14 Mart 2025 Cuma English Abone Ol Giriş Yap


26 HAZİRAN 1989 CUMHURİYET/9 ÖYSDdnci Basamak Sorularlkıııtlar apofca fırtt mouta loaa. PraaaMly thay reaa toaath* and togathvr ta*d "W«ı I muat ba eotoB' Tha* thay noddad ıhgntir ts aaeft othar and dı« mdart gc. So »*, agraad to laparıta, £wt on ootf »das r ceul<t hava 'orr»»fl a buaınaaı partMrsNf ır*t *<*** h*n gna ^ ^ •» Wâaaı Mr. Uafoa and aacn *aa confıdtni * ') « * » *•« confıalar uıat tha partnarahap •• ould f l W " W S> CJ thay both M » « I tnay ıre raiı*rM .o<*ta ^ * K .«»,» O ¥«•< ffi PM IMan dtoaa t M At 830 Uary t laast 10 days •t«tiı«a 55 m tha Areuc mntar* w ı nat » cotd aa te 8) J m ıfiBM I c*/ı t ttty for t*O »ıllı. Pat kiary CJ last ye*^ 1 st*)t*e n«f* ın Augıaft. 0 ) i'm taa buay to C W M thn mont* oo mott paapta c B) C) WM T« It « * « M B J tıcfe •• *»y* »o"1 Spr>na> (M) Siı Walt*r Rala«#t first um potatOM In t M Na« «torld. 011) H* »*«d Htm and took tMm bw=k to IralMd. (IV) PMMoaa l.kad t M aotl and eMmmtm of I(«I«*M. (V) Soon tMy >«fa bı tall and f*lr, and lntyilad a typaa at «port. Mart, ••» ta atart and da*fc lw Mr Mr C*r> Oıdn't Uk* t M M y Burtort . Mr. Surto* Z) M not popuiar Mıt ı**o»r nn *r r tMng ran »fnoothly TiemaĞty. •" Eogtafl*. taa m O M M tha « w t pçş)uhv »nd aiao th» chaapaat o* all d n ı t t PMvla * . r * t M T ta* ın a f f v a n t «a)». So«« • « it •• •ıtk M«*r, aon»a »thout. Soma dnnk ıt « I t t rni», ! * ^ " ••••• drtrAa'taa. Th4«. h M M r , ha* M t A) w«'d battof hı»ry than It OOMTI t statt at S o'ciocn. •»• goang to M tMO> you *«r«* A) SfotMfs don't «tt«n M m much 8} C) of TM Though b'otMrs. P»ui and Uarfc « • <«ry drffarant tr> aofravBnca and m tntaraats. f k » * t*ıdaf i K i K i g l t M petaf aaaa TMa •ratar acts Itn* a fraat radajts* • A) E) Maat paopla trunh Mr Carr ••! 1 groaı ı Th« Tha <c« > c* t £1 tffttat tım* o* tfı« y»ı D) Ara 6) Ata () o P»ul •»n't M*fty a> clavcr a* tm brotMr B) C) (K) T M M M İ In So< riQ «aa p M « r . (m> WMr> M <had M l ^ t • larga M •WHf to U«a town a M r * M vaa born. (IV) «rarking M tMa D) Pmd « l a M * *M »rotnar aor* a battar a eroOıart but tMy 0 ) betlt ••'•• faatıng oiMopcıntaa (7. Maviı Ruth Ho* lon« M « * you l » w Ateut t«« and a hatf « ,„ • Jaek : P«o,l h i a n ' t . A) 8} C) 0) E) B) Tn« C) rMtarant • » *«ry T M paopl* • • ' • ««ry «OMMIy anl ınvttM H S M aAotTk*r try Why «dr WhM kn* t yoo takt ıt to s* rap«4f«d* yot* got <n tM e*#"* pttroi, H M yow7 74. Jano wm A] I wy A) S) C) D) E) m EıtgİMd Ifldsjr p M p i * o* t M «riftktag M tn* pan m England e JM i dw»M K*O "• S J Î ^ r J * : A) 8) tn«y tt»t«a *ach «th*f th»y «dn t tl»nk ıt W M i N C M t v r thtrt m nctnıng to sar C) O) E) A) |«C B M » I « aJhw lifca | * B) Do you an(oy yeuf |Ob C3 I V M n do yOM t t o p •ttrkng 71 (I) to Mtf r t l f aH k <H) 0. tao, M • * ' ! aM* to l a M HM Mftc* a. o'ckKfc. (!