10 Mart 2025 Pazartesi Türkçe Subscribe Login


İ AKBANK festivali 0413 Ekim 2001 İstanbulAnkara • Kenny Wheeler Quartet Charles Lloyd Gluartet «Ömer Faruk Tekbilek • Giora Feidman Trio Don Byron Quintet Andrew Hill S e x t e t •John Scofield Trio »60007 Previte's "Bump The Renaissance Band" Jeri Brown uuartet •Wibutee «Joseph Bowie's Defunkt Erik Truffaz b İlhan Erşahin Project "Velvele" Oğuz Büyükberber Quintet •İmer Demirer b Tuna Ötenel Gluartet Omar Sosa Septet Jazzistance United Future Organization »The Secret Tribe Featuring Mercan Dede O R G A N İ Z * S Y O N i^âlLli^ caz: burda ve şimdi! 0413 Ekim www.akbankcaz.com
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