.D. Ganji 20. Analysis of wave equation in piles during impact driving using approximate methodsF. Farrokhzad, A.J. Choobasti, A. Barari, D.D. Ganji 21. Futalognkosaurus dukei: cost and beneŞt of being the biggest Ji Theodoros M. Tsapanos 34. The new class of superimplicit second derivative multistep methods for stiff systemsM. Mehdizadeh Khalsarayi, M.Y. Rahimi Ardabili, G. Hojjati 35. Experimental study of the dynamic behavior of a double scroll circuit Christos K. Volos, Ioannis M. Kyprianidis, Ioannis N. Stouboulos, Antonios N. Anagnostopoulos 36. Estimating chaos and complex dynamics in an autonomous four–dimensional circuitMaria S. Papadopoulou, Ioannis N. Stouboulos, Ioannis M. Kyprianidis, Antonios N. Anagnostopoulos 37. Study of the bidirectional synchronization of two identical four–dimensional nonlinear systemsMaria S. Papadopoulou, Ioannis M. Kyprianidis, Ioannis N. Stouboulos, Antonios N. Anagnostopoulos 38. Signal masking applications using diffusionless Lorenz attractorSelcuk Coskun, Ihsan Pehlivan, Yilmaz Uyaroglu, M. Ali Yalcin 39. Oscillator and synchronization circuit design of the Rucklidge attractor Selcuk Coskun, Ihsan Pehlivan, Yilmaz Uyaroglu, Ilhan Coskun 40. Two dimensional packing of granular rodsS. Sarikaya, Y. Demiragac, M.L. Kurnaz 41. Generation of chaotic oscillations in dynamical system with fi CBT 1118 /17 22 Ağustos 2008 1. Existence of homoclinic solutions of semilinear elliptic problemsNorimichi HIRANO 2. Manybody interactions and damage effects in the coalition formation processdel CastilloMussot M., SamaniegoSteta F., Naumis G. G. 3. Ergodicity of nonlinear transformations, N. N. Ganikhodjaev 4. Forced vibrations of a general cubic nonlinear system B. Burak Ozhan, Mehmet Pakdemirli 5. Application of homotopy perturbation method and variational iteration method to a nonlinear diffusion equation with a reaction termA.Barari, A. Janalizadeh, F. Farrokhzad, D.D. Ganji 6. Strongly nonlinear oscillations systems using Variational approach HS. HA. Hashemi. K, A. Barari, N. Tolou 7. On the approximate explicit solution of linear and nonlinear nonhomogeneous dissipative wave equations S.HA. Hashemi. K, N. Tolou, A. Barari, A.J. Choobbasti 8. Advanced Signal Modeling for the Detection of Intermittent Phase Transitions in EEG Data M. Demirer, R. Kozma, W.J.Freeman 9. Comparative study between SISCON and MATLAB in pyrolysis reactor identificationMessaouda Azzouzi 10. Transverse vibration characteristics of EulerBernoulli and Timoshenko beams under moving forces M A. Deniz Senalp, Aytac Arikoglu, Ibrahim Ozkol, Vedat Z. Dogan 11. One biquaternion model of electro–gravitymagnetic fieldAlexeyeva Lyudmila A. 12. Further generalization of quasilinearization method with initial Huan He, Qin Yang, LuFeng Mo 22. Discontinuous nanoŞbers by electrospinningLan Xu , JiHuan He 23. Control with Kapitza’s averaging for chaotic systemsSergei Borisenok 24. MixedFuzzy Functions Ismail Turhan Turksen 25. Modeling of multilane highway traffic with an auxiliary laneM. Levent Kurnaz, A. Nihan Imren, Hunter T. King 26. Precursory seismic quiescence before 1 May 2003 Bingol (Turkey) earthquake: a statistical evaluation Serkan Ozturk, Yusuf Bayrak 27. Solving system of nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential equations by using an operational methodH A. Khani, Mahmoud Mohseni Moghadam, Sedaghat Shahmorad 28. Finite element analysis of disk brake squeal phenomenonN. Tolou, M.H. Hojjati 29. A new method for approximate solution of second order differential equations in the regular singular pointsA. Salimi Shamloo 30. Construction of cryptographic Hash functions based on time average chaotic mapM. Ragulskis, Z. Navickas, L. Saunoriene, K. Lukoseviciute 31. Spatiotemporal chaos and break up of spiral waves due to core expansion in excitable mediaH. Sabbagh 32. Identification of an attractor in the nonlinear responses of the head at small amplitudeS. Gurses 33. Earthquake hazard assessment for different regions in and around Turkey based on Gutenberg–Richter parameters by the least square method Yusuf Bayrak, Serkan Ozturk, Hakan Cinar, George Ch. Koravos, eld–effect transistors as an active elementA.S. Dmitriev, E.V. Efremova, L.V. Kuzmin, A.N. Miliou, S.G. Stavrinides 42. A Microsoft Visual Basic software for Bspline solution of the onedimensional heat equationHikmet Caglar, Levent Cuhaci, Nazan Caglar, Mehmet Ozer 43. The solutions of Bratutype problems by He’s homotopy perturbation methodAhmet Yıldırım 44. A classical iteration method solution for nonlinear oscillators with/without discontinuitiesAhmet Yıldırım 45. Fractional halftangent of a curve described by Iterated Function SystemsHicham Bensoudane, Christian Gentil, Marc Neveu 46. A chaotic communication system with enhanced security featuresIoannis P. Antoniades, Amalia N. Miliou, Stavros G. Stavrinides, Antonios N. Anagnostopoulos 47. The ‘chaosmotic’ and entropic situations of contemporary art museumsDeniz Balik 48. Complex evolution of built environment H. Serdar Kaya, Fulin Bolen 49. The application of fractal analysis and spatial technologies for urban analysis Michael A. McAdams 50. On the gravitational collapse of relativistic binary pulsarsK. Mamehrashi, M.A. Jalali 51. Determination of chaotic behaviour in aortic Doppler signal dynamics using correlation dimension analysis Derya Yilmaz, N. Fatma Guler, N. Kursad Tokel 52. Estimating fractal dimension of financial returns using stable distrıbutionsNesrin Alptekin 53. Long memory analysis of Turkish inflation seriesNilgün Caglairmak Uslu, Nesrin Alptekin
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