«} But rt «as FrMlBy. anri tM 1 • H Tı»r. UV) On SatunlaT and hMday tmt and antoy MıraMlf (V) ANar tnraa ' fut« 72 A) I C] I 0) IV fl) O T M (Ka a of • . ' ta «adf want«d tft* otf««r to Mart t M y Adn t ••m to *ork toQ«ttı«f D] Why doa't y«u cwn* md E) «Mt «ork lor m You I M O ' I ı«ı Mot dD you want H A I n D ı t VBV'H M#« te M M ro« a mtdanc. ] CB.72. BBTulardM. 1 O) E.capt tor tha «ot>n r^mtly anfoy tha cora E) Het n»wch af Jana'* « tha orogra«>ma 75 Cıjona ('•• 1 DlL K0NUî>MAk: INGÎLİZCE 'ÛĞ0ENECE6İM DIVE ZAMANINIZI VE PAPANIZ! BOŞA 41 " | i r n aritfc M aaM, M C t # w l taafey • Sl M • luxwrv A) Can t y*»1 »•• '* B) C) Whıdt £ı*ÛO«rO Oo you tn«af< t M 0n« 0 , the r ( l ) N M M «naUa ar* jaaiHBaı». (H) atmrt M tMrtf of t M 2000 knovn U ar« Mrnrfirf. (IH) It te uauaJly t h M I tJOptcal raa>0M tnM ara « W » r (tV) uavlly I M B atra*d «f «nalfa tMn mtt (V) ( 0 I ««*a ı * ta tim thM K Kod bM> ™^ıt (M) Aa 1 taohad aut B* tha •inOc» I . (m) I »ofrtar »a tha p n a l ı triaa capa *W» tha a n * (IV) 1 naar t O) augar « b«can»ng taaa and («aı oot E) paopla oor t cara atomıt tr* «tMiıt) A) 1 BJ If o m E) V A) It • e * w * l l r agr*ad t M t Mf Carr • mamga I M CO^pany muctt b«t1*r t Mr. Burtorr d>« D) «mav« dMJ r*u |H*t <t E) O>d y«u tMn; •* *"<*> »• *<» TS.7S. •anArak « *» Bi C) •> Ena^ıat' paopU ha>a a l a r ı raovdı Dattar Otan Mar M ı tha , A KITAPÇIGI Ftn Blllmteri: 1. B, 2. C, 3. E, 4. A, 5. E, 6. E, 7. A, 8. D, 9. C, 10. C 11. B, 12. B, 13. D, 14. A, 15. E, 16. A, 17. E, 18. B, 19. C, 20. C, 21. C 22. B, 23. B, 24. C, 25. A, 26. C, 27. E, 28. E, 29. D, 30. E, 31. D, 32. A, 33. B, 34. C, 35. B, 36. A, 37. D, 38. C, 39. D, 40. C, 41. A, 42. D, 43. E, 44. B, 45. A, 46. E, 47. B, 48. D, 49. E, 50. D, 51. B, 52. C, 53. A, 54. B, 55. D, 56. D, 57. E, 58. C, 59. A, 60. B B KİTAPÇIĞI Fen BlUmleri: 1. A, 2. E, 3. C, 4. E, 5. B, 6. C, 7. B, 8. E, 9. C, 10. A, 11. E, 12. D, 13. E, 14. A, 15. C, 16. C, 17. A, 18. D, 19. B, 20. B, 21. B, 22. D, 23. B, 24. E, 25. B, 26. C, 27. A, 28. A, 29. C, 30. E, 31. C, 32. E, 33. D, 34. D, 35. B, 36. C, 37. A, 38. A, 39. B, 40. A, 41. E, 42. D 43. C, 44. E, 45. E, 46. D, 47. B, 48. C 49. D, 50. A, 51. B, 52. C, 53. D, 54. B, 55. D, 56. E, 57. D, 58. A. 59. B, 60. C Matematik: 1. A, 2. C, 3. B, 4. D, 5. E, 6. B, 7. C, 8. C, 9. A, 10. D, 11. E, 12. A, 13. C, 14. C, 15. B, 16. E, 17. A, 18. B, 19. D, 20. D, 21. A, 22. C 23. C, 24. A, 25. E, 26. E, 27. D, 28. D, 29. E, 30. B, 31. B, 32. E, 33. D, 34. A, 35. E, 36. E, 37. C, 38. D, 39. D, 40. A, 41. A, 42. B, 43. D, 44. D, 45. B, 46. C, 47. C, 48. B, 49. E, 50. D, 51. B, 52. C, 53. A Türfcçe: 1. E, 2. D, 3. B, 4. C, 5. C, 6. B, 7. A, 8. E, 9. A, 10. E, 11. C, 12. D, 13. C, 14. D, 15. B, 16. E, 17. C, 18. B, 19. B, 20. E, 21. A, 22. D, 23. B, 24. C, 25. A, 26. B, 27. D, 28. B, 29. A, 30. C, 31. A, 32. D, 33. C, 34. H, 35. D, 36. C, 37. A, 38. A, 39. B, 40. E, 41. E, 42. C, 43. D, 44. E, 45. B, 46. A, 47. C, 48. D, 49. E, 50. B, 51. E, 52. B, 53. D, 54. C, 55. A, 56. D, 57. B, 58. E, 59. E, 60. A. 61. E, 62. C, 63. A. 64. D. 65. C Sosyal Billmler: 1. A, 2. D, 3. C, 4. D, 5. A, 6. C, 7. E, 8. B, 9. E, 10. D, 11. E, 12. D, 13. E, 14. A, 15. B, 16. C, 17. D, 18. B, 19. C, 20. A, 21. E, 22. A, 23. E, 24. C, 25. B, 26. B, 27. A, 28. B, 29. D, 30. C, 31. E, 32. B, 33. A, 34. C, 35. D, 36. D, 37. A, 38. C, 39. B, 40. E, 41. A, 42. B, 43. E, 44. D, 45. A, 46. E, 47. A, 48. C, 49. E, 50. D, 51. B, 52. E, 53. C, 54. A, 55. D, 56. C, 57. B, 58. C, 59. A, 60. D, 61. E, 62. A, 63. E, 64. D, 65. B, 66. B, 67. A, 68. C, 69. D, 70. E, 71. C Dll: 1. B, 2. E, 3. D, 4. A, 5. E, 6. B, 7. C, 8. E, 9. E, 10. C, 11. C, 12. B, 13. E, 14. A, 15. D, 16. B, 17. D, 18. B, 19. A, 20. D, 21. B, 22. D, 23. A, 24. D, 25. C, 26. A, 27. E, 28. C, 29. A, 30. E, 31. C, 32. A, 33. C, 34. B, 35. E, 36. D, 37. A, 38. E, 39. B, 40. C 41. D, 42. D, 43. C, 44. C, 45. C, 46. E, 47. D, 48. B, 49. D, 50. E, 51. B, 52. A, 53. D, 54. C, 55. E, 56. B, 57. C, 58. B, 59. B, 60. B, 61. E, 62. A, 63. E, 64. D, 65. C 66. A, 67. A, 68. B, 69. C 70. A, 71. D, 72. A, 73. B, 74. E, 75. C Orınkıng taa aıtfı I l>ka I M . »aar mtte E) Englıafı paepia ara n m*mt ,nt* t M raa 9**4 to W « M 'a friandi »ft«n tltUa attf«raw| anaut Jama'ı * M t Sha v l w M * ı ' t mf M d ı oth#r ' w 1S yaasa. iMttlla at U M CNty M 4 aMratf a 'ı»t tog»tf%«> t»r 2 M l>*«d mbromö a gr«ıt * M I Eliubmf MrMif "Wıiı Kt a»«n ba aMa to * «tMr ıft«* ali U M N y««n T Rlght H * M N ••Jkınç tovarA ft«r and smıfifi at M f »ıth t M oM untorpvtiab'* ımll» A) 8) C) ı m not sur« tnat l turna« V* gaa on. »t ««* ı T> aı*ar« aftam a) >MH»g t h * gaJ a ı «asn't ««paciaO ta tu>r« tha «a* tna D) 1 "«na»' .t ı «houlö tum o« E) l'n »o" ad iftat ı m«, St !*«• ha*« l#ft t«a , 51 An, A) 8) C) day m t > ı can u m ı rna aacaot TMadar. any dar »ut Tuaaday 1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. C, 5. D, 6. E, 7. B, 8. C, 9. C, 10. E, 11. B, 12. B, 13. A, 14. C, 15. E, 16. A, 17. A, 18. D, 19. E, 20. D, 21. E, 22. C, 23. E, 24. A, 25. B, 26. B. 27. C, 28. E, 29. B, 30. B, 31. D, 32. E, 33. B, 34. D, 35. D, 36. A, 37. C, 38. A, 39. D, 40. C, 41. D, 42. E, 43. B, 44. D, 45. A, 46. B, 47. C, 48. A, 49. E, 50. C, 51. C, 52. D, 53. A, Thfcç«: 1. C, 2. B, 3. E, 4. D, 5. B, 6. B, 7. A, 8. C, 9. E, 11. A, 12. E, 13. C, 14. B, 15. C, 16. A, 17. D, 18. B, 20. C, 21. R, 22. B, 23. E, 24. A, 25. D, 26. C 27. E, 28. D, 30. B, 31. A, 32. C, 33. A, 34. D, 35. C, 36. A, 37. A, 39. E, 40. C, 41. A, 42. D, 43. E, 44. C, 45. E, 46. B, 47. E, 49. D, 50. E, 51. B, 52. A, 53. C, 54. D, 55. E, 56. B, 58. B, 59. A, 60. E. 61. E, 62. C, 63. A, 64. D, 65. C pi« TJRSÇM İN PEMBEPLİ6İNDE. iNÛILTEPENIN 5ECKİN DİL { \AZKIS 3ÜTUN S .NivjlLıZCE . Tuaaday .• th* oM> day 1 can coma i car coma ••• on Tuaaday «« Tha moıt ivtabla day (o' m« I can ontj conta an Tuaadar • Tu«ad an»'» tııabfiıl m*y M>« en«ngM a flrM* «Ml aft«r all IMaa y«*rı B) m C«M aM «on t M aWa to fınd • piK« te 52 O j an caaa) ^ajffa viıf chanoja ha^ M I ^ Q about cawwı>a) h x tha •aattand E) m caaa a#taf a Mpa/atia» o< «o mavty y*»rı t may w n h Taıi to racagmta aacn atMK 44. Tha ftrat aWMf EJiı ) O) E) 60 B) M«ry I t f t D«*ora > dıd V C» S M %ta t M m«at &ut •• ta** VOH'M b M I * D, 10. 19. E, B, 29. 38. D, C, 48. 57. D, tursem tngiliz Lisan Okullan Danışma Merkezi CumturıyM C*d 173 / 48 EtnadaO IstanOui KK30 HMon 0 M ktrşm Tal (1) 148 39 77148 7943 TU 27498 TUSM TD Fax (1) 132 97 29 D) SM • planmng to • E) A) I can't t»ıi you ho* T M D4ana laft an tı<r>« A) •) Cl 0) o w aM *•* t kH •«< «M wM l MM aM Md not foraotton M * to afr»l* Mr v«li« •*«•> Md Mt cMngM at an a»« S3. rapo't bafo<a Fnday • r not cemıng te I t ı * tonıght. nysalf «O mucfi for • Mry *1 8) Hw got a "uch battar <*«<* I'M «gı I*M*I T ha avpactac ı. Y M lamm rratn hıa mothar that Pataı EJ t M t »f» tomo''eM. C) Aj S) C) «ant b*Ck to tMır unnMrs'ty IMt«« OAly for two y««rı «M»tf » O • T » T t M y O B Md « Hm» ha pot rut ı I »ıttı nım> A) Wtıy can t M B) co * tO t M matctı tO*ngr>f n t * b*tt*r I told ynı M a I aat to tho •tMian'' D) E) ımiit than ı am, •#• ı up an tha tr»«. C0RM4 yow can raacfc thoaa applaa a gM*a" a n« < b* t*ai>ng e«tt«r • Saspl BHMan 1. A, 2. C 3. D, 4. E, 5. D, 6. A, 7. B, 8. F. 9. D, 10. C 11. E, 12. D, 13. E, 14. B, 15. A, 16. C, 17. A, 18. D, 19. B, 20. E, 21. C, 22. A, 23. E, 24. B, 25. C, 26. B, 27. A, 28. B, 29. A, 30. C, 31. D, 32. E, 33. C, 34. B, 35. D, 36. D, 37. A, 38. B, 39. E, 40. C, 41. E, 42. D, 43. A, 44. A, 45. B, 46. C, 47. E, 48. A, 49. E, 50. C, 51. B, 52. C, 53. A, 54. D, 55. E, 56. D, 57. B, 58. E, 59. C, 60. A, 61. D, 62. D, 63. E, 64. C, 65. C, 66. A, 67. E, 68. D, 69. B, 70. B, 71. A Vttancı DM: 1. C, 2. B, 3. E, 4. A, 5. D, 6. B, 7. D, 8. E, 9. C, 10. A, 11. E, 12. C, 13. B, 14. D, 15. A, 16. D, 17. C, 18. A, 19. B, 20. E, 21. D, 22. A, 23. E, 24. B, 25. C, 26. E, 27. E, 28. C, 29. D, 30. B, 31. A, 32. C, 33. C, 34. E, 35. D, 36. B, 37. E, 38. B, 39. C, 40. A, 41. C, 42. B, 43. E, 44. D, 45. A, 46. D, 47. D, 48. C, 49. B, 50. E, 51. A, 52. C, 53. B, 54. B, 55. E, 56. D, 57. C 58. A, 59. A, 60. D, 61. E, 62. B, 63. A, 64. D, 65. C 66. E, 67. B, 68. D, 69. A, 70. B, 71. E, 72. C, 73. B, 74. C, 75. A O) Ma ı l M y ı bMn an.t«a tjr a E) t«wt« FU ba« ıiırıaw>n tn naits w a«cn otM* (2 *> Bi CJ l* yoo port tha latta toöay bafor* tn* «««kand. tı ahould faael» t*m vou auaMamy ta«m thaC y«u ha>« ta ba In ft«m* •t tha ••ofcam. vow m a a * a m VONT trvMl aaam GEÇMİŞ ZAMAN OLURKİ Sara Ertugrul Korle 2500 lira (KDV içinde) Çağdaş Yayınlan Türkocağı Cad. 3941 Cağaloğluktanbul Pvt t h , madtctna *n*r» tha cfMlOran e«n t raaeh Wa may tma> homa M^sra Mrn A) fl/ C) D»M lı Rem* » f' I M tckat at tM tf*** B r l f l * •pok*. Wr Uayn* MaMd acroaa at Mr »rtd and »aited. " f «fM»B» leokM at Mr M t f M and M t«e « ı r t d . Bo» *an««d t M otMf to apaafc. r apoM It «a* M If a«cn f«rt t M t * ' • r*" D) t» t M flı^ı E> Can jrov * * ELEMAN Nordstern Versicherungen Der Nordstern Konzern zaehlt mit und 1,9 Mrd. DM 11.000 den der Welt Mitarbeitern Umsatz zu führenden Versicherungsunternehmen Aufgrund anhaltend in der Türkei. Computer Professionals TÖBANK, vvhose primary goals are excellence and efficiency in customer service, is pursuing a comprehensive plan to automate its branches all over the country with modern, wide ranging computer systems. Dynamic"team mates" are sought to join fhis group, working with the most innovative technologies in its sector. Dünyanın önde gelcıı kozıııetik kurulıısıııum TiirkİM' suhesi iciıı M u h a s e b e • Konusunda eğitım görmüs • En u 5 \ıl deneyimlı ve vergılendirme raevzuatına vakıf a Referans verebılecek a 30 yaşında Ş e f i System Analysts With financial or banking background, interested ın opplying modern office technologies and implementation of largescale integrated systems. İ t h a l a t S o r u m l u s u Data Base Application Specialists A background on ORACLE and Fourth Generation languages and understanding of multisite database administration and maintenance concepts are required. ' überdurchschnittlicher •Kozmetık veya kımyevi madde ithalatında denevimli a 2530 yaş arası Askerlikle iiişiği bulunmayan. tercıhan Fransızca veya Ingilizce bilen adayîann; fotograflı kısa özgeçmislerinı, telefon numaraiannı da eklererek PK 243 Mecidiyeköy, İstanbul adresine göndermeleri rica olunur Expansion suchen wir für unsere Gesellschaft Application Development Specialists Preferably experienced in working in a large softvvare development team, a good grasp of 4GL techniques, Clanguage and modern softvvare support tools. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE als Dipl. Kaufmann, Dipl. Ökonom o. Dipl.Wirtschaftsingenieur als Führungsnachwuchs System Softvvare Specialists Ready to take on the challenge of setting up a netvvork of UNIX machines, vvith a strong background on system integration, Clanguage, data communication and local area netvvorks. SACHBEARBEITER (INEN) mit Abiturabschluss Nach unserer Vorstellung sind Sie nicht aelter als 30; haben nach Abschluss Ihrer Ausbildung Ihren Militaerdienst beendigt. Data Communication Specialists This position requires at least two years experience of handson data communicatıons support. A good understanding of X.25 protocol, modem standards, netvvork management and configuration is necessary. İyi Bir Sekreter Deneyimli. Dakîilosu hızlı. Sesi etkileyici. Disiplinli. Uyumlu. Ve bir reklam ajansının "neşeli" ortamını benimseyecek. Var mısınız? Lütfen bizi arayın: 1723497 Training Specialists With prevıous experience of training computer users, preferably vvith a banking or financial background, to develop and implement a tightscheduled plan for training all of the bank's personnel. Computer Sysfem Operators Sehr gute deutsch Kenntnisse sind ıvünschens wert. Es und werden eine Leistungsgerechte Bezahlung Experience vvith UNIX compute computers, LANs, data communication and PC''s are required vvhile vvorking in shifts. entsprechende SozialLeistungen geboten. bitte Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen The applicants must be fluent in English and possess good interpersonal communication skills. Salary and fringe benefits are commensurate vvith qualifications. Professionals accepting the challenge are invited to send their curriculum vitae until July 6, in strict confidence, to: Semih PEKOL TÖBANK Genel Müdürlüğü I Taşocağı Cad. Meadıyeköy 80493 İstanbul Kimyasal maddeler pazariamasında çalışmak uzere ÇOK İYİ İNCİLİZCE BİLEN Senden Sie an die Nordstern Sigorta A.Ş. P.K. 188 Karaköy / İstanbul 1727 Vasında Bayanlara TÖBANK KİMYA MÜHENDİSLERİ BİLGİSAYAR OPERATÖRÜ IBM AT kullanabilen LOTUS programındâ deneyımli bay ve bayan eleman aranıyor. INCILTEREde İNCİLİZCE'yİ ucuza ogrenmefc ıçın guvenılır tefc yoı AUPAIH'ÜK 1727 yaşındaki bayanlara çalışarak ingilizce. TATİL. £ 128 TP 1 Hafta Seçkin DİL OKULLARI SÜMTAŞ istiklal C. 358/11 Beyoğlu Tünel ist. Td: (1) 151 26 15 (51) 360008 INGILTERE'DE Aranmaktadır ikinci dil Almanca tercıh sebebıdır isteklilerin resimli özgeçmışlerını bildırır bir mektupla başvurmaları rica olunur. PAKSOY A^. çayırçimen Sokak A1 Blok Daire 39 Levent/istanbul Otomotiv Yan Sanayinde Çalışan Büyük bir kuruluşuz. • Mühendislik bölümümüzde çahşacak, • Çok iyi İngilizce bilen, • Askerliğini yapmış FON GİYİM SANAYİ A.Ş. A U P A İ R U yapmaktır K DERIN LIMITED ŞTI Abdı Ipekçı OuL 171/2 Bayrampafa JTel: 564 12 18/19 aarbaros Bul. Mazharftaşa S. 2fS B«flktaşİst.T»l: 161 43 8687 Sigorta acentasına bay, bayan pazarlamacılar. 347 99 67 ELEKTRONİK MÜHENDİSLERİ Arıyoruz. Müracaat: 581 17 00 01 563 64 61 62
